Journal Of Economics, Technology, And Business (JETBIS)
Volume 2, Number 8 August 2023
p-ISSN 2964-903X; e-ISSN 2962-9330
I Made Buda Atmajaya
, Haris Muhammadun
, Wateno Oetomo
Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
freight transport;
Overdimension &;
Overloading; multiple linear
The problem of Overdimension and Overloading (ODOL) freight
transportation has become a national issue. Various impacts caused by
ODOL freight transportation include a decrease in vehicle speed, a
decrease in road technical life, loss of road maintenance budget, vehicle
damage, and the occurrence of traffic accidents on the road. East Java
Province has a fairly high economic activity by using freight
transportation in various conditions including Overdimension and
Overloading. The Ministry of Transportation through the UPPKB
Service Unit throughout East Java has made various efforts to handle
ODOL freight transportation, but the level of violations of freight
transportation still occurs. This study aims to determine the factors that
affect the effectiveness of handling Overdimension and Overloading
(ODOL) in freight transportation so that it can provide recommendations
for appropriate ODOL handling. The data collection method used
interviews and questionnaires to Korsatpel, UPPKB Operational Staff,
and freight transport drivers. While the analysis method used fishbone
diagram analysis and multiple linear regression analysis using field data.
Based on the results of the study, it is known that the dominant factors
that affect the effectiveness of handling Overdimension and Overloading
(ODOL) in freight transportation are the enforcement of Tilang (X1) and
Transfer of Cargo / Transfer of Excess Load (X3) with the value of
coefficient determination at UPPKB Trosobo and Singosari of 96.1% and
92.3%. The handling recommendations given are the need to increase
ticket fines and provide transportation services for excess cargo in the
form of vehicles and transportation personnel as well as forklifts and
cranes at the UPPKB Satpel to move heavy loads.
The burden of logistics costs in Indonesia based on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) still
reaches 27%. More expensive than Malaysia and Thailand (Djumena, n.d.). Land transportation
costs are the largest component of logistics costs in Indonesia, amounting to 66.8%. The rest is
administrative costs and inventory handling costs and added to the cost of loading and unloading,
parking, and illegal levies. This situation is a major threat to logistics sovereignty and national
competitiveness considering that an integrated logistics network between ASEAN countries was
implemented in 2015 and 2020 entered the global logistics network (Buxbaum et al., 2019).
Good road infrastructure is the spearhead in supporting the smooth running of the logistics
Vol 2, No 8 Agustus 2023
Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Effectiveness Of Handling Over-
Dimension And Overloading (Odol) In East Java At Uppkb Trosobo
Sidoarjo And Uppkb Singosari Malang
network. In Indonesia, road infrastructure conditions severely hinder the development of the freight
transportation industry in Indonesia and limit the ability of small business owners to reach profitable
target markets (Ismail, 2023). Poor road quality is an obstacle to trade activities between regions and
hinders integration between underdeveloped regions with more modern markets. Poor road
infrastructure is not only caused by low road quality but also caused by overload and excess
dimensions of freight transportation (Overdimension and Overloading ( ODOL)).
The occurrence of load loads and excess dimensions of freight transportation is a complication
of various problems including a cross-freight transportation network that is not optimal, the location
of the Motor Vehicle Weighing Unit (UPPKB) node that is not strategic, the number of UPPKB
Human Resources (HR) that is inadequate, the level of compliance of freight transportation owners
is still low and so on. The above problems cannot be solved by the Government alone, but must
involve various related parties, including the community, transportation entrepreneurs, body
workshop owners and road users (Agus Wijaya & Jayus, n.d.).
The problem of Overdimension and Overloading freight transportation has become a national
issue to date (Asie et al., 2022). Various impacts caused by Overdimension and Overloading
(ODOL) freight transportation include: a decrease in speed resulting in traffic congestion, a decrease
in the technical life of the road resulting in premature damage to the road, road maintenance budget
losses reaching 43 trillion rupiah (Baketrans, 2023), Early damage to vehicle spare parts and the
occurrence of traffic accidents on the road.
According to data from the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia, the number of
accidents caused by ODOL trucks has reached 97% from 2020 as many as 30 cases to 59 cases in
2021. Then the death toll increased from 12 victims to 26 victims or an increase of 117%
(Dharmacaraka & Susilowati, 2019). Meanwhile, in terms of material losses using the gross roots
method , it was recorded to increase to 22 billion in 2021 from 8.9 billion in 2020 (Maulandy Rizky
Bayu Kencana, 2021).
In accordance with Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation and
Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, the location, operation and closure of
weighing equipment installed permanently on roads is carried out by the Government and the
operation and maintenance of weighing equipment installed permanently is carried out by the Motor
Vehicle Weighing Implementation Unit (UPPKB) appointed by the Central Government (Aryaputra,
n.d.). As a follow-up to the mandate of Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government,
the division of government affairs in the field of transportation has been transferred the management
of UPPKB from the Provincial Regional Government to the Central Government which includes:
Personnel, Funding, Facilities and Infrastructure and Documents (P3D) (CNN Indonesia, 2021).
This transfer aims to improve UPPKB's performance better than before.
The UPPKB Trosobo, Sidoarjo and UPPKB Singosari Service Units, Malang have tried to
carry out various efforts to handle Overdimension and Overloading freight transportation in the
field, including: law enforcement in the form of tickets / warnings and other enforcement, such as:
travel delays, cargo transfer / excess load transfer, vehicle U-turn and vehicle normalization.
However, Overdimension and Overloading freight transport violations still occur (Indonesia, 2014).
Based on the description of the problem above, it is necessary to conduct research entitled
"Analysis of Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Overdimension and Overloading (ODOL)
Handling in the East Java Region at UPPKB Trosobo Sidoarjo and UPPKB Singosari Malang". This
Vol 2, No 4 Maret 2023
Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Effectiveness Of Handling
Over-Dimension And Overloading (Odol) In East Java At
Uppkb Trosobo Sidoarjo And Uppkb Singosari Malang
research is expected to identify the effectiveness of various Overdimension and Overloading
freight transportation handling and more appropriate handling recommendations in the future.
Some previous studies on Overdimension and Overloading (ODOL) of freight transportation,
among others: the first study on the Application of Criminal Sanctions Against Overdimensional
and Overloading Vehicle Drivers at UPPKB Cekik (Novayana et al., 2021). The method used is
empirical legal research. The results of the analysis show that the application of criminal sanctions
against drivers of overdimensional and overloading vehicles at UPPKB Cekik has not run well and
effectively. There are still many violations of freight trucks by changing vehicle dimensions in the
form of body shape, vehicle chassis and vehicle engine either partially or completely with the interest
that the goods transported can exceed the specified maximum limit. The second study on the
Effectiveness of Weighbridges in reducing ODOL (overdimension overloading) violations on the
North Java Cross Road (Case Study of Tanjung Brebes Weighbridge). The method used is
qualitative descriptive through observation, questionnaires and interviews. The results of the
analysis showed that the effectiveness of the Tanjung Brebes weighbridge of 79.1% was categorized
as quite effective in reducing overdimension overloading violations, the number of violations was
the most overloading with a percentage of 80% with a total of 7,134 vehicles. The third research is
on Juridical Analysis of the Implementation of Zero Overdimension and Overloading Policy in
Indonesia . The research method uses normative legal research methods (applied law research). The
results showed that the implementation of Zero ODOL was hampered due to economic factors, the
ineffectiveness of existing legal products and the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, the unavailability
of adequate sanctions for Zero ODOL violations results in low enforcement of Zero ODOL policies
in Indonesia.
The purpose of the study is to analyze what factors affect the effectiveness of handling
Overdimension and Overloading (ODOL) of freight transportation in the East Java Region, analyze the
dominant factors that affect the handling of Overdimension and Overloading (ODOL) of freight
transportation in the East Java Region and provide recommendations for improvements in handling
Overdimension and Overloading (ODOL) of freight transportation in the East Java Region. While the
benefits in the research are as input material to the Government in efforts to handle Overdimension and
Overloading (ODOL) freight transportation in Indonesia and reference material for further research. The
data analysis method in this study that distinguishes it from previous studies is for the analysis of UPPKB
performance barriers using descriptive methods and fishbone diagrams and for handling ODOL using
multiple linear regression tests.
Vol 2, No 8 Agustus 2023
Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Effectiveness Of Handling Over-
Dimension And Overloading (Odol) In East Java At Uppkb Trosobo
Sidoarjo And Uppkb Singosari Malang
Location and Time of Research
Figure 1
UPPKB Trosobo Satpel Office, Sidoarjo
Figure 2
UPPKB Singosari Satpel Office, Malang
The research was conducted in 2 locations, namely Satpel UPPKB Trosobo, Sidoarjo which
is located at Jl. Raya Trosobo KM 21,700 Trosobo, Sidoarjo and Satpel UPPKB Singosari, Malang
which is located at Jl. Raya Singosari 3, Malang.
The research time is 5 days (weekdays) during UPPKB operating hours.
Research Instruments
Equipment used to support data retrieval in the field includes:
1. Survey forms, stationery and clip boards are used to record the results of observational surveys
and interviews in the field;
2. Mobile phones are used to document during field surveys;
3. Vests are used for body armor and surveyor identity while in the field;
4. Hats are used for head protection from the heat of the sun and surveyor's identity while in the
5. Laptops are used to process or process survey data in the field.
Data Collection Techniques
This stage aims to obtain the information needed to achieve research objectives. Techniques
used to collect data in this study include: interviews, questionnaires and documentation.
Data Primer
This data is obtained from field surveys and interviews or questions and answers directly to
respondents and filling out questionnaires through google forms. The respondents in this study
Vol 2, No 4 Maret 2023
Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Effectiveness Of Handling
Over-Dimension And Overloading (Odol) In East Java At
Uppkb Trosobo Sidoarjo And Uppkb Singosari Malang
were Korsatpel, UPPKB officers and freight transport drivers.
Secondary data
This data is used to support research. This data includes:
1. Daily Traffic Data of freight transportation (Satpel UPPKB Trosobo and UPPKB Singosari)
2. Freight Transport Violation Data (Satpel UPPKB Trosobo and UPPKB Singosari)
3. Data on Enforcement of Freight Transport Violations (Satpel UPPKB Trosobo and UPPKB
Data Analysis Techniques
The techniques used to analyze the data consist of:
Freight Transport Violation Data Analysis
The method used to analyze freight violation data uses a pie chart (pie chart diagram). In this
diagram, the composition of each violation is symbolized by a percentage value (highest and lowest).
In deciphering the details of breach data using descriptive analysis.
Freight Transport Violation Enforcement Analysis
The method used to analyze data on the enforcement of freight transport violations uses a pie
chart (pie chart diagram). In this diagram, the composition of each violation is symbolized by a
percentage value (highest and lowest). In deciphering the details of violation enforcement data using
descriptive analysis.
Fish Bone Diagram Analysis
Used to analyze obstacle factors / obstacles in the enforcement of freight transportation
violations. Where each obstacle is depicted in a branch of fish bones.
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
In determining the research variable (X) using regulatory guidelines on handling
Overdimension and Overloading (ODOL) of freight transportation carried out by the Government.
Regression analysis used using multiple linear regression analysis. Where will compare the effect
of each enforcement of freight transportation violations (speeding tickets, cargo transfer / overload
transfer, U-turn, travel delays, vehicle normalization) on the number of Overdimension and
Overloading (ODOL) violations of freight transportation using field data at UPPKB (Perhubungan,
2020). The dependent / bound variable in this study is the number of violations of Overdimension
and Overloading (ODOL) of freight transportation (Y). While the independent / independent
variables are all enforcement of freight transportation violations, in the form of: speeding tickets
(X1), travel delays (X2), cargo transfer / overload transfer (X3), vehicle normalization (X4) and U-
turns (X5).
Vol 2, No 8 Agustus 2023
Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Effectiveness Of Handling Over-
Dimension And Overloading (Odol) In East Java At Uppkb Trosobo
Sidoarjo And Uppkb Singosari Malang
Figure 3
Research Variables (Dependent and Independent)
Research Sample Calculation
The population used in the study was the entire freight transport drivers who passed through
Jalan Krian Taman Sidoarjo and Jalan Singosari. While the sampling refers to the Average Annual
Daily Traffic of Freight Transport at Satpel UPPKB Trosobo and UPPKB Singosari. In the
calculation of the number of samples using the Slovin formula (Ilie & Ciocoiu, 2010).
a. Number of Samples at UPPKB Trosobo
The Total Annual Average Daily Traffic of Freight Transport per year 2020 at Satpel UPPKB
Trosobo (N) is 3,558 vehicles (CNN Indonesia, 2021). Margin of error (e) = 10%. So that the
number of samples (n) is obtained:
 
The minimum number of samples needed in research at UPPKB Trosobo is 100 samples.
b. Number of Samples at UPPKB Singosari
The Total Annual Average Daily Traffic of Freight Transport per year 2021 at Satpel UPPKB
Singosari (N) is 6,098 vehicles (CNN Indonesia, 2021). Margin of error (e) = 10%. So that the
number of samples (n) is obtained:
 
The minimum number of samples needed in research at UPPKB Singosari is 100 samples.
Results of Characteristic Analysis with Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive analysis serves to determine the characteristics of respondents, namely freight
transport drivers as people involved in Overdimension and Overloading violations of freight
transportation and UPPKB officers as people who handle/act on Overdimension and Overloading
freight transportation at UPPKB. The results of the questionnaire that have been distributed to
respondents through google forms are then recapitulated. The results of the analysis of descriptive
statistical characteristics are as follows:
a. Characteristics of Freight Transport Drivers at UPPKB Trosobo
number of ODOL
violations of
freight transport
Ticketed (X1)
Travel delays (X2)
Load transfer/overload transfer
Vehicle normalization (X4)
Rewind to where the trip came
from (X5)
Vol 2, No 4 Maret 2023
Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Effectiveness Of Handling
Over-Dimension And Overloading (Odol) In East Java At
Uppkb Trosobo Sidoarjo And Uppkb Singosari Malang
Figure 5
Distribution Diagram of Characteristics of Freight Transport Drivers at UPPKB Trosobo
Based on the picture above, it can be seen that the characteristics of freight transportation
drivers at UPPKB Trosobo are the most age in the range of 26 to 45 years old by 55 people (55.0%),
the most male gender is 100 people (100%), the last most education is in high school / equivalent by
59 people (59.0%), the highest average income per month is Rp. 2,500,000,- up to Rp. 5.000.000,-
amounting to 88 people (88.0%), the most types of freight transportation vehicles pickup open /
closed tubs (konf. Axis 1.1 and JBI: 1,800 to 3,500 kg) amounted to 35 people (35.0%), the highest
vehicle load in the form of general goods (general loads, metal, wood, cargo loaded into pallets /
packed, vehicles with side curtain lids and sheet glass) amounted to 44 people (44.0%) and the most
vehicle ownership status was owned by the Company (PT / CV) by 43 people (43.0%).
a. Characteristics of Freight Transport Drivers at UPPKB Singosari
Figure 6
Distribution Diagram of Characteristics of Freight Transport Drivers at UPPKB Singosari
Based on the picture above, it can be seen the characteristics of freight transportation drivers
at UPPKB Singosari, namely the most age is in the range of 26 to 45 years old by 58 people (58.0%),
the most male gender is 100 people (100%), the last most education is in high school / equivalent by
50 people (50.0%), the highest average income per month is Rp. 2,500,000,- up to Rp. 5.000.000,-
amounting to 91 people (91.0%), the most types of freight transportation vehicles pickup open /
Vol 2, No 8 Agustus 2023
Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Effectiveness Of Handling Over-
Dimension And Overloading (Odol) In East Java At Uppkb Trosobo
Sidoarjo And Uppkb Singosari Malang
closed tubs (konf. Axis 1.1 and JBI: 1,800 to 3,500 kg) amounted to 46 people (46.0%), the highest
vehicle load in the form of general goods (general loads, metal, wood, cargo loaded into pallets /
packed, vehicles with side curtain lids and sheet glass) amounted to 40 people (40.0%) and the most
vehicle ownership status belonged to other people by 40 people (40.0%).
b. Characteristics of UPPKB Trosobo Officers
Figure 7
Distribution Diagram of UPPKB Trosobo Officer Characteristics
c. Characteristics of UPPKB Singosari Officers
Figure 8
Distribution Diagram of UPPKB Singosari Officer Characteristics
Vol 2, No 4 Maret 2023
Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Effectiveness Of Handling
Over-Dimension And Overloading (Odol) In East Java At
Uppkb Trosobo Sidoarjo And Uppkb Singosari Malang
Results of Fish Bone Analysis Diagram of Obstacles / Obstacles in Handling ODOL Freight
Based on fish bone analysis, the obstacle diagram / obstacle handling ODOL freight
transportation obtained in the field (Ribbens-Pavella et al., 1985).
Figure 9
Fishbone Analysis Diagram of obstacles / obstacles handling ODOL freight transportation
From the results of the Fishbone Diagram analysis of Obstacles / Obstacles in handling ODOL
Freight Transportation there are 5 main factors, namely:
1. Law enforcement does not cause a deterrent effect (3 root causes)
2. Circulating vehicles are not testworthy / fake kir test books (3 root causes)
3. UPPKB does not function optimally both on roads and ports (3 root causes)
4. Lack of consistency in ODOL vehicle law enforcement (3 root causes)
5. Rejection and resistance of the Zero ODOL program (3 root causes)The root causes are obtained
from various problems that occur in the field.
As for the obstacles / obstacles of each handling ODOL freight transportation at UPPKB can be
seen in the picture below.
Figure 10
Fishbone Analysis Diagram of obstacles / obstacles Tilang at UPPKB
Figure 11
Fishbone Analysis Diagram of Travel Delay obstacles at UPPKB
Vol 2, No 8 Agustus 2023
Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Effectiveness Of Handling Over-
Dimension And Overloading (Odol) In East Java At Uppkb Trosobo
Sidoarjo And Uppkb Singosari Malang
Figure 12
Fishbone Analysis Load Transfer bottleneck/constraint diagram in UPPKB
Figure 13
Fishbone Analysis Diagram of obstacles / constraints of Vehicle Normalization at UPPKB
Figure 14
Fishbone Analysis Bottleneck/constraint diagram U-turn at UPPKB
Results of Data Analysis of Freight Transport Violations at UPPKB
1. Data on Freight Transport Violations at UPPKB Trosobo from 2019 to 2022
The results of the recapitulation of data on violations of freight transportation at UPPKB
Trosobo from 2019 to 2022 can be seen in the following table and figure.
Table 1
Recapitulation of Freight Transport Violations at UPPKB Trosobo from 2019 to 2022
Types of Violations
Payload + Dimension (ODOL)
Technical requirements
Loading Procedures
Total Amount
Vol 2, No 4 Maret 2023
Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Effectiveness Of Handling
Over-Dimension And Overloading (Odol) In East Java At
Uppkb Trosobo Sidoarjo And Uppkb Singosari Malang
Figure 15
Diagram of the Percentage of Freight Transport Violations at UPPKB Trosobo
Year 2019 to 2022
The majority of freight transportation violations at UPPKB Trosobo during 2019 to 2022
were in the form of Carrying Capacity and Dimensions (ODOL) of 39,275 vehicles (46.7%).
a. Data on Freight Transport Violations at UPPKB Singosari from 2019 to 2022
The results of the recapitulation of data on violations of freight transportation at UPPKB
Singosari from 2019 to 2022 can be seen in the following table and figure.
Table 2
Recapitulation of Freight Transport Violations at UPPKB Singosari from 2019 to 2022
Types of Violations
Payload + Dimension (ODOL)
Technical requirements
Loading Procedures
Total Amount
Figure 16
Percentage Diagram of Freight Transport Violations at UPPKB Singosari
Year 2019 to 2022
The majority of freight transportation violations at UPPKB Singosari during 2019 to 2022
were in the form of Carrying Capacity and Dimensions (ODOL) of 47,697 vehicles (46.7%).
Results of Data Analysis of Enforcement of Freight Transport Violations at UPPKB
a. Data on Enforcement of Freight Transport Violations at UPPKB Trosobo from 2019 to 2022
The results of the recapitulation of data on the enforcement of violations of freight
transportation at UPPKB Trosobo from 2019 to 2022 can be seen in the following table and
Vol 2, No 8 Agustus 2023
Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Effectiveness Of Handling Over-
Dimension And Overloading (Odol) In East Java At Uppkb Trosobo
Sidoarjo And Uppkb Singosari Malang
Table 3
Recapitulation of Enforcement of Freight Transport Violations at UPPKB Trosobo
Year 2019 to 2022
Jenis Penindakan Pelanggaran
Tilang Kepolisian
Tilang UPPKB
Keseluruhan Penindakan
Jumlah Total
Figure 17
Percentage Diagram of Enforcement of Freight Transport Violations at UPPKB Trosobo
Year 2019 to 2022
The majority of enforcement of freight transportation violations at UPPKB Trosobo during
2019 to 2022 in the form of UPPKB tickets were 41,304 vehicles (49.1%).
b. Data on Enforcement of Freight Transport Violations at UPPKB Singosari from 2019 to 2022
The results of the recapitulation of data on the enforcement of violations of freight transportation
at UPPKB Singosaru from 2019 to 2022 can be seen in the following table and figure.
Table 4
Recapitulation of Enforcement of Freight Transport Violations at UPPKB Singosari
Year 2019 to 2022
Types of Violation
Police Ticke
UPPKB ticket
Overall Enforcement
Total Amount
Figure 18
Percentage Diagram of Enforcement of Freight Transport Violations at UPPKB Singosari
Year 2019 to 2022
Vol 2, No 4 Maret 2023
Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Effectiveness Of Handling
Over-Dimension And Overloading (Odol) In East Java At
Uppkb Trosobo Sidoarjo And Uppkb Singosari Malang
The majority of enforcement of goods transportation violations at UPPKB Singosari during
2019 to 2022 in the form of Carrying Capacity and Dimensions (ODOL) was 49,083 vehicles
Multiple Linear Regression Test Results
This test was carried out using SPSS software between independent variables (each
enforcement of ODOL violations) against dependent / bound variables (number of ODOL
Results of Tilang Regression Test (X1) and Travel Delay (X2) on the Number of ODOL
(Y) Violations at UPPKB Trosobo
a. Output Analysis of Coefficient of Determination
It is known that the adjusted R square value of 0.898 then it is concluded that the effect of
the independent variable (speeding tickets and travel delays) on the dependent variable (the
number of ODOL violations) simultaneously (together) is 89.8%.
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. The error
of the Estimate
a. Predictors: (Constant), Penundaan_Perjalanan_X2, Tilang_X1
b. F Test Outpit Analysis (Simultaneous)
Hypothesis :
There was no significant effect between the independent variable and the dependent
variable simultaneously (model not fit / not feasible)
There is a significant influence between the independent variable and the dependent
variable simultaneously (fit / feasible model)
Test Statistics :
• H0 rejected if value Sig. < 0,05
• H0 rejected if F value count > F tabel
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
a. Predictors: (Constant), Penundaan_Perjalanan_X2, Tilang_X1
b. Dependent Variable: Jumlah_Pelanggaran_ODOL_Y
Interpretation of Test Results :
Based on the table above, it can be seen that the value of Sig. = 0.000 < 0.05 and the value of
F count = 208.987 > F table = 3.20 (DF1 = 2 and DF2 = N-2-1 = 48-2-1 = 45) so that H0 is rejected.
So it is concluded that the fit / feasible model and the independent variable (speeding tickets and
Vol 2, No 8 Agustus 2023
Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Effectiveness Of Handling Over-
Dimension And Overloading (Odol) In East Java At Uppkb Trosobo
Sidoarjo And Uppkb Singosari Malang
travel delays) have a significant effect on the dependent variable (number of ODOL violations)
simultaneously (together).
c. T-Test Analysis
Hypothesis :
There was no significant effect between the independent variable and the dependent
variable partially
There is a significant influence between the independent variable and the dependent
variable partially
Test Statistics :
• H0 rejected if value Sig. < 0,05
• H0 rejected if value T hitung > T tabel
a. Dependent Variable:
Interpretation of Test Results :
Based on the table above, it can be seen that :
a. Ticket Variable (X1)
Sig. value = 0.000 < 0.05 and calculated T value = 9.012 table T > = 2.01410 (DF = 45, α =
5% for 2-sided test) so H0 is rejected. So it is concluded that the ticket variable (X1) has a
significant effect on the variable number of ODOL violations (Y) partially.
b. Travel Delay Variable (X2)
Sig. value = 0.000 < 0.05 and calculated T value = 4.816 table T > = 2.01410 (DF = 45, α =
5% for 2-sided test) so H0 is rejected. So it is concluded that the variable of travel delay (X2)
has a significant effect on the variable number of ODOL violations (Y) partially.
Multiple Linear Regression Equation Analysis
a. Regression equation obtained:
Y = 0,719 X1 + 0,620 X2 + 5,874
b. The constant value obtained is 5.874 then it means that if the independent variable is 0 (zero)
(constant) then the dependent variable is 5.874.
c. The value of the regression coefficient of variable X1 is positive (+) of 0.719, so it can be
interpreted that if variable X1 increases, variable Y will also increase and vice versa.
d. The value of the regression coefficient of variable X2 is positive (+) of 0.620, so it can be
interpreted that if variable X2 increases, variable Y will also increase and vice versa.
Next, using the same method, repeat steps (1) to (4) to test the model on Variables X3,
X4, X5 at UPPKB Trosobo and UPPKB Singosari.
Factors affecting the effectiveness of handling Overdimension and Overloading (ODOL)
violations of freight transportation in the East Java Region Tilang Enforcement (X1), consisting of:
Vol 2, No 4 Maret 2023
Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Effectiveness Of Handling
Over-Dimension And Overloading (Odol) In East Java At
Uppkb Trosobo Sidoarjo And Uppkb Singosari Malang
drivers, vehicle owners (individuals / companies), UPPKB officers and courts / prosecutors, Travel
Delay Enforcement (X2), consisting of: drivers, vehicle owners (individuals / companies) and
UPPKB officers, Cargo Transfer Enforcement (X3), consisting of: drivers, vehicle owners
(individuals / company), UPPKB officers and the surrounding community, Vehicle Normalization
Enforcement (X4), consisting of: drivers, vehicle owners (individuals / companies), UPPKB officers
and body body workshops, U-turn Enforcement (X5), consisting of: drivers, vehicle owners
(individuals / companies) and UPPKB Satpel, The dominant factor affecting the handling of
Overdimension and Overloading (ODOL) violations of freight transportation in the East Java
Region, especially the UPPKB Trosobo and UPPKB Singosari Satpel based on the coefficient value,
the largest determination is the enforcement of speeding tickets (X1) and Cargo Transfer / Overload
Transfer (X3) by 96.1% and 92.3%, recommendations for improvement in handling violations of
Overdimension and Overloading (ODOL) of freight transportation in the East Java Region include
the need for increased law enforcement at UPPKB such as ticket fines that need to be aggravated;
The need for a routine agenda of cutting / normalizing vehicles accompanied by legal sanctions in
the form of prison confinement and large fines, The need to build an integrated database system
between the Online Weighbridge (JTO) and E-Blue (proof of passing the electronic test) to minimize
falsification of test books, The need to improve UPPKB facilities, UPPKB HR competency
qualifications and UPPKB PPNS authority by reviewing existing regulations, The need to establish
a special forum between institutions to deal with violations of Overdimension and Overloading
(ODOL) freight transportation, The need for the establishment of a Special Task Force engaged in
violations of Overdimension and Overloading (ODOL) freight transportation with strong authority,
The need for freight transportation subsidies from the Government to reduce vehicle operational
costs that are large enough for entrepreneurs and freight transport drivers.
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