Journal Of Economics, Technology, and Business (JETBIS)
Volume 3, Number 7 July 2024
p-ISSN 2964-903X; e-ISSN 2962-9330
Elgin Awdyfakhri
, Erlita Ridanasti
Universitas Islam Indonesia
Fashion orientation, Fast
Fashion, Sustainability
Fashion, Buying Intention
The emergence of fast fashion in the global fashion industry has
changed consumer consumption patterns. However, unsustainable
fast fashion consumption patterns pose a risk to environmental and
social sustainability. Indonesia, the fourth most populous country in
the world, has many consumers who use fashion products, including
fast fashion. However, the fashion orientation factors and intentions
that consumers have always lead to certain behaviors. This study aims
to examine the factors that influence Indonesian consumer's behavior
toward their choice of fashion products. Four hypotheses based on the
theory of the influence of Fashion Oriented on the choice of Fast
Fashion and Sustainability Fashion on Buying Intention of Indonesian
consumers. Research was made to form a hypothesis system, as many
as 150 valid questionnaires were collected by random sampling in
several cities in Indonesia. Data analysis and hypothesis testing were
conducted using SEM Amos statistical software. The results show that
Indonesian consumer's behavior towards fashion products tends to be
positively influenced by fast fashion. In contrast, fashion orientation
has a negative impact on sustainability fashion. On the other hand, fast
fashion and sustainability fashion have a positive influence on
purchase intention. The findings provide insights into the habits and
knowledge of Indonesian consumers in choosing fashion products.
Fashion is clothing or clothing that is used on the human body with the aim of protecting
and beautifying the appearance that is owned. Fashion itself can be interpreted as fashion, style,
manner, clothing, and clothing. Fashion can be interpreted not only as a necessity but also as
an identity of the wearer and has become a person's lifestyle. To meet the diverse needs of
fashion, the fashion industry will continue to try to meet market demand. Various models and
types of fashion trends continue to emerge massively in every season, known as fast fashion.
Fast fashion is a fast fashion production cycle that is a phenomenon that is currently happening.
Fast Fashion is a business concept implemented by several brands to gain profits with a short
production process.
The development of the fashion industry in the world is coupled with the presence of fast
fashion production cycles that demand large and fast production to create new fashion trends.
These fashion trends can be created from fashion week activities such as Milan Fashion Week,
New York Fashion Week, and Paris Fashion Week which revive the world fashion industry.
The impact in Europe is that people tend to buy more clothes than before due to cheaper prices
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
The Influence Of Fashion Orientation On The Choice Of Fast
Fashion And Sustainability Fashion On The Buying Intention Of
Indonesian Consumers
and models. Indonesia is also a country affected by the fast fashion phenomenon, there are
many fast fashion department stores scattered in major cities of Indonesia. People who love to
shop coupled with the advancement of technology that is very rapidly developing, encourage
people's purchasing power to continue shopping. Sales of fashion and sportswear contributed
67% to the national shopping day (Harbolnas) (Yolandha, 2023). This illustrates that
Indonesians love to shop for fashion products.
Consumers who often use fast fashion products will feel more trendy, up-to-date, and
more in line with trends. Another feeling that also arises from shopping for fashion products is
to provide a stimulus for feelings of pleasure. Consumers who do shopping activities are one
of the intentional actions in order to control their mood, which was previously bad to be better
(Elhajjar, 2023). Shopping activities are used as a reason that is very much by the community
as a response to relieve stress or bad thoughts caused by activities.
In its development, the fast fashion industry has both positive and negative impacts.
Positively, with the increase in fast fashion, the economy also increases. The value of fast
fashion globally is estimated to be around $2.4 trillion in 2016 (Network., 2020). This value
will continue to increase every year because of the rapid changes in fashion and high consumer
desires that trigger massive growth in this industry. However, fast fashion also has a negative
In 2018, approximately 2.31 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions came from the
global fashion industry, accounting for 4% of total global emissions. The fashion industry
annually requires 79 billion cubic meters of water (about 20% of the world's total water
consumption), produces 1.7 billion tons of CO2 (almost 10% of the world's total CO2
emissions), and generates 92 million tons of textile waste (Centobelli et al., 2022). Fast fashion
companies like H&M, Zara, and Forever 21 have changed the way Americans consume clothes.
They can produce new clothes every week or even every day, instead of previously producing
four-season clothes (Wren, 2022). In addition to environmental concerns, they also use labor
in developing countries because wages are relatively cheaper and the majority of these
countries do not have strict regulations on employees or have clear laws to regulate the safety
and health of workers. Producers of fast fashion can take advantage of this by exploiting them
to reduce production costs by providing the cheapest possible wages and imposing working
hours that exceed standards. The alternative to fast fashion products is sustainability fashion.
Sustainability fashion is a production system of the fashion industry that pays attention
to environmental sustainability. This system is not only related to the environment, the
sustainability system also prioritizes fairer social principles, including the welfare of
employees or workers. In other words, companies that implement a sustainability system will
think about aspects such as social, environmental, and economic. Consumers abroad are
already aware of this, they consider that this is their consideration when choosing a product,
one of which is fashion products.
When compared to consumers abroad, they are already aware and care about it, but there
are still relatively few sustainable fashion brands in Indonesia, even if there are high prices
offered. This will be a point that makes a consumer's choice limited.
The fast fashion industry is indeed profitable for factory companies with minimal
production costs. However, its presence also causes various polemics and debates among
The Influence Of Fashion Orientation On The Choice Of Fast
Fashion And Sustainability Fashion On The Buying Intention Of
Indonesian Consumers
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
consumers, in contrast to sustainability fashion, which considers environmental sustainability.
This situation has created confusion for some people in determining their consumption of
fashion products.
This research serves to find out how far consumer interest in fashion brands and the
reasons behind the decision to choose fast fashion products. If consumers already know the
impact that will arise from choosing fast fashion, whether consumers will continue to consume
these brands or they will limit their choices. In addition, whether consumers' interest in fast
fashion products will remain the same or will be different.
This study aims to investigate the various factors that influence consumers' decisions in
choosing fashion products. First, this study will explore whether fashion orientation, which
includes personal style, trends, and aesthetic preferences, influences consumers' fashion
choices. Second, this study will examine the extent to which consumers' interest in fast fashion
influences their brand choice decisions, given that fast fashion offers trendy and affordable
products. Third, this study will examine the influence of consumers' knowledge of
sustainability, including aspects of eco-friendly materials and production ethics, on fashion
brand selection decisions. Finally, this study will analyze whether the level of purchase
satisfaction that consumers feel after making a previous purchase affects their decision to
repurchase from the same brand or switch to another brand.
This research is expected to provide benefits for several parties. For the author, this
research will enrich the knowledge of marketing science through direct study in the field. For
future research, this research can provide a more comprehensive insight into the dynamics of
the fashion industry and its contribution to economic and social development. For producers of
fast fashion and sustainable products, this research can be used as evaluation material for
changes in consumer demand that are increasingly diverse.
Quantitative research methods are used to test certain theories by analyzing the
relationship between the variables involved A quantitative approach is used in this research
through a survey method that utilizes data from questionnaires (Creswell, 2012).
Population includes all objects or subjects that are in an area and meet certain criteria
related to research issues or individuals to be investigated within a certain scope (Martono,
2010) The target population in this study is users of fashion products in Indonesia. The reason
is to find out the impact orientation that consumers have in choosing fashion products.
Samples are part of the population that has certain attributes or conditions that will be
studied or can be interpreted as members of the population selected by certain methods to
reflect the population as a whole (Martono, 2010). Convenience Sampling is a method of
collecting samples by taking samples that are around the location or through internet services
(Edgar & Manz, 2017). The sample was studied to identify users of fashion products such as
Zara, H&M, and Uniqlo. The sample was chosen because the three companies are the most
dominant in Indonesia. By focusing on a sample population that has a diverse fashion
orientation, this research will try to explore the factors that influence the purchase decision of
fashion products. Through detailed analysis of consumer choices and their fashion orientation,
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
The Influence Of Fashion Orientation On The Choice Of Fast
Fashion And Sustainability Fashion On The Buying Intention Of
Indonesian Consumers
the population used is all Indonesians and uses the theory (Ghozali, 2014). Based on SEM
assumptions, it states that the number of representative samples ranges from 100 to 200. So the
sample size used was taken from the median of this figure of 150 respondents to fulfill the
assumptions needed for the SEM test.
Descriptive analysis was conducted to summarize and simplify the raw data into a more
understandable format. The data analyzed comes from responses obtained through
questionnaires that have been distributed to a number of participants. According to (Salim &
Syahrum, 2012) It is a tool used to analyze trends in social phenomena or events represented
in the form of numbers. In this study using the Amos analysis tool.
Fashion Orientation is positively related to Fast Fashion
the effect of Fashion Orientation on Fast Fashion is positive. This means that the better
the Fashion Orientation, the more Fast Fashion will increase. Testing the relationship between
the two variables shows a probability value of 0.045 (p<0.05), indicating a significant influence
so that the hypothesis stating that "Fashion Orientation has a positive and significant effect on
Fast Fashion" is supported and can be accepted.
It is a person's tendency to pay attention to the clothes they wear. In an era of rapid fashion
development, this encourages consumers to always follow the latest trends, which makes their
interest in fast fashion even higher. This is in line with the findings conducted by (Gupta et al.,
2019) which revealed that the higher the fashion orientation of consumers, the greater their
interest in products or brands that present the latest trends, such as those offered by fast fashion.
Fashion Orientation is negatively related to Sustainability Fashion
The parameter estimate obtained is -0.115 and the C.R value of -2.044 shows that the
effect of Fashion Orientation on Sustainability Fashion is negative. This means that the better
the Fashion Orientation, the lower the Fashion Sustainability. Testing the relationship between
the two variables shows a probability value of 0.041 (p<0.05), indicating a significant influence
so that the hypothesis stating that "fashion orientation has a negative and significant effect on
sustainability fashion" is supported and can be accepted.
Consumers with higher fashion orientation tend to look for the latest trends, which means
they may be less likely to consider environmental issues in an effort to choose more sustainable
fashion. In line with the results of (Gupta et al., 2019). it shows that consumers with high
fashion orientation are less interested in sustainability fashion. This is due to the perception
that fashion consumption is one of the most visible ways of portraying social identity and
desired status.
Fast Fashion is positively related to Buying Intention
The parameter estimate obtained is 0.132 and the C.R value of 2.353 shows that the effect
of Fast Fashion on Buying Intention is positive. This means that better Fast Fashion will
increase Buying Intention. Testing the relationship between the two variables shows a
probability value of 0.019 (p<0.05) indicating a significant influence. So the hypothesis which
states that "Fast Fashion has a positive and significant effect on Buying Intention" is supported
and can be accepted.
In line with research conducted by (Li et al., 2023) Young consumers choose to buy fast
The Influence Of Fashion Orientation On The Choice Of Fast
Fashion And Sustainability Fashion On The Buying Intention Of
Indonesian Consumers
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
fashion products with the aim of showing an attractive appearance and creating a positive
impression on others. Through fashion products, they can shape their self-image and improve
their social perceptions. The high interest in fast fashion is mainly due to the desire of young
consumers to have quick access to the trendy and new items offered by the industry.
A similar phenomenon is also observed among consumers in Indonesia, where the
majority of survey participants in this study who are consumers aged between 17 to 30 years
old show a higher interest in fast fashion products, and make the first choice if they want to
buy the latest fashion products. Fast fashion is attractive to individuals who want to try new
clothing styles or need clothes for special events, as brands are constantly updating and
changing trends, creating an exciting shopping experience (Sorensen & Johnson Jorgensen,
Sustainability Fashion is positively related to Buying Intention
The parameter estimate obtained is 0.869 and the C.R value of 5.634 shows that the effect
of the influence of Sustainability Fashion on Buying Intention is positive. This means that the
better Sustainability Fashion is, the more Buying Intention will increase. Testing the
relationship between the two variables shows a probability value of 0.000 (p<0.05) indicating
a significant influence so that the hypothesis stating that "Sustainability Fashion has a positive
and significant effect on Buying Intention" is supported and can be accepted.
This reinforces the findings conducted by (Sorensen & Johnson Jorgensen, 2019).
Consumer awareness of sustainability has increased. However, knowledge about sustainable
fashion or awareness of the environment does not necessarily encourage them to choose
environmentally friendly clothing automatically. Consumers will choose other options.
Consumers also did not reduce their buying intention but shifted their choice, especially
the majority of younger survey participants, who do not mind buying second-hand clothing,
also known as thrift. This is based on the affordability of second-hand clothing, which is the
reason why there are many thrift stores around campus to attract students who are looking for
branded products at lower prices. At these stores, consumers can find a wide array of unique
options at affordable prices (Sorensen & Johnson Jorgensen, 2019).
Based on the research conducted on the influence of fashion orientation on the choice of
fast fashion and sustainable fashion on consumer purchase intention in Indonesia, the following
conclusions can be drawn: First, there is a positive correlation between fashion orientation and
fast fashion, which means that the higher consumers' fashion orientation, the higher their
interest in fast fashion products. Second, there is a negative correlation between fashion
orientation and sustainable fashion, indicating that the higher consumers' fashion orientation,
the lower their interest in sustainable fashion products. Third, there is a positive correlation
between fast fashion and purchase intention, which means that the higher consumers' interest
in fast fashion, the higher their purchase intention. Fourth, there is a positive correlation
between sustainable fashion and purchase intention, indicating that a high interest in
sustainable fashion also increases consumers' purchase intention.
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
The Influence Of Fashion Orientation On The Choice Of Fast
Fashion And Sustainability Fashion On The Buying Intention Of
Indonesian Consumers
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