Journal Of Economics, Technology, and Business (JETBIS)
Volume 3, Number 5 May 2024
p-ISSN 2964-903X; e-ISSN 2962-9330
, Ilham Wahyudin
, Siti Khumayah
, Sri Wulandari
Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati Cirebon, Indonesia
ARKAS; Good Governance,
BOS Fund for Junior High
This study aims to analyze the Implementation of the School Activity
Plan and Budget (ARKAS) Application policy in Realizing Good
Governance in Junior High Schools, this research uses qualitative
research with the type of case study research (Field Research). The
data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and
documentation. Data analysis uses triangulation techniques, namely
by displaying data, reducing data, and finally drawing conclusions.
This research examines the ARKAS application technology used in
realizing good governance in the field of BOS fund management. The
implementation of the ARKAS policy reflects the concept of e-
government by providing easier access to information on activity
plans and budget allocations, enabling active participation in the
decision-making process. The results of this study reveal that
technology can be used optimally to achieve a goal. Through ARKAS,
information related to activity plans and budget allocations can be
accessed more easily by various stakeholders, which contributes to
increased participation, and public trust and still refers to the
applicable legal rules. The increased transparency and accountability
achieved through ARKAS policy implementation has important
implications, obstacles, and efforts in the context of financial
management in educational institutions.
One of the funds used to finance schools is the School Operational Assistance Fund
(BOS), which comes from the state budget. This kind of government-backed education funding
seeks to reduce the financial burden on communities while students are enrolled in 12 years of
study. Funding for BOS must be managed in accordance with applicable laws or expert
guidelines (Dewi & Devitra, 2021). In accordance with the Technical Guidelines for the
Management of Regular BOS Funds (Permendikbud) Number 6 of 2021 issued by the Ministry
of Education and Culture, "planning" means that schools consider the needs of the school and
its students. Schools assume responsibility for designing, managing, and supervising the
program in a way that best meets the school's requirements. Dispute resolution and decision-
making regarding the use of Regular BOS Funds require cooperation among schools. In
addition, schools must be open and honest in handling and spending the BOS funds. In making
the School Operational Assistance (BOS) Fund Management Report, accountability and
transparency are required. This is because the Permendikbud accountability principle requires
Vol 3, No 5 May 2024
Implementation Of The School Budget And Activity Plan
(ARKAS) Application Policy In Realizing Good Governance At
The Kempek Cirebon Typical Junior High School
that all uses of BOS funds in schools be reported completely and in accordance with the
applicable laws and regulations (Ilham & Majid, 2023). The most important component of
excellent governance is educational accountability, which is achieved through continuous
monitoring of the administration of education funding (Suwardi et al., 2023).
Prudent management of school finances raises the profile of the institution among
legislators, donors, and parents (Arismun et al., 2023). On the other hand, educational
accountability refers to the extent to which a school can make public accountability for every
aspect of its operations. The main purpose of educational accountability measures is to increase
public trust in the education system. When people have confidence in a well-organized
education system, parental involvement in the school system can occur (Waluyo et al., 2023).
Many people assume that schools are a source of positive social development. School managers
must realize that they are publicly accountable for their efforts to create a solid, planned, and
reliable education system, including the RKAS, in order to gain the trust and cooperation of
the community. In contrast, transparency refers to the government's openness and ability to
provide information to stakeholders about public resource management initiatives (Marliza et
al., 2023).
To prevent possible fraud and to increase public trust in school management, financial
reporting should be as transparent as possible (Lestari et al., 2023). Among the many benefits
of transparency that can foster trust among the community, government, parents of school-age
children, and the wider public is the dissemination of information and the provision of easy
access to sufficient and correct information (Ulmadevi et al., 2024). By establishing clear
procedures for obtaining information, deciding which data is accessible to the public, making
such data easily accessible, and providing opportunities to file complaints if such data is not
publicly available, schools can contribute to a greater degree of openness. To obtain such
information, school treasurers need to be competent in creating, overseeing, and executing
budgets provided by the government (Permata & Mustoffa, 2023)
The management of school funds, especially those allocated through the School
Operational Assistance (BOS) program, is crucial to ensure transparency, accountability, and
ultimately, improved educational outcomes (Yulyanti et al., 2022). Over time, various
technological innovations have been introduced to simplify financial management processes
in educational institutions, aiming to address the challenges associated with the use and
reporting of funds (Suwarno & Musafik, 2022). The School Work Plan and Budget (ARKAS)
application and the Management Information System for BOS have emerged as promising
tools in this regard, showing positive impacts on accountability and transparency (Amelinda et
al., 2023); (Doke et al., 2023). In addition, the implementation of these applications has been
shown to promote a culture of financial responsibility and efficiency within the school
administration (Prihanarko et al., 2023)
Several studies have explored the effectiveness of various applications, including
ARKAS, a digital-based management system, that enables schools to manage activity plans
and budgets more efficiently. The theory of public policy implementation developed by George
C. Edwards III in Leo (2006:79) is known as "Direct and Indirect Impact on Implementation".
The theory is outlined in his paper entitled "Implementing Public Policy". In the approach
Implementation Of The School Budget And Activity Plan
(ARKAS) Application Policy In Realizing Good Governance At
The Kempek Cirebon Typical Junior High School
Vol 3, No 5 May 2024
theorized and named by Edwards III, a similar thing was confirmed through interviews with
the Principal and Treasurer of the BOS Fund at SMP KHAS Kempek where the
implementation of the School Work Plan and Budget Application (ARKAS) policy at SMP
KHAS Kempek began with the formation of an implementation team consisting of school staff,
teachers, parents, and school committee members. In improving financial management
practices in educational settings. For example, research (Ilham & Majid, 2023) highlighted the
positive influence of ARKAS use on transparency and accountability in the context of
secondary schools. Similarly, studies conducted by (Nurrochman et al., 2023) and (Oktavia &
Trihantoyo, 2023) confirmed the important role played by ARKAS and related applications in
facilitating planning and reporting processes in school settings. Moreover, the impact of these
technological interventions is not limited to mere procedural improvements, as demonstrated
by their contribution to the overall efficiency of Education service delivery (Marwiyah et al.,
2024); (Rizza et al., 2023). However, while there are many studies supporting the benefits of
such applications, some limitations and gaps still remain, which require further investigation.
This study aims to determine the implementation of the School Activity Plan and Budget
Application (ARKAS) policy at SMP KHAS Kempek where the description of the results of
this study reveals that technology can be used to increase transparency and accountability in
the management of the Operational Assistance Fund (BOS).
Looking at the background above, it can be taken that the problem formulation of this
research is as follows: How is the implementation of the School Activity Plan and Budget
(ARKAS) application policy in realizing Good Governance at KHAS Kempek Junior High
So that it forms the research objectives, namely to find out the implementation of the
School Activity and Budget Plan (ARKAS) application policy in realizing Good Governance
at Khas Kempek Junior High School.
By examining the use of ARKAS in the context of financial management in junior
secondary education, the research provides insights into the efficacy of this technology solution
and its implications for educational governance. Ultimately, the findings of this study will
contribute to the existing literature by providing empirical evidence on the role of ARKAS in
improving financial transparency and accountability in the education landscape. Governance
is a collaborative process between various actors in an effort to increase public value and find
the best solution to a problem. Through a thorough examination of its policy implementation,
this research intends to provide information to policymakers, educators, and other stakeholders,
thereby encouraging evidence-based decision-making and best practices in the management of
education funds. From the description above, the researcher wants to try to conduct a study
entitled "Implementation of the School Activity and Budget Plan (ARKAS) Application Policy
in Realizing Good Governance at Khas Kempek Cirebon Junior High School."
This research is qualitative research with case studies. Case studies can be used to gain a
deeper understanding of a phenomenon which in this study is about the Implementation of the
School Activity Plan and Budget Application (ARKAS) policy at KHAS Kempek Junior High
School in Realizing Good Governance in the management of School Operational Assistance
Vol 3, No 5 May 2024
Implementation Of The School Budget And Activity Plan
(ARKAS) Application Policy In Realizing Good Governance At
The Kempek Cirebon Typical Junior High School
Funds (BOS) provided by the Government. This research was conducted at SMP KHAS
Kempek, Cirebon. Data were collected using observation, interview, and documentation
techniques. The interviews themselves were conducted with the Principal, BOS Fund
Treasurer, Teachers, and several School Committees. The data validity test in this qualitative
research used source triangulation and time triangulation. The data analysis in this study used
data display techniques, data reduction, and conclusion drawing.
According to Sedarmayanti (Sedarmayanti, 2011) explains that good governance is a
system that allows for an optimal and efficient state governance mechanism by maintaining a
constructive synergy between the government, the private sector, and society ".Word bank
(Arief & Yuardani, 2018) explains that E-Government is used by technology-based
government information institutions (such as Wide Area Networks, the Internet, and mobile
computing) that have the ability to connect relationships with citizens, the business world, and
other government agencies The presentation of the results of this study will be discussed in
several points as follows:
Implementation of the School Activity Plan and Budget Application (ARKAS) policy.
One of the steps in the public policy process is the implementation of public policy or the
implementation of public policy. In order for a policy program to affect the expected goals, the
program must be implemented. The importance of realizing public policy, as explained by Josy
Adiwisastra (in Tachjan, 2006: 12) In essence, the government's efforts in utilizing information
and communication technology (ICT) to implement public policy are not limited to the
implementation of public policies.
Improve Efficiency, Transparency, And Participation In Public Service Delivery.
One example of e-government principle policy implementation is the implementation of
ARKAS at SMP KHAS Kempek. This implementation team is tasked with developing an
implementation plan, conducting introductions and training on the use of ARKAS, adjusting
information technology systems and infrastructure in schools, and developing school activity
plans and budgets using the ARKAS application. Furthermore, ARKAS was used in the
implementation of school activities by regularly monitoring budget realization and involving
all relevant parties in the supervision and evaluation of the use of BOS funds. Through regular
communication, reporting, and periodic evaluation, the implementation of ARKAS at SMP
KHAS Kempek is expected to increase transparency and accountability in the management of
BOS funds and make a positive contribution to improving the quality of education at the school.
This result confirms the importance of using information technology in improving the quality
of financial governance, in accordance with the expectations of e-government theory and the
following efforts in implementing the School Work Plan and Budget Application (ARKAS)
policy at SMP KHAS Kempek:
The communication aspect in this context includes how information about the
management of the BOS Fund is conveyed and accessed by various stakeholders. Through
ARKAS, communication between schools and the community became more optimal and
transparent. Budget updates, activity plans, and expenditure reports can be accessed in real time
Implementation Of The School Budget And Activity Plan
(ARKAS) Application Policy In Realizing Good Governance At
The Kempek Cirebon Typical Junior High School
Vol 3, No 5 May 2024
by all interested parties. This allows for better two-way communication between schools and
the community, increasing public participation and trust.
The act of conveying information from the communicator to the communicator is called
communication itself. Policy actors must socialize public policies so that they know what to do
to prepare and carry out policy implementation and meet the expectations of goals and
objectives (Islamy, 2011).
This discussion explores the communication aspect in the context of BOS Fund
management at SMP KHAS Kempek. The main focus is on how information about the
management of these funds is conveyed and accessed by various stakeholders. Through the
implementation of the ARKAS Financial Information System, communicative interaction
between the school and the community has significantly improved. The ability to update
budgets, plan activities, and report expenditures in real time has improved the effectiveness of
communication, as well as transparency in fund management.
In addition, ARKAS has opened the door for more optimal two-way communication
between schools and the community. Schools can quickly respond to inputs and questions from
the community regarding the use of BOS funds, while the community can access the necessary
information directly. This has increased the active participation of various parties in the
decision-making process related to fund management and strengthened public trust in the
transparency and accountability of schools.
In the context of this study, it is important to note that the successful implementation of
the ARKAS policy as a communication tool depends not only on the technology itself but also
on the school's commitment to facilitating open and inclusive communication. Moreover, a
participatory approach in designing and managing a communication system such as ARKAS
will ensure its sustainability and effectiveness in the long run. As such, this discussion makes
a valuable contribution to our understanding of the importance of communication in the context
of fund management in educational institutions, as well as its implications in strengthening the
relationship between school and community.
Resource Aspects, The implementation of the ARKAS policy also covers resource
aspects, including human and technological resources. Schools must ensure that staff are well-
trained in using the ARKAS system and that the necessary technological infrastructure is
available. In addition, sufficient financial resources are also needed to finance the development
and maintenance of this application.
In implementing policies, consideration of resources is essential. These resources can
consist of personnel, financial, equipment, and authority resources. (Widodo, 2010). The
implementation of the ARKAS policy in improving the transparency and accountability of
School Operational Assistance (BOS) funds at SMP KHAS Kempek is a strategic step that
involves several important aspects. First of all, increasing transparency and accountability
requires the availability of human resources who are well-trained in using the ARKAS system.
Intensive training for school staff is required so that they fully understand how to optimally use
the platform. In addition, adequate technological infrastructure must also be ensured. A stable
computer network and up-to-date software are essential to optimally support ARKAS
operations. Secondly, the aspect of financial resources is also crucial in the implementation of
the ARKAS policy. Schools need to ensure that sufficient funds are available to finance the
Vol 3, No 5 May 2024
Implementation Of The School Budget And Activity Plan
(ARKAS) Application Policy In Realizing Good Governance At
The Kempek Cirebon Typical Junior High School
entire process of developing, implementing, and maintaining this application. This includes
costs for staff training, software purchase, technology infrastructure maintenance, and possible
additional costs that may arise during the policy Implementation process. Assurance of
financial sustainability is also needed to ensure that ARKAS can continue to function optimally
in the long term.
Furthermore, in the context of transparency and accountability of BOS funds, ARKAS
can be a very useful tool. Through this platform, all financial transactions are automatically
recorded and clearly documented. This not only makes it easier to monitor the management of
BOS funds but also allows for more efficient audits. With an accurate digital track record, the
potential for errors or misuse of funds can be minimized, increasing public confidence in the
management of public funds. Finally, it is important to remember that the implementation of
the ARKAS policy is not only the end goal but also the beginning of the journey towards better
management of BOS funds. Periodic evaluations of the effectiveness of this system need to be
conducted, as well as the necessary adjustments to be able to cope with challenges and changes
that may occur in the future. Thus, sustainability in improving the transparency and
accountability of BOS funds can be achieved in a sustainable manner through a holistic and
planned approach.
The disposition aspect, which includes the attitudes and tendencies of individuals or
organizations in the face of change, is a key factor in the implementation of new technology
policies such as ARKAS. The implementation of the ARKAS policy at SMP KHAS Kempek
requires a positive disposition from all relevant parties. This includes not only students and
teachers but also administrative staff and school management. This positive disposition is
needed so that they are willing to accept and use the technology optimally.
Disposition is defined as the willingness, tendency, and inclination of policy actors to
implement policies in earnest in order to achieve the policy objectives. For a policy to be
considered successful, its implementers must not only realize what needs to be done and be
able to carry it out, but they also need to be motivated to do so (Lubis, 2014).
As part of the ARKAS policy implementation process, the school has an important role
in convincing all stakeholders of the benefits and usefulness of the technology. This includes
providing a clear understanding of how ARKAS will improve the transparency and
accountability of the BOS Fund at SMP KHAS Kempek. Optimal communication from the
school to all relevant parties is key to ensuring that a positive disposition is formed and
maintained. The importance of gaining the support and involvement of all stakeholders should
not be overlooked in the ARKAS policy Implementation process. Active efforts are needed to
involve them in the planning and implementation stages. This can be done through information
meetings, training, and open discussions on how ARKAS will affect the process of school
activities and the management of BOS funds.
At Khas Kempek Junior High School, Cirebon, the ARKAS policy has been implemented
as an important step in realizing good governance. Through this application, the school has a
structured framework to plan activities and manage the budget more efficiently and
The first step in implementing the ARKAS policy was to introduce it to all school staff
Implementation Of The School Budget And Activity Plan
(ARKAS) Application Policy In Realizing Good Governance At
The Kempek Cirebon Typical Junior High School
Vol 3, No 5 May 2024
and managers. They were given an in-depth understanding of the purpose and benefits of using
this application. Intensive training was organized to ensure that everyone was skilled in using
ARKAS features, such as data entry, budget monitoring, and activity progress reporting.
Furthermore, through a participatory process, the activity plan and budget are developed
together with all stakeholders. Each activity is prioritized according to the needs of the school
and budgeted proportionally. This process involves open and transparent discussions, ensuring
that decisions reflect shared needs and aspirations.
With ARKAS, the entire process of planning and managing school activities becomes
more structured and measurable. Monitoring and evaluation are conducted regularly to ensure
that the budget is used effectively and efficiently in accordance with the agreed plan. In
addition, a clear reporting mechanism allows for better accountability to all relevant parties.
Thus, the implementation of the ARKAS policy at Khas Kempek Junior High School,
Cirebon, is not just an administrative tool, but also one of the foundations in creating a school
environment based on the principles of good governance.
By paying attention to the dispositional aspects as a whole, including efforts to build
positive attitudes and tendencies of all parties concerned, the implementation of the ARKAS
policy at SMP KHAS Kempek can be smoother and more successful. Awareness of the
importance of supportive dispositions and active efforts to build them should be an integral
part of the strategy for implementing new technology policies in the educational context.
The bureaucratic structure aspect is an important part of managing an organization, which
includes the implementation of policies and procedures. At SMP KHAS, the implementation
of the School Budget Activity Plan Application (ARKAS) has been proven to increase
transparency and accountability in the management of Kempek School Operational Assistance
(BOS) funds.
Although the resources to implement a policy are sufficient and the implementers know
what and how to do it, the policy implementation may still be ineffective due to the inefficiency
of the bureaucratic structure. The bureaucratic structure itself includes aspects such as
bureaucratic structure, division of authority, relationships between organizational units, and so
on (Sedarmayanti, 2011). Therefore, in the context of a formal educational institution, SMP
KHAS Kempek, Cirebon is appropriate for systemizing a bureaucratic structure.
In relation to ARKAS, the budget management process has become more automated and
transparent. This has a positive impact on the efficiency of the school's bureaucratic structure
as it speeds up the flow of information and decision-making. In addition, the implementation
of the ARKAS policy is also able to reduce unnecessary bureaucratic burdens. With more
automated processes, previously time-consuming administrative work can be done more
efficiently, leaving room for school staff to focus on more strategic tasks. This reduces
bottlenecks in the bureaucratic structure that might hinder progress and innovation in
education. The use of ARKAS also strengthens accountability in the management of Kempek's
BOS funds. With enhanced transparency, stakeholders such as the school board, teachers, and
parents can easily access information related to the use of funds and ensure that the funds are
used in accordance with the set objectives. This increases community trust in the school and
reduces the risk of misuse of funds.
Implementation of Good Governance in the Implementation of the School Activity Plan
Vol 3, No 5 May 2024
Implementation Of The School Budget And Activity Plan
(ARKAS) Application Policy In Realizing Good Governance At
The Kempek Cirebon Typical Junior High School
and Budget (ARKAS) Application Policy.
The following is an interview with Mr. Muhammad, the Principal of Khas Kempek Junior
High School, Cirebon, regarding the implementation of the ARKAS policy in realizing good
governance in schools:
As the principal responsible for the overall management of school activities, Mr.
Muhammad welcomed the implementation of the ARKAS policy with enthusiasm and high
commitment. In the interview, he firmly stated that this policy is a strategic step in improving
school governance towards a better direction.
With great conviction, Mr. Muhammad explained how the ARKAS policy has brought
about significant changes in the dynamics of the school. He emphasized that transparency and
accountability are the main foundations of good governance and ARKAS is an effective tool
to achieve this. Through this application, he can directly monitor the school's activity plan and
budget expenditure, as well as conduct regular evaluations.
In the interview, Mr. Muhammad also highlighted the importance of involving all
relevant parties in the decision-making process. He explained how ARKAS facilitates open
and transparent dialog between staff, school administrators, parents, and the students
themselves. Thus, every decision made can reflect the aspirations and needs of all, thus
strengthening the sense of ownership and involvement of the entire school community.
As a leader, Mr. Muhammad also underlined the important role of coaching and
debriefing school staff and managers. He is actively involved in organizing training and
capacitation on the use of ARKAS, as well as providing the necessary support to ensure that
the implementation of this policy runs smoothly.
With high seriousness and dedication, Mr. Muhammad believes that through the
implementation of the ARKAS policy, Khas Kempek Junior High School, Cirebon, can
continue to develop towards a better direction in realizing good governance and improving the
quality of education for all students. First. Accountability is a key concept in good governance,
including in the context of school education. In terms of ARKAS implementation, there are
several aspects of accountability theory that are relevant: (1) Financial Accountability: In
ARKAS implementation, it is important to ensure good financial accountability.
This includes transparency in the management and accountability of school funds
through ARKAS to achieve educational goals. According to the school treasurer of SMP Khas
Kempek as the acting school finance officer, ARKAS helps to ensure that all aspects of school
finances can be monitored and evaluated transparently. Every expenditure is recorded in detail
and verified to ensure that there is no misuse of funds. This includes the production of regular
financial reports which are checked by internal and external parties to ensure compliance and
integrity. Well-managed funds enable schools to provide adequate educational facilities and
programs to enhance students' learning experience. By implementing the principles of ARKAS,
SMP KHAS demonstrates its commitment to ensuring that available financial resources are
allocated wisely to improve the quality of education for their students. (2) Administrative
Accountability: In this context, administrative accountability theory emphasizes the
importance of clear administrative structures and processes in ARKAS implementation. This
includes a clear division of tasks and responsibilities so that each party can be held accountable.
Implementation Of The School Budget And Activity Plan
(ARKAS) Application Policy In Realizing Good Governance At
The Kempek Cirebon Typical Junior High School
Vol 3, No 5 May 2024
The principal as a resource person in this study explained that previously, financial
administration at SMP KHAS was often confusing and poorly organized, causing uncertainty
in the management of school funds. However, by applying the theory of administrative
accountability, the school has established a clear administrative structure. Each staff and
section has clearly defined duties and responsibilities within the context of ARKAS. As such,
every step in financial management, from receiving to spending funds, is now treated with
consistent discipline and rigor. The clear separation of duties and responsibilities has created
an environment where each individual can be held accountable for his or her contribution to
the school's financial management. As a result, transparency in financial management has
improved significantly. Parents and school staff can now easily understand how school funds
are being used and for what purpose. This has increased the trust and engagement of the school
community as a whole. (3) Performance Accountability: Performance accountability theory
emphasizes the importance of evaluation and monitoring of the achievement of educational
goals through the implementation of ARKAS. Periodically, evaluations should be conducted
to ascertain the effectiveness of the policy in improving the quality of education in schools.
(Lestari et al., 2023) According to the Head of School Administration, performance
accountability in the implementation of ARKAS has led to significant changes. Previously,
evaluation of the effectiveness of financial policies was often carried out sporadically and less
structured at SMP KHAS KEMPEK. However, by applying performance accountability theory,
the school has established a regularly scheduled evaluation process. Every few months, a
dedicated evaluation team monitors the achievement of educational objectives through the
implementation of ARKAS. This evaluation involves a thorough analysis of the effectiveness
of the financial policy in improving the quality of education at the school. The results of the
evaluation are then used as a basis for identifying areas that need improvement and further
development. This enables schools to adopt an approach that is responsive and adaptive to
changes in the educational environment. Over time, this approach has brought about marked
improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of school financial management. The
educational goals set by schools can be measured more clearly and corrective measures can be
taken quickly to improve their achievement. By considering these aspects of accountability
theory, the implementation of the ARKAS policy in junior secondary schools can further
encourage the realization of good governance through increased transparency, accountability,
and performance in school management.
Second, Transparency. In the implementation of the School Activity Plan and Budget
Application (ARKAS) policy to realize Good Governance in Junior High Schools,
transparency plays a key role. The following is a description of transparency in the context of
ARKAS implementation: (1) Information Disclosure: Transparency in ARKAS
implementation includes the disclosure of clear and accurate information related to activity
planning and school budget management. This enables all relevant parties, including school
stakeholders and the community, to understand the allocation of funds and the progress of
activity implementation. Based on the results of the interview, the principal explained that the
application of information disclosure theory in the implementation of ARKAS has had a
positive and transformative impact, Previously, the level of transparency in school financial
management at SMP KHAS Kempek was often unsatisfactory. Information on activity
Vol 3, No 5 May 2024
Implementation Of The School Budget And Activity Plan
(ARKAS) Application Policy In Realizing Good Governance At
The Kempek Cirebon Typical Junior High School
planning and fund allocation is often not openly available, causing uncertainty and confusion
among school stakeholders and the community. However, by applying disclosure theory, the
school has adopted a more open and transparent approach to managing school funds through
ARKAS. Every step from activity planning to budget management is now documented in detail
and disclosed to all relevant parties. The information disclosed includes details on the allocation
of funds for various school activities, including equipment purchases, facility maintenance, and
supplementary education programs. In addition, the progress of activity implementation is also
monitored and reported regularly, enabling all parties to follow the school's progress. (2)
Participation and involvement: Transparency also includes aspects of participation and
involvement of all relevant parties, such as teachers, students, parents, and school committees,
in the process of planning, implementing, and monitoring using ARKAS. Thus, transparency
can increase a sense of belonging and shared responsibility in school management. According
to the school treasurer of SMP KHAS Kempek, the school actively involves teachers, students,
parents, and the school committee in decision-making regarding the management of school
funds. For example, we hold regular meetings with the school committee to discuss the
allocation of funds and provide opportunities for committee members to provide input and
suggestions. In addition, we also involve students and parents in determining priorities for the
use of school funds. By conducting surveys and open discussions, we enable all parties to take
ownership of the decisions made and be responsible for the success of the school. The
participation and involvement of all stakeholders have brought significant positive impacts on
the financial management of the school. A strong sense of ownership encourages all parties to
work together to achieve the school's educational goals. With shared responsibility, we are
confident that we can optimize the use of school funds to improve the quality of education at
SMP KHAS. (3) Public Accountability: Through transparency, ARKAS implementation can
create higher public accountability. With open information, the community can monitor and
evaluate the school's performance and the fulfillment of set educational goals. Interviews with
the School Operator of SMP KHAS Kempek revealed the importance of transparency in school
financial management through ARKAS to create higher public accountability. The school
operator emphasized that transparency is key to ensuring that information related to activity
planning and school budget management is openly accessible to the community. School
operators explained that transparency allows the community to monitor and evaluate school
performance and the achievement of set educational goals. It thus creates a higher level of
community involvement in supporting the school's efforts to improve the quality of education.
The impact of this higher level of public accountability on overall school management is very
positive. School operators feel responsible for maintaining the quality of education services
provided by the school and this encourages them to work harder and more efficiently in
managing school funds and implementing educational programs that support the achievement
of educational goals. SMP KHAS Kempek demonstrates a commitment to creating a
transparent and accountable environment where all stakeholders, including the community,
have access to monitor and evaluate the school's performance. This is expected to continuously
improve the quality of education and provide maximum benefits for students and the
community. (4) Monitoring and Evaluation: Transparency also facilitates more optimal
Implementation Of The School Budget And Activity Plan
(ARKAS) Application Policy In Realizing Good Governance At
The Kempek Cirebon Typical Junior High School
Vol 3, No 5 May 2024
monitoring and evaluation of ARKAS implementation. With transparent information,
authorized parties can conduct periodic evaluations of the effectiveness of the policy and
identify potential improvements. (Farhan, 2019) In an interview with the Principal, it was
revealed that transparency plays a crucial role in facilitating more optimal monitoring and
evaluation of ARKAS implementation at SMP KHAS Kempek. According to the Principal,
with transparently available information, authorized parties, including the school board and
supervisory committee, have the ability to conduct periodic evaluations of the effectiveness of
the school's financial policies. The principal explained that the ability to conduct periodic
evaluations is an important step in ensuring that ARKAS is functioning properly in achieving
the school's educational goals. This evaluation enables the identification of potential
improvements that can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of school fund management.
In addition, the principal emphasized that transparency in financial management also creates
an environment where school staff feel more accountable for their actions and decisions. By
knowing that their actions are open to evaluation, school staff are encouraged to work more
conscientiously and pay more attention to the use of school funds. Through this interview, the
Principal confirmed SMP KHAS Kempek's commitment to implementing optimal supervision
and evaluation practices in the implementation of ARKAS. By doing so, the school hopes to
continuously improve the quality of education and ensure optimal use of school funds for the
benefit of students and the community.
Third, openness. By applying the principle of openness in the implementation of
ARKAS, schools can achieve high standards of good governance. Good governance in schools
will be reflected in transparent fund management, broad participation of all stakeholders, strong
accountability, and decision-making that is responsive to the needs and aspirations of the school
community. This will create a school environment that is integrity, efficient, and service-
oriented, which in turn will improve the quality of education and students' learning experience.
The results of the interview with the Principal of SMP KHAS Kempek illustrate a strong
commitment to achieving high standards of good governance through the application of the
principle of openness in the implementation of ARKAS. The principal explained that good
governance in schools is reflected in several aspects, including transparent fund management,
broad participation of all stakeholders, strong accountability, and decision-making that is
responsive to the needs and aspirations of the school community. Transparency in the
management of school funds is considered the foundation of good governance as it ensures that
every action taken by the school can be accounted for. Through participation involving all
relevant parties, such as teachers, students, parents, and school committees, the school ensures
that decisions reflect the needs and aspirations of the school community as a whole. The
principal explained that good governance in schools creates an environment of integrity,
efficiency, and service orientation. By focusing on improving the quality of education and
students' learning experiences, the school hopes to create a supportive learning environment
that enables each student to reach their full potential.
Fourth, the Rule of Law. Compliance with the rule of law in ARKAS implementation is
an important prerequisite for achieving good governance standards in schools. The rule of law
ensures that school financial management is conducted transparently, accountably, and in
accordance with the principles of fairness. Protection of personal data, adherence to
Vol 3, No 5 May 2024
Implementation Of The School Budget And Activity Plan
(ARKAS) Application Policy In Realizing Good Governance At
The Kempek Cirebon Typical Junior High School
procurement procedures, and understanding the rights and obligations of all parties will
strengthen the integrity and effectiveness of the ARKAS policy in realizing good governance
in junior high schools. In an interview with the Head of Administration of SMP KHAS
Kempek, it was emphasized that compliance with the rule of law in the implementation of
ARKAS is an important prerequisite for achieving good governance standards in schools. This
includes the protection of personal data, adherence to procurement procedures, and
understanding the rights and obligations of all parties. This compliance ensures transparent,
accountable, and fair school financial management, which in turn builds trust and enhances the
effectiveness of the ARKAS policy.
The conclusion from the interviews with the Principal, Treasurer of the BOS Fund at
SMP KHAS Kempek, Head of Administration, and School Operator is that by utilizing
ARKAS, transparency in the management of the BOS Fund at SMP KHAS Kempek has
increased significantly. The information presented digitally makes it easier for stakeholders to
monitor the use of funds in real time and identify potential improvements or efficiencies. As a
result of the implementation of the ARKAS policy, in general, administrative efficiency and
accountability in the management of BOS Funds at SMP KHAS Kempek improved
substantially. The utilization of this technology has made a real contribution to creating a more
open, transparent, and participatory school environment, in accordance with the principles of
good governance. The principle of good governance itself is a form of factor/aspect that
becomes a benchmark for the success or failure of the government in implementing its policies
in the format or concept of good governance. Some of these factors or aspects are the focus of
this research to be answered, namely the communication aspect, the resource aspect, the
disposition aspect, and the bureaucratic structure aspect.
Obstacles to the Implementation of the School Activity Plan and Budget (ARKAS)
Application Policy.
The implementation of the School Work Plan and Budget Application (ARKAS) policy
at SMP KHAS Kempek, the ARKAS policy was introduced as a modern solution to efficiently
manage school work plans and budgets. The increased transparency and accountability
achieved through ARKAS are based on several key factors, including the development of
appropriate technology, commitment from the school, and the allocation of adequate resources.
The implementation of the ARKAS policy also shows the potential to improve administrative
efficiency and strengthen the relationship between the school and the community. However, it
should be noted that the effectiveness of ARKAS also depends on the disposition and active
participation of all relevant parties. Therefore, interpretation of the research results should be
done with caution, taking into account the complexity of the factors involved in the
implementation of this technology policy.
Comparing the research results with previous findings, it appears that the use of ARKAS
is consistent with findings from previous studies that highlight the role of information
technology in improving accountability and transparency in the management of public funds.
These findings support and complement the existing literature, which shows that the
implementation of similar application policies in various contexts has provided similar positive
impacts on management (Permata & Mustoffa, 2023) However, the implementation of the
Implementation Of The School Budget And Activity Plan
(ARKAS) Application Policy In Realizing Good Governance At
The Kempek Cirebon Typical Junior High School
Vol 3, No 5 May 2024
School Work Plan and Budget Application (ARKAS) policy at SMP KHAS Kempek did not
go as expected due to various obstacles that arose from various aspects, according to the
Principal of SMP KHAS Kempek, there were several obstacles that occurred in the
implementation of the implementation of the ARKAS policy, including the following:
First, in terms of communication, there are obstacles to disseminating information about
the ARKAS policy to all stakeholders in the school. Although socialization has been carried
out, optimal communication is still not well established. Information on how to use ARKAS,
its benefits, and implementation steps are still not clearly conveyed to all relevant parties at
SMP KHAS Kempek. Secondly, in terms of resources, there is a lack of infrastructure and
training for administrative staff responsible for using ARKAS. Some computers and software
required to operate ARKAS may be inadequate, hindering the school's ability to optimally
implement the policy. Inadequate training also makes it difficult for administrative staff to
understand and use the ARKAS system properly. Third, in terms of disposition, barriers arise
due to a lack of motivation and support from some school staff members. Some of them may
perceive ARKAS implementation as an additional workload without significant benefits, so
they tend to show resistance to change. This negative disposition hinders the spirit of
collaboration and active involvement in implementing the ARKAS policy thoroughly. Finally,
in terms of bureaucratic structure, the organizational structure in schools may not support
ARKAS implementation well. There may be barriers in terms of hierarchy or slow decision-
making processes, which hamper the ARKAS implementation process. In addition, there may
also be a lack of clarity in the roles and responsibilities of each party involved in using ARKAS.
Overall, the barriers to ARKAS policy implementation at SMP KHAS Kempek involve
various aspects, ranging from suboptimal communication, limited resources, and negative
dispositions, to unsupportive bureaucratic structures. Overcoming these barriers requires
collaborative efforts between all relevant parties, improved infrastructure and training,
increased motivation and support, and adjustments in the organizational structure that better
support the optimal implementation of ARKAS.
Efforts to overcome obstacles in implementing the School Activity Plan and Budget
Application (ARKAS) policy.
The implementation of the ARKAS policy at SMP KHAS Kempek has successfully
improved transparency and accountability in the management of the BOS Fund. This
technology facilitates more efficient recording and monitoring of funds, enables active
participation from various stakeholders, and reduces the possibility of misuse or administrative
errors. The implementation of the School Work Plan and Budget Application (ARKAS) policy
can face various obstacles, but some steps that can be taken to overcome these obstacles are as
follows: The results of interviews with the Principal regarding obstacles in the implementation
of ARKAS at SMP KHAS Kempek can be summarized as follows: Communication Barriers:
The Principal emphasizes the importance of optimal communication in disseminating
information related to the ARKAS policy to all stakeholders in the school. To overcome this
barrier, SMP KHAS Kempek has held regular meetings with all relevant parties to ensure
information is conveyed clearly and regularly. In addition, they have also created a
comprehensive guide on how to use ARKAS and its benefits and disseminated it through
various communication channels, such as e-mails, notice boards, and school meetings.
Vol 3, No 5 May 2024
Implementation Of The School Budget And Activity Plan
(ARKAS) Application Policy In Realizing Good Governance At
The Kempek Cirebon Typical Junior High School
Additional training sessions were also organized for staff to improve their understanding of
ARKAS and strengthen optimal communication. Resource constraints: The Principal
acknowledged the resource constraints, especially regarding infrastructure and training for
administrative staff. To overcome this, SMP KHAS Kempek has identified the infrastructure
and software needs required for ARKAS operations. Furthermore, they plan to make updates
or improvements according to the available budget. Regular and in-depth training has also been
organized for administrative staff to ensure that they have sufficient skills and knowledge to
use ARKAS optimally. In addition, a technical support team was also established to assist staff
in addressing technical issues that may arise during the use of ARKAS. Dispositional Barriers:
The Principal noted the negative disposition of some staff members regarding the
implementation of ARKAS. To overcome this, SMP KHAS Kempek has identified the causes
of negative dispositions through open dialog, coaching approaches, and the provision of
appropriate incentives. They have also made efforts to communicate the benefits and long-term
importance of ARKAS implementation to all staff members to increase their motivation and
support for change. Bureaucratic Structure Barriers: The Principal highlighted barriers in the
school's bureaucratic structure that could hinder the ARKAS implementation process. To
address this, SMP KHAS Kempek evaluated the school's organizational structure to ensure that
the hierarchy and decision-making process optimally supported ARKAS implementation. They
also clarified the roles and responsibilities of each party involved in using ARKAS and
identified and addressed any ambiguities in the bureaucratic structure that could hinder the
implementation process.
With these steps, SMP KHAS Kempek hopes to overcome the obstacles that arise in the
implementation of ARKAS and improve the effectiveness of the policy at school.
Overall, the implementation of the ARKAS policy at SMP KHAS has brought about
positive changes in the school's bureaucratic structure. With increased transparency, efficiency,
and accountability, ARKAS paves the way for continuous improvement in school management
that can inspire best practices in educational administration. Although this study provides
valuable insights into the Implementation of the ARKAS policy at SMP KHAS Kempek, there
are some limitations that need to be acknowledged. Firstly, this study is limited to one
educational institution only, so generalization of the findings needs to be done with caution. In
addition, time and resource constraints also affected the depth of analysis in this study. For
future research, it is recommended to conduct a broader and more in-depth study of ARKAS
policy implementation in various educational institutions. Comparative research between
educational institutions can provide a more holistic understanding of the factors that influence
the successful implementation of this technology policy. In addition, research on the long-term
impact of using ARKAS on administrative efficiency, service quality, and school-community
relations is also important. Thus, this study not only contributes to our understanding of the
implementation of information technology policies in financial management in educational
institutions but also provides a foundation for further research in this area.
Implementation Of The School Budget And Activity Plan
(ARKAS) Application Policy In Realizing Good Governance At
The Kempek Cirebon Typical Junior High School
Vol 3, No 5 May 2024
The implementation of the ARKAS policy at SMP KHAS Kempek has been running, but
it is not optimal, there are still obstacles such as suboptimal communication, limited resources,
negative dispositions, and a bureaucratic structure that does not support the implementation of
the ARKAS policy, With the implementation of ARKAS at SMP Khas Kempek, steps towards
open and accountable good governance have been taken successfully. Transparency in activity
planning and budget management has increased significantly, giving confidence to all
stakeholders in the efficiency and fairness of the use of school funds, However, the
implementation process is not free from several obstacles. One of them was the initial lack of
understanding of the concept and function of ARKAS. However, with the right training and
effective communication, this obstacle can be overcome well, the implementation of ARKAS
has brought a great positive impact to SMP Khas Kempek, strengthening transparent and
accountable school governance. Although faced with challenges, the commitment and
cooperation of all parties have ensured the successful implementation of this policy.
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