Journal Of Economics, Technology, and Business (JETBIS)
Volume 3, Number 7 July 2024
p-ISSN 2964-903X; e-ISSN 2962-9330
Azzhara Amanda
, Andri Irfan Rifai
, Yusra Aulia Sari
, Susanty Handayani
Universitas Internasional Batam
, Universitas Trisakti, Indonesia
Highway, Road Damage,
Pavement Condition Index
(PCI), Rigid, Rigid
Pavement, Rehabilitation,
How PCI Works
Bibliometric analysis of the use of PCI methods on roads, main
corridors, airports and ports is a network of research from around the
world on related topics. The main objective of this study is to see
trends that continue to develop in various points of view. By capturing
various studies from 2000 to 2023 using Crossref sources, 1000
studies with related topics were produced. This research
accompaniment uses the help of Publish or Perish, which is then
processed in the VOSviewer application with the Research
Information Systems (RIS) format. There is a reasonably broad
relationship in research keywords produced with the dominance of
rigid pavement keywords (299 studies), pavement condition index
(112 studies), road damage (79 studies), rehabilitation (63 studies),
and other keywords with different number variations. The results of
the conclusion data regarding the development of research on
pavement condition index continue to increase continuously, with the
highest number in 2022 (86 studies).
Along with the times, highways have become critical infrastructure in modern human
life. A highway is a land transportation infrastructure used to mobilize various interests easily
and quickly (Kazis, 2020). The quality and efficiency of highways directly impact daily life,
the economy, and the environment. Highways are becoming the primary means of
transportation world wide (Hancock et al., 2019). As a significant means of transportation,
highways are important infrastructure development throughout the country (Cigu et al., 2018).
Various countries worldwide are carrying out sustainable highway development to support
various needs. Countries with the best road quality worldwide are the United Arab Emirates,
Finland, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Singapore.
One of the developing countries, Indonesia, also carries out road construction and repair
yearly (Andani et al., 2019). It is also adapted to various kinds of national needs. Various
sectors that are the background of road development and repair in Indonesia are the industrial
sector, tourism, economy, and public welfare. One of the things that supports the success of a
transportation mobilization system is good road conditions. Based on the 2021 Land
Transportation Statistics report from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the total length of
roads throughout Indonesia reached 546,116 kilometres (km) in 2021. Roads in good condition
reach 232,644 km, or 42.6% of the total road length in Indonesia. Then 139,1,74 km of roads
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
Bibliometric Analysis Of Flexural Pavement Road Damage On
Airport-Port Main Corridor Roads Using The Pavement
Condition Index (PCI) Method
were in moderate condition (25.49%), 87,454 km of roads were damaged (16.01%), and 86,844
km of roads were severely damaged (15.9%). Cumulatively, the length of all damaged roads in
Indonesia in 2021 reached 174,298 km (31.91%) (Annur, 2023).
As one of the industrial cities in Indonesia, mobilization is one of the most essential needs
in the development and progress, especially on the main corridor roads of airports and ports.
By focusing on the main corridor roads of airports and ports to support industry tourism and
community welfare, the city government continues to build and improve road infrastructure.
Road construction carried out by the city government continues on an ongoing basis (Setiawati,
2023). This shows how vital road infrastructure facilities are in this city. In addition, the
construction of highways is also adjusted to the level of vehicle volume passing from year to
year (Hymel, 2019). With road infrastructure, the main corridors of airports and ports that are
adequate and have good quality are also a form of effort to provide comfort and a smooth
mobilization system for the community (Robinson & Thagesen, 2018).
One of the obstacles in the transportation mobilization process, such as accidents and
traffic flow performance problems, is road damage (Redzuan et al., 2019). Road damage is a
structural and functional condition that cannot provide optimal service for road users
(Frangopol & Liu, 2019). Road damage can be caused by various factors, including the inability
to withstand the weight of vehicle volume, poor drainage system, instability of soil conditions,
non-optimal pavement planning, and lack of periodic road maintenance. Road damage is
generally seen in cracks on the road surface (Maeda et al., 2018). One method that can be used
to analyze the problem of road surface cracks is the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) method
(Setiaputri et al., 2021).
This study aims to analyze various publication journals on interrelated mathematical
digital literacy skills. The analytical methodology used in this study used bibliometric analysis.
This analysis focuses on mapping citations, authors, research years, and publisher journals. The
research that discusses the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) method on the main corridor roads
of airports and ports will refer to publication journals collected using the Publish or Perish
application from around the world and mapped using the VOSviewer application. The
reference source of this study uses Crossref from the period 2000 to 2023, which is by the
research theme using related keywords.
Based on this research, the methodology used is identifying research journals from
networks, information, and trends with parameter criteria by the research topic, namely the
pavement condition index (PCI) method of civil engineering studies (Piryonesi & El-Diraby,
2020). Using developed technology, information can be easily obtained using centralization
from various research sources world (Linnenluecke et al., 2020). The study will use
bibliometric analysis to map the literature review and the information needed. Bibliometric
analysis aims to provide a visualization of related, popular networks and research that continues
to grow year after year (Liao et al., 2018). The results of the bibliometric analysis mapping will
later be reviewed from the visual form of the network and period to density processed in the
form of graphs and detailed data.
The research on the topic of road damage analysis of the main corridors of airports and
Bibliometric Analysis Of Flexural Pavement Road Damage On
Airport-Port Main Corridor Roads Using The Pavement
Condition Index (PCI) Method
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
ports using the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) method was reviewed based on various
aspects, including aspects of the author, suitability of the topic, sources, countries, and
citations. Quantitative data processing will transform the data collected into image and graphic
visualization. The relationship between analysis and quantitative methods becomes very related
because this research requires data that will produce numbers. Other supporting aspects used
in this research method are keywords, which are highway, road damage, Pavement Condition
Index (PCI), rigid, rigid pavement, rehabilitation, and how PCI works.
In this study, the Publish or Perish application was used to review various kinds of
research from around the world using Crossref sources on October 22, 2023. The specified
research year has also been set on this application for 2000 to 2023. The results of the data
obtained are then imported into the Microsoft Excel application for data processing. In addition,
to review more about the linkage between networks, the VOSviewer application is used. The
output of the VOSviewer application produces the distribution of years of research carried out,
density between studies, and visualization of research topic relationships (Ding & Yang, 2022).
This bibliometric analysis research processes data using a database generated from the
Publish or Perish application. The database results from a review of various keywords entered,
including highway, road damage, Pavement Condition Index (PCI), rigid, rigid pavement,
rehabilitation, and how PCI works. To ensure further the suitability of the results of the
resulting review, this study also selects keywords generated by the Publish or Perish application
to produce research that is most related to this research theme. This database is processed to
conclude existing findings.
The data produced in this review process is needed to process results and make
conclusions. These data include the number of citations, authors, titles, years, publishers, and
other supporting data. Other data that is not generated from the results of the Publish or Perish
application review must pass the further analysis stage to produce data from the country of the
case study. Furthermore, the data is processed to be used as graphs, images, and tables using
the help of the Microsoft Excel application. In addition to data from Publish or Perish, of
course, it requires the results of an overview of the VOSviewer application to see the
relationship, density, and year of distribution of research keywords.
Keyword Relationship Research
The first discussion discussed in this study is the relationship between keywords. This
relationship was found based on the analysis results using the help of VOSviewer with data
from Publish or Perish. The keywords displayed come from the results of the selection and
relevance of the event on the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) topic. The visualization results
can be seen below.
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
Bibliometric Analysis Of Flexural Pavement Road Damage On
Airport-Port Main Corridor Roads Using The Pavement
Condition Index (PCI) Method
Figure 1
Keyword linkage network research
This linkage shows a wide variety of keywords that are related to each other. It can be
seen in figure 1 that the most dominant keywords are found in the keyword "Pavement
Condition Index (PCI)" with solid colours and the most extensive network, and other keywords
such as "Pavement Design", "Effect", and other related but not too broad keywords. This shows
the breadth of keywords on this study's main topic, which discusses the Pavement Condition
Index (PCI), especially on the main corridor roads of airports and ports.
Distribution of Research Years
The database generated from the Publish or Perish application shows the distribution of
research years. This data is then processed using the Microsoft Excel application to produce
the following graph in figure 2. This data is converted into a graph to see the years of research
conducted that fit the topic. Therefore, this graph can be easily observed about the development
of research in the period 2000 to 2023.
Figure 2
Distribution graph of research years
Based on the graph figure 2 describes the distribution of 1000 studies that occurred in the
period 2000 to 2023. The data shows a significant change from 2007 to 2010. Another fact
shows that 2022 is the highest year in the number of studies, with 86 studies. The rise and fall
of the number of studies based on the following year period concludes that a research trend
continues to develop from time to time.
Density between Keywords
The review results using the VOSviewer application are the density between research
Count Expon. (Count) Expon. (Count)
Bibliometric Analysis Of Flexural Pavement Road Damage On
Airport-Port Main Corridor Roads Using The Pavement
Condition Index (PCI) Method
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
keywords. This result visualizes keywords entered and selected to produce the following image
in figure 3. With keywords previously entered between highway, road damage, Pavement
Condition Index (PCI), rigid pavement, rehabilitation, and how PCI works, it explains that the
density of keywords produced varies. Understanding the form of density visualization can be
considered in the colours displayed.
Figure 3
Visual keyword density research
It can be seen in figure 3 that the keyword Pavement Condition Index (PCI) is again the
most dense keyword. This is explained by the deep yellow, indicating that the keyword is
closely related to the research topic. Other keywords also explain the relationship with the
research topic but have different density levels. However, of course, these keywords still have
a relationship with each other, even though they have varying density scopes.
Author and Jumlah Similar Research
One of the databases generated from the review results using the Publish or Perish
application is the author's name. The author's name data is accompanied by other supporting
data, including similar studies discussing this topic. This data analysis shows the diversity of
authors who discuss related topics in table 1. However, the study's authors summarized the
highest number of similar studies to facilitate classification.
Tabel 1
Author Data and Several Similar Studies
Number of Similar Studies
Fujian Ni
Imad L. Al-Qadi
Musharraf Zaman
Robert Karlsson
Sigurdur Erlingsson
Yiqiu Tan
Ary Setyawan
Baoshan Huang
Emad Kassem
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
Bibliometric Analysis Of Flexural Pavement Road Damage On
Airport-Port Main Corridor Roads Using The Pavement
Condition Index (PCI) Method
Halil Ceylan
Jorge A. Prozzi
Kamal Hossain
Andri Irfan Rifai
David Timm
It can be seen (Table 1.) that Fujian Ni and Imad L. Al-Qadi became the researchers with
the highest number of similar studies (7 studies). In addition, the names of researchers with a
similar number of researchers were followed by Musharraf Zaman, Robert Karlsson, Sigurdur
Erlingsson, and Yiqiu Tan (6 studies); Ary Setyawan, Baoshan Huang, Emad Kassem, Halil
Ceylan, Jorge A. Prozzi, and Kamal Hossain (5 studies); Andri Irfan Rifai, B. Shane
Underwood, and David Timm (4 studies). In this case, many other researchers also discuss
topics related to the number of diverse studies.
Research Topic Ranking by Keywords
Among the studies that have been successfully netted by the Publish or Perish
application, of course, have a ranking order. The studies sorted in this ranking are the results
of networking based on keywords adjusted to the research topic. The research ranking data can
be seen below in table 2. This ranking is sorted based on many things, including the number of
citations in a particular year period and the value of relevance to the research topic.
Table 2
Research Topic Ranking Data
Research Topics
Rigid Pavement
Pavement Condition
Index (PCI)
Road Damage
The data in table 2 displayed the highest ranking order from various studies netted. This
data explains the relationship between research keywords and topics. This ranking shows that
research with the topic "Rigid Pavement" ranks first with 229, followed by "Pavement
Condition Index (PCI)" with 112, "Road Damage" with 79, and "Rehabilitation" with 63. Many
other studies need to be netted in these four big topics, but the research still has a connection
with the big topic of this research.
Country Origin Research Case Studies
The diversity of research that has been successfully captured illustrates research from
anywhere. This diversity displays a distribution of research topics from various parts of the
world to describe ongoing research development. This data processing uses country
classifications to determine where similar research is most widely discussed. The classification
regarding the country of origin of the research case study can be seen as follows in table 3.
Bibliometric Analysis Of Flexural Pavement Road Damage On
Airport-Port Main Corridor Roads Using The Pavement
Condition Index (PCI) Method
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
Table 3
Several Studies from Different Countries
Research Topics
United States
Qatar &; Switzerland
Africa, Australia, Canada, India, & Iraq
Argentina, Canada, France, Germany,
Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Egypt, Nigeria,
Portuguese, Russia, Saudi Arabia,
Thailand, Timor-Leste, Yemen
Based on the data in figure 4, it is explained that the Indonesian state discusses the most
research topics on the Pavement Condition Index (PCI). This is explained by data from 116
studies located in the country. In addition, there is China (11 studies); the United States (9
studies), Qatar and Switzerland (3 studies); Africa, Australia, Canada, India, and Iraq (2
studies); and Argentina, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Egypt, Nigeria,
Portuguese, Russian, Saudi Arabia, Thai, Timor-Leste, Yemeni (1 study) covering related
topics. Other countries discuss similar topics, but the number is not significant. This concludes
the development of research from various world countries that experience an increasing trend
and spread so that the research topic on Pavement Condition Index (PCI) on the main corridor
roads of airports and ports will continue to grow.
Research on the bending pavement damage analysis on airports and ports' main corridor
roads using the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) method using bibliometric analysis. With this
analysis, you can conclude similar research trends using various keywords related to the topic,
with the help of the Publish or Perish application, which is used to review 1000 Research
Information System (RIS) format studies from 2000 to 2023. This study concluded that the
keywords "Rigid Pavement" and "Pavement Condition Index (PCI)" are the most dominant
after passing the analysis process using the VOSviewer application. In addition, it was found
that the results of the highest research year and research occurred in 2022, with a total of 86
studies. The distribution of case studies based on national origin is found in Indonesia, which
has the highest number of studies with a total of 116 studies and followed by China (11 studies);
United States (9 studies), Qatar &; Switzerland (3 studies); Africa, Australia, Canada, India,
& Iraq (2 studies); and Argentina, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Egypt,
Nigeria, Portuguese, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Yemen (1 study) covering
the topic of Pavement Condition Index (PCI). The main conclusion of this study is that research
trends on the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) continue to develop from year to year in various
countries in the world and will continue to grow from time to time.
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
Bibliometric Analysis Of Flexural Pavement Road Damage On
Airport-Port Main Corridor Roads Using The Pavement
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Bibliometric Analysis Of Flexural Pavement Road Damage On
Airport-Port Main Corridor Roads Using The Pavement
Condition Index (PCI) Method
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