Jurnal Ekonomi Teknologi & Bisnis (JETBIS)
Volume 2, Number 2 February 2023
p-ISSN 2964-903X; e-ISSN 2962-9330
Andreas Julio Nembo
, Afiat Anugrahadi
, Himmes Fitra Yuda
Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta Indonesia
02 February 2023
16 February 2023
17 February 2023
Increased development activities and urbanization in South Jakarta have
increased groundwater extraction. Continuous withdrawal of groundwater with
poor management can cause a decrease in the groundwater level and trigger a
subsidence. Therefore, a study is needed regarding the relationship of land
subsidence with the decrease in groundwater levels that occur in South Jakarta.
This research was conducted using secondary data in the form of drill log data
to determine subsurface lithology, land subsidence measurement data using the
GPS geodetic method, and groundwater level data in monitoring wells in
Jakarta. The results of the study show that surface sediment deposits are
dominated by a layer of clay which is still unconsolidated and relatively
thickened to the north with a thickness of more than 300 m. This condition shows
that the sediment layers in Jakarta are still undergoing a compaction process so
that naturally subsidence occurs in the soil surface. Subsidence in the land
surface in South Jakarta has a fairly strong correlation with the decline in the
groundwater level, which is equal to 0.504, which means it has a fairly strong
degree of correlation of 50.4%.
Keywords: Correlation, Lithology, Land subsidence, Groundwater Level
Data from BPS (Central Statistics Agency) of DKI Jakarta Province in 2019 shows that the
total population of South Jakarta City reaches 2,264,700 people, with a population growth rate per
year reaching 1.18% and a population density per km2 of 14,675. With such a large population, the
intake of groundwater for home and industrial needs is increasing. This is reinforced by data from
the DKI Jakarta Industry and Energy Office, that South Jakarta is the area that uses the highest
groundwater in Jakarta. The South Jakarta region uses half of the total groundwater use in Jakarta
of 4,348,123 m3 in 2018 and 3,768,226 m3 in 2019. This is because South Jakarta has many office
buildings and settlements (H Z Abidin, Andreas, Gumilar, & Wibowo, 2015).
Based on this data, it can be seen that the problem of groundwater in South Jakarta is so
complex. Urban development causes groundwater consumption to rise sharply. Continuous
groundwater intake with poor management and exceeding the groundwater balance balance can lead
to a decrease in groundwater levels (MAT) and trigger sustained subsidence. Therefore, research is
needed on the relationship between land subsidence and groundwater subsidence that occurs in
South Jakarta (Fachri & Djuhaeni, n.d.).
Regional Geology
In the Geological Map sheet of Jakarta and the Thousand Islands, the Jakarta City area is
Vol 2, No 2 February 2023
Analysis Of Land Subsidence Relationship With Groundwater
Table Depletion In South Jakarta
composed by the youngest to the oldest, namely alluvium, coastal deposits, alluvium fans, and
Banten tuffs (Turkandi, Sidarto, & Hadiwidjoyo, 1992). Alluvium in the form of clay, silt, sand,
gravel to chunks; Deposits beach feeders in the form of fine to coarse sand, well sorted, with mollusk
shells; alluvium fans are layered fine tuffs and sandbar tuffs interspersed with conglomerate tuffs;
and Banten tuf in the form of tuff, pumice tuff, and tufan sandstone. In general, geology in Jakarta
consists of young quaternary-aged alluvium deposits. In general, these deposits have not been well
compressed, so they are still experiencing natural compaction (Yuwono, 2013).
This study was conducted using secondary data from the Groundwater Conservation Center
in the form of drill log data to determine subsurface lithology, geodetic measurement data for the
Jakarta GPS survey in 2015-2018 to determine the value of land subsidence, and groundwater level
data on 15 monitoring wells in Jakarta. For more details, the research method can be seen in Figure
Figure 1
Research flowchart
In this chapter, it will be divided into four sub-chapters, namely the correlation of drilling
data, observations of soil subsidence, observations of groundwater levels, and the correlation of the
rate of land subsidence with groundwater subsidence (Lubis, 2018).
Correlation of Drilling Data
Core drilling was carried out by a team of the Groundwater Conservation Agency in 2014.
Based on the results and processing of these data, the profile and characteristics of each rock layer
from 5 drill points in Jakarta were obtained. Namely the drill points PSM-01, PJR-01, MGB-01,
CLC-01, and PGB-01. The location of this drill point can be seen in Figure 2.
Analysis Of Land Subsidence Relationship With Groundwater
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Vol 2, No 2 February 2023
Figure 2
Location of drill points in the Jakarta regional geological map modification from
(Turkandi et al., 1992)
This correlation of drilling data was carried out based on the linking of the same lithological
units, by matching the lithology of the PSM-01 borehole to the other four boreholes contained in the
drilling results report. This aims to determine the severity and thickness of the sedimentary layer
that is still in an unconsolidated condition. The cross-sectional description of the results of the
correlation of the PSM-01 well to other wells is as follows.
Correlation of PSM-01 Drill Point to PJR-01
The correlation at the drill point PSM-01 to PJR-01 can be seen in Figure 3. It shows that
surface sedimentary deposits dominated by clay layers thickened to the northwest with a thickness
of 75.5 m. This is in accordance with the deposition control in the Jakarta basin which is directed
from south to north.
Figure 3
Correlation of drill point PSM-01 to PJR-01
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Analysis Of Land Subsidence Relationship With Groundwater
Table Depletion In South Jakarta
Correlation of PSM-01 Drill Point to MGB-01
The correlation at the drill point PSM-01 to MGB-01 can be seen in Figure 4. It shows that surface
sedimentary deposits dominated by clay layers thickened to the northwest with a thickness of 87 m.
Figure 4
Correlation of drill points PSM-01 to MGB-01
Correlation of PSM-01 Drill Point to CLC-01
The correlation at the drill point PSM-01 to CLC-01 can be seen in Figure 5. It shows that surface
sedimentary deposits dominated by clay layers thicken to the northeast with a thickness above 300 m.
Figure 5
Correlation of drill point PSM-01 to CLC-01
Correlation of PSM-01 Drill Point to PGB-01
The correlation at the drill point PSM-01 to PGB-01 can be seen in Figure 6. It shows that surface
sedimentary deposits dominated by clay layers thicken to the northeast with a thickness above 300 m.
Analysis Of Land Subsidence Relationship With Groundwater
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Vol 2, No 2 February 2023
Figure 6
Lithological correlation of drill point PSM-01 to PGB-01
Observations of Land Subsidence
The identification of land subsidence areas can be seen from the value of the rate of land
subsidence that occurs in the city of South Jakarta. The value of the rate of land subsidence was
obtained from Jakarta GPS measurement data for the 2015-2018 period by the Groundwater
Conservation Center (Hasanuddin Z Abidin, 2007). From this data, it can be seen the value of land
subsidence every year from 62 GPS station points spread across Jakarta and its surroundings. The
distribution of data values is then made a contour which is presented in the land subsidence rate
map. From the land subsidence rate map, it shows that the high rate of land subsidence between 12-
18 cm / year is in part of the Pesanggrahan and Bintaro Villages (Pesanggrahan District); Kelurahan
Kebayoran Lama Selatan, Kebayoran Lama Utara, and Pondok Pinang (Kebayoran Lama District).
It can be seen in Figure 7.
Figure 7
Land subsidence rate map of the study area
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Analysis Of Land Subsidence Relationship With Groundwater
Table Depletion In South Jakarta
Groundwater Level Observations
The data used is data from 15 monitoring well points spread across Jakarta. This data is in the form of
groundwater level depth from 2016-2021, so that the value of changes in groundwater levels can be known
every year, and a contour is made which is presented in the Groundwater Level Reduction Rate Map
(Ramadhanis, Prasetyo, & Yuwono, 2017). The results of the plotting of the monitoring well point show that
the rate of subsidence of groundwater levels is height between 3 m - 4 m/year increases to the northeastern
part of South Jakarta City. As seen in Figure 8.
Figure 8
Map of groundwater subsidence rates of the study area
Correlation of Soil Subsidence Rate with Groundwater Level Subsidence
A map of the correlation of land subsidence with groundwater subsidence can be seen in Figure
9. It can be seen that points that experience high land subsidence such as points 13 A and 1 A are in
areas that have a fairly high decrease in groundwater levels. Point 13 A located in Pesanggrahan
Village experienced a land subsidence of 17.5 cm / year located in an area that has a fairly high
groundwater subsidence value of 1.45 m / year. Point 1 A located in Cilandak Barat Village
experienced a land subsidence of 7.4 cm / year located in an area that has a fairly high groundwater
level decrease value of 1.95 m / year. There are also points that do not experience significant land
subsidence such as points 52 D, 51 D, and 21 A are in areas that have high groundwater subsidence
values. Point 52 D which is located in Tegal Parang Sub-District has experienced land subsidence
of 0.4 cm/year and is located in an area with a decrease in groundwater level of 2.84 m/year. Point
51 D which is in the Kebagusan Village has experienced land subsidence of 0.7 cm/year and is
Analysis Of Land Subsidence Relationship With Groundwater
Table Depletion In South Jakarta
Vol 2, No 2 February 2023
located in an area that has a groundwater level decrease of 2.8 m/year. Point 21A which is in Kramat
Pela Sub-District does not experience land subsidence and is located in an area that has a
groundwater level decrease of 2.05 m/year.The correlation value between the rate of land subsidence
and the decrease in groundwater level was 0.504. It can be seen in Figure 10.
Figure 9
Correlation map of soil subsidence rate with groundwater subsidence rate
Figure 10
Relationship between soil subsidence rate and groundwater subsidence
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Analysis Of Land Subsidence Relationship With Groundwater
Table Depletion In South Jakarta
Based on the results of studies that have been carried out in this study, it can be concluded that
surface sedimentary deposits are dominated by clay layers that are still in an unconsolidated
condition relatively thickened to the north with a thickness of more than 300 m. This condition
shows that the sedimentary layer in Jakarta is still undergoing a compaction process so that naturally
there is a decrease in the soil surface. Soil subsidence in the study area has a fairly strong correlation
to groundwater subsidence, which means it has a strong correlation relationship of 50.4%.
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Analysis Of Land Subsidence Relationship With Groundwater
Table Depletion In South Jakarta
Vol 2, No 2 February 2023
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