Journal Of Economics, Technology, and Business (JETBIS)
Volume 3, Number 5 May 2024
p-ISSN 2964-903X; e-ISSN 2962-9330
Diva Maulidah
, Lia Ristiani
, Alselina Saputri
, Acep Komara
Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Indonesia
Environmental uncertainty;
MSMEs; Use of accounting
information; Accounting
knowledge; Owner education;
Business Size; Accounting
We realize that accounting information is very important for MSMEs
today in the era of digitalization, where this research aims to obtain
empirical evidence of variables that can influence it. The total
research population was 50 MSMEs in the city of Cirebon and the
sample was 40 MSMEs because of the population of 50 MSMEs that
had used computerization, there were 40 MSMEs. The purposive
sampling method was chosen to determine the sampling technique.
The data analysis technique uses Moderated Analysis Regression
(MRA). The conclusion that can be shown is as follows: the use of
accounting information can be influenced by accounting knowledge
or accounting training. The owner's education does not affect the use
of accounting information. The use of accounting information can also
be influenced by business size/scale of business. Environmental
uncertainty can strengthen the influence of accounting knowledge on
the use of accounting information. Environmental uncertainty cannot
strengthen the effect of accounting training. The results of this
research can be used as a reference for MSMEs to be motivated to use
accounting information to improve MSME performance.
MSMEs are one of the sources of income for the people of the city of Cirebon with
various types of MSME variants in the city of Cirebon, where these MSMEs have a tremendous
influence on the increase and circulation of the economy, especially in the city of Cirebon,
based on data sources from DKUKMPP in the city of Cirebon in 2022 as many as 2206 MSME
players from various fields, In this case, out of 2206 MSMEs, there are still many that do not
have NIB and there are still many who have not used or applied the use of accounting and
computerization in managing financial transactions and marketing systems so that researchers
took 50 MSMEs in the city of Cirebon to be the population, then researchers conducted surveys
and distributed questionnaires and those that had used computerization in financial reports,
marketing, transactions, and financial management were 40 MSMEs, therefore researchers
took a sample of 40 MSMEs.
Accounting users, especially in this case SMEs, should pay more attention to the
importance of accounting information on the business they run, given the enormous benefits of
accounting information for SMEs as a decision-making tool (Holmes & Nicholls, 1988). The
reality is that currently there are not a few SMEs that do not understand, compile, or use
accounting information as a tool in business management. One of them occurred in the city of
Cirebon, as revealed by the Cirebon City Cooperative and UMKM Office, which stated that
Vol 3, No 5 May 2024
Factors Affecting The Use Of Accounting Information With
Environmental Uncertainty As A Moderating Variable
Small and Medium Enterprises in Cirebon City were still low in terms of the use of accounting
information (Cirebon UMKM Cooperative Office, 2024)
( ).
It is further explained that the correct application of accounting to the business being
managed will allow for obtaining a lot of information from systematically compiled financial
statements. For example, how much profit is obtained, in the form of additional capital
achieved and the balance of rights and obligations owned. Because good and accurate financial
management will have a positive impact on the MSME business itself. The main problem in
the development of MSMEs is regarding financial management in the business because good
management requires good accounting skills by MSME business actors. Whereas the existence
of financial reports will allow owners to obtain data and information that is systematically
arranged (Candra et al., 2020).
Several previous studies have revealed that accounting knowledge, accounting training,
owner education, business age, and environmental uncertainty affect the use of accounting
Factors that can motivate MSMEs to use the first accounting information system
Accounting Knowledge, accounting knowledge according to (Fitriyah, 2006) shows that
accounting knowledge has a positive effect on the use of accounting information. These results
are also supported by research by (Wiratno & Setyaningrum, 2014) which concluded that the
owner's accounting knowledge has a significant positive effect on the use of accounting
However, the results of this study differ from research conducted by (Afrianti &
Uzliawat, 2022), which shows that accounting knowledge has no significant effect on the use
of accounting information. This is because business owners note that on average they do not
have knowledge of accounting science and use accounting as a good record of their business
The use of information is further influenced by the Accounting Training factor
(Rudiantoro & Siregar, 2012) state that one of the main problems in MSMEs is an untrained
workforce, so training is very important, especially training in preparing financial reports.
besides that inappropriate training targets are also a problem such as the suitability of training
materials to the needs of MSME actors, as well as the lack of continuous socialization regarding
the training held (Rudiantoro & Siregar, 2012).
The use of information is further influenced by the Accounting Owner Education factor.
According to (Anisykurlillah & Rezqika, 2019), owner education has a positive effect on
accounting information user, and according to (Imtihanah et al., 2022) also stated that owner
education has a positive effect on the use of accounting information in MSMEs. However,
different results were shown by (Siti Nurhayati Nafsiah & Raka Yudha Birahma, 2022);
(Pasaribu et al., 2018); (Yolanda et al., 2020) that the education of MSME owners was unable
to influence MSMEs to use accounting information.
The use of information is further influenced by the Accounting Business Size factor
According to (Anisykurlillah & Rezqika, 2019) states that business size has a positive effect
on users of accounting information. Likewise, according to (Suastini & Dewi, 2018) states that
business size has a positive and significant effect on the understanding of MSMEs.
The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical evidence regarding the variables that can
Factors Affecting The Use Of Accounting Information With
Environmental Uncertainty As A Moderating Variable
Vol 3, No 5 May 2024
influence it. The research population was 50 MSMEs in the city of Cirebon and the sample was
40 MSMEs because of a population of 50 MSMEs that have used computerization there are 40
Environmental uncertainty also plays a role in the willingness of MSMEs to use
accounting information. MSMEs will be motivated to use information related to accounting
when there is high uncertainty due to the covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, from the results in the
field and what has been researched by several experts, we chose the title "Factors Affecting the
Use of Accounting Information with Environmental Uncertainty as a Moderating Variable".
Motivation Theory
The concept of motivation was developed from psychological theory and plays a central
role in organizational behavior research (Ryan & Deci, 2020). Based on psychological theory,
motivation refers to an individual's psychological forces that determine his or her behavior,
level of effort, and perseverance in the face of obstacles.
Meanwhile, according to (Astiani & Sagoro, 2018), motivation theory explains how a
person's desire to use information related to accounting is influenced by insight into accounting.
Similarly, (Bédard et al., 1993) and (Spilker & Prawitt, 1997) put forward their theory,
which emphasizes that with a person's motivation to learn and understand knowledge about
accounting, it will be able to increase the understanding of managers / entrepreneurs to use and
apply accounting information in their companies. Finally, the theory concludes that the ability
of business owners/managers to use accounting information in their business practices will be
better if they have good and high accounting knowledge.
Population and Sample
This research was conducted on MSMEs in the Cirebon City area that have implemented
computerization as a population of 50. The sample taken was 40 MSMEs whose criteria had
used computerization.
This study uses a sampling technique, namely purposive sampling technique. MSMEs
used as research data must have implemented computerization in recording financial reports or
preparing financial reports.
The questionnaire measurement uses a 5-point Likert scale, namely if the company
prepares and uses accounting information, it is given a score of 1-5, where point 1 illustrates
that accounting information is never, or very low in preparation or use, up to point 5 for a very
high or very frequent level of preparation and use (Nurhayati, 2013). The accounting
knowledge variable uses two measurement dimensions that are usually used in audit studies
(Spilker & Prawitt, 1997), namely: Accounting training relates to participation in training that
has been attended (Hudha, 2017). Owner education is the level of education that has been
followed by MSMEs (Hudha, 2017). Business size shows the size of a company which can be
measured by total assets, total revenue, and the number of workers owned by the company
(Rudiantoro & Siregar, 2012). The use of accounting information is measured by the intensity
of recording financial transactions, and the consistency of making financial reports (Astiani &
Sagoro, 2018). Environmental Uncertainty as a moderating variable, which will be measured
through non-economic information, such as government regulations, business competition,
Vol 3, No 5 May 2024
Factors Affecting The Use Of Accounting Information With
Environmental Uncertainty As A Moderating Variable
market opportunities, price predictions, and others (Nurhayati, 2013).
The data analysis technique used in this research model is the Moderate Regression
Analysis (MRA) technique. The MRA technique was chosen to analyze the hypothesis by
including moderation variables:
PIA = a + β1PNA + β2PLA + β3PNP + β4UU + β5PNA KL + β2PLA KL + β3PNP KL +
β4UU KL + e
a = constant
β1 2 3 4 5 = intercept
PNA = accounting knowledge
PLA = accounting training
PNP = MSME education
UU = Business Size
KL = environmental uncertainty
PIA = use of accounting information
e = error
Descriptive Statistical Test Results
The range of data from the distribution of questionnaires distributed to respondents is
shown from descriptive statistics. The following is descriptive statistical testing:
Table 1
Descriptive Statistics
Std. Deviation
Source: primary data processed, 2024
The total number of questionnaires distributed was 40 respondents. The descriptive
statistical table of variables, PIA (use of accounting information) obtained a minimum value of
34, a maximum value of 50, a mean value of 42.8 and a standard deviation of 4.267. The test
results show low standard deviations. The PNA (accounting knowledge) variable obtained a
minimum value of 18, a maximum value of 30, a mean value of 22.55 and a standard deviation
value of 2.669. On average, respondents answered with low standard deviations. PLA
(accounting training) obtained a minimum value of 12, a maximum value of 20, a mean value
of 16.9 and a standard deviation of 2.193. The deviation of the questionnaire data is low. PNP
(owner education) obtained a minimum value of 5, a maximum value of 20, a mean value of
9.35 and a standard deviation of 2.359. The test results show low standard deviation of the data.
UU (business size) obtained a minimum value of 12, a maximum value of 23, a mean value of
17.725 and a standard deviation of 2.828. The deviation of the questionnaire data is low. KL
Factors Affecting The Use Of Accounting Information With
Environmental Uncertainty As A Moderating Variable
Vol 3, No 5 May 2024
(environmental uncertainty) obtained a minimum value of 12, a maximum value of 25, a mean
value of 18.425 and a standard deviation of 2.550. Standard deviation of data is low.
Validity & Reliability Test Results
Research instruments are measured using validity tests and reliability tests. Validity
testing is measured using the magnitude of the significance value must be smaller than 0.05.
The following are the results of the validity test:
Table 2
Validity Testing Results
Instrumen valid
Instrumen valid
Instrumen valid
Instrumen valid
Instrumen valid
Instrumen valid
Source: primary data processed, 2024
Table 2 shows the conclusion that all variables, both independent variables, dependent
variables, and moderating variables, have met the validity test. Each variable obtained a
significant value <0.05. The second instrument test result is the reliability test.
Table 3
Reliability Test Results
Cronbach alpha
Instruments variable
Instruments variable
Instruments variable
Instruments variable
Instruments variable
Instruments variable
Source: primary data processed, 2024
Cronbach alpha shows each variable of 1.022, 1.023, 1.023, 0.017, 1.019, 1.020. The
reliability of the research is fulfilled where the Cronbach alpha results obtained a value> 0.70.
Classical Assumption Test Results
Normality Test Results
Kolmogorov Smirnov to detect the research data used must be normally distributed. The
following is presented the normality test of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov method:
Table 4
Hasil Uji Kolmogorov Smirnov
N 40
Exact Sig. (2-tailed)
Point Probability
Source: primary data processed, 2024
Vol 3, No 5 May 2024
Factors Affecting The Use Of Accounting Information With
Environmental Uncertainty As A Moderating Variable
The Kolmogorov Smirnov test is determined from the sig value must be> 5%. Based on
the test results, the significance value is 0.1528> 5%, indicating that the research data used is
Multicolonierity Test Results
This test can be concluded from the VIF and tolerance values. The following presents
the results of the multicollinearity test:
Table 5
Multicolonierity Test Results
VIF Value
Tolerance Value
Source: primary data processed, 2024
Multicolonierity can be shown from the tolerance value < 1 and the VIF value < 10. The
test results can prove that there is no multicollinearity.
Heteroscedasticity Test Results
The Glejser test serves to measure heteroscedasticity as seen in Table 6 below:
Table 6
Heteroscedasticity Test Results
Source: primary data processed, 2024
Table 6 draws the conclusion that homoscedasticity has occurred. The test results show
a significance value> 0.05. The results of heteroscedasticity testing have a significance> 0.05,
meaning that the research data is free from heteroscedasticity.
Coefficient of Determination Results
The R value and adjusted R Square show the coefficient of determination. The following
are the test results:
Table 7
Determination Coefficient Test Results
R Square
Adjusted R S
Std. Eror Of the Estimate
Source: primary data processed, 2024
R obtained a value of 0.802 and Adjusted R Square is 0.602. As much as 60.2% of
variables are able to influence MSMEs in using accounting information.
F Test Results
The following presents the results of the F test:
Factors Affecting The Use Of Accounting Information With
Environmental Uncertainty As A Moderating Variable
Vol 3, No 5 May 2024
Table 8
F Test Results
Mean Square
Source: primary data processed, 2024
The significance value is 0.000. The results of the F test show a significance value <0.05,
it can be concluded that the research model is appropriate.
Results of the t-test
Based on the analysis of Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) using multiple
interactions that can be used for multiplication of two or more variables.
The t-test results are determined by the magnitude of the significance value. The
following is the conclusion of the Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) test:
Table 9
Hypothesis Testing Results
Source: primary data processed, 2024
Accounting Knowledge and Use of Accounting Information
The significance value of PNA -> PIA is 0.046. Hypothesis 1 can be concluded that
accounting knowledge has a positive effect on the use of accounting in the organization. This
motivation theory is able to support the results of this test. MSMEs with a level of accounting
knowledge can be motivated to use accounting information. The results of the search in the
field of UMKM in Cirebon City, some of which have organized recording, bookkeeping, and
financial management and some have not used it but 90% have used it so that MSMEs are
interested in using accounting information. UMKMs in Cirebon City have quite a high
knowledge of financial management and understand cash, accounts receivable, accounts
payable, profit and loss, and so on.
MSMEs in Cirebon City already know the amount of sales and the amount of costs
incurred by MSMEs. Furthermore, to manage finances, these MSMEs know financial records,
cash in and cash out, and other financial records such as profit and loss, balance sheets, and so
on. The motivation of UMKM in Cirebon City is 90% very enthusiastic and some have also
participated in learning accounting knowledge. So that MSMEs are motivated to use
accounting information in running their business.
According to (Lasdi & Mulia, 2014); (Ponisciakova et al., 2015); (Shamki & Alulis,
2016) The use of accounting information has a good impact on decision-making and
Vol 3, No 5 May 2024
Factors Affecting The Use Of Accounting Information With
Environmental Uncertainty As A Moderating Variable
performance improvement. In line with the theory, namely the theory of motivation that
supports MSMEs to use information systems.
Likewise, (Hudha, 2017) explains that accounting knowledge owned by MSME actors
will provide many benefits in the use of accounting information. Low accounting knowledge
will cause the business to experience management failure so it is very difficult for business
actors to determine what policies to take.
Accounting Training and Use of Accounting Information
The second hypothesis PLA -> PIA obtained a significance value of 0.065. The test
results of the significance value are greater than 5%. The test results concluded that accounting
training has no impact on MSMEs in using accounting information. Accounting training for
MSMEs in Cirebon Regency is still lacking. MSMEs have never participated in accounting
training. The obstacles for MSMEs that have received accounting training include not being
able to compile accounts receivable books, inventory books, and debt books. The lack of
accounting training for MSMEs encourages MSMEs to not want to use accounting information.
They do not understand the basis of accounting and are supported by the absence of accounting
training so MSMEs are not interested in utilizing accounting information. The results of testing
the second hypothesis were unable to confirm the theory of motivation. Cirebon Regency
MSMEs did not receive accounting training so MSMEs were not motivated to use accounting
information. Previously there was also research that synchronized with the results of this test,
namely (Candra et al., 2020); (Siyami, 2016). However, in contrast to the results of research
by (Andriani & Zuliyati, 2015); (Novianti, Delfina, 2018); (Yolanda et al., 2020) obtained
empirical evidence that MSMEs that often participate in accounting training will have a good
impact on the use of accounting information.
Pendidikan Pemilik Usaha dan Penggunaan Informasi Akuntansi
The third hypothesis PNP -> PIA obtained a significance value of 0.286. The level of
education of MSMEs has no impact on MSMEs in using accounting information. It can be
concluded that the level of education of MSME business owners in Cirebon City is still lacking
because the majority of their education is high school / vocational high school. So MSMEs that
have high school / vocational high school education are less motivated to use accounting
information in contrast to the education of business owners who have bachelor's (S1) and
master's (S2) degrees. MSMEs with high education are able to manage finances properly,
carefully, and correctly. MSMEs in Cirebon City are on average from high school / vocational
high school level to S3. So that it can motivate those who have a high school / SMK equivalent
education, where this high level of UMKM education encourages them to want to use
accounting information for the progress of their business. In accordance with the theory of
motivation, MSMEs with higher education will have a broad view that their business will run
smoothly when supported by the ease of accounting information (Hudha, 2017). These highly
educated MSMEs think forward, that by using accounting information, their business can
increase (Tresna, 2017); (Wiratno & Setyaningrum, 2014).
Business Size and Use of Accounting Information
The fourth hypothesis UU -> PIA obtained a significance value of 0.022. Business size
for MSMEs has an impact on using accounting information. The amount of revenue or sales
generated by the company can show the turnover of assets or capital owned by the company,
so that the greater the revenue or sales obtained by the company, the greater the level of
Factors Affecting The Use Of Accounting Information With
Environmental Uncertainty As A Moderating Variable
Vol 3, No 5 May 2024
complexity of the company in using accounting information. The number of employees can
show how much capacity the company has in operating its business, the greater the number of
employees the greater the level of complexity of the company, so accounting information is
needed (Julyanda & Rejeki, 2018).
(Sitoresmi & Fuad, 2013) found that there is a significant influence between company
age and the use of accounting information in MSMEs. The same results were also found in the
research of (Andriani & Zuliyati, 2015), where the age of the company has a positive effect on
the use of accounting information.
Environmental Uncertainty Strengthens the Effect of Accounting Knowledge on the Use
of Accounting Information.
The moderation test results obtained a significance value of 0.014. A decision can be
made, environmental uncertainty moderates the effect of knowledge possessed by MSMEs in
the field of accounting with the willingness of MSMEs to use accounting information. Based
on observations in the field, it was found that the current uncertainty is the lack of training and
monitoring from the Cirebon City MSME Office. This is where Cirebon City MSMEs learn to
use online sales and learn to manage finances with online sales. Motivation theory is able to
support this hypothesis. With environmental uncertainty, MSMEs are motivated to want to
learn accounting and use accounting information. The existence of environmental uncertainty
moderates MSME knowledge in accounting on MSMEs in using accounting information
(Wiratno & Setyaningrum, 2014); (Yasa et al., 2017); (Yolanda et al., 2020); (Yuniarsih &
Yuristanti, 2018). However, the results of this research are not in line with (Candra et al., 2020);
(Cansa, 2020) which shows that an uncertain environment is not able to strengthen the
relationship between accounting knowledge and the use of accounting information.
Environmental Uncertainty Strengthens the Effect of Accounting Training on the Use of
Accounting Information
The MRA test results obtained a significance value of 0.098. The test results show a
significance value> 0.05. The test results show that the hypothesis is rejected, which means
that environmental uncertainty cannot be used as a moderating variable between the effect of
accounting training on the use of accounting information. The uncertain environmental
conditions at this time, MSMEs have not been able to adjust to the development of the
surrounding environment as a result, reducing the sales level of MSMEs. This uncertain
condition, supported by the absence of accounting training from the Cirebon Regency MSME
Office, makes MSMEs not motivated to use accounting information. The results of this study
do not support the theory of motivation. In the current conditions of environmental uncertainty,
and not supported by adequate accounting training by the UMKM Office, MSMEs are not
motivated to try to use accounting information. MSMEs still carry out limited economic
activities (Candra et al., 2020) found similar results that the uncertain environment could not
moderate accounting training and the use of accounting information. However, in contrast to
(Wiratno & Setyaningrum, 2014) who were able to prove that an uncertain environment could
strengthen MSMEs trained in accounting and the use of accounting information.
Vol 3, No 5 May 2024
Factors Affecting The Use Of Accounting Information With
Environmental Uncertainty As A Moderating Variable
Conditions in the field found that MSMEs in Cirebon City do not organize recording,
bookkeeping, and financial management so MSMEs are not interested in using accounting
information. Based on the discussion above, it can be concluded that MSMEs in Cirebon City
in using accounting information are not influenced by the existence of accounting knowledge.
MSMEs in Cirebon City rarely get accounting training, so accounting training is unable to
influence MSMEs to use accounting information. MSMEs with high education are able to
manage finances well. UMKM in Cirebon City is on average from high school to doctoral level,
so it is concluded that the education of UMKM owners affects UMKM to use of accounting
information. So it is concluded that an uncertain environment is unable to strengthen
accounting training on MSMEs in using accounting information. MSMEs with both low and
high education are equally willing to fight for the continuity of their business so that MSMEs
with high or low education cannot be predicted to use accounting information.
Suggestions that we can convey to future researchers: 1). Adding independent variables
of the length of leadership, and leadership period (Susilawati et al., 2017b), 2). Using the SEM
PLS test tool, 3). Increase the research population
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