Journal Of Economics, Technology And Business (JETBIS)

Volume 2, Number 5 May 2023

p-ISSN 2964-903X; e-ISSN 2962-9330



Rifky Manaf Fauzan

Swadaya Gunung Jati University

Email: [email protected]


Work discipline, organizational culture, job satisfaction.


The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of work discipline and organizational culture on job satisfaction both partially and simultaneously. This research was carried out on CV. Marnos Rattan Furniture with 49 respondents. This study is an associative study. The data collection method in the implementation of this study used questionnaire tools that were distributed to employees as respondents. From the data obtained will be analyzed using the Likert scale method, then analyzed by validity tests, reliability tests, normality tests, multicollinearity tests, multiple regression analysis, coefficients of determination and hypothesis tests through t tests and f tests. It is partially known that the work discipline variable (X1) has a significant effect on the job satisfaction variable (Y) and the organizational culture variable (X2) has a significant effect on the job satisfaction variable (Y). Simultaneously, it is known that the work discipline variable (X1) and the organizational culture variable (X2) have a significant effect on the job satisfaction variable (Y) with an Adjusted R Square value of 0.257, meaning that the work discipline variable and the organizational culture variable together have an influence on the job satisfaction variable by 25.7%.



The success of an organization or company in achieving its goals cannot be separated from the human resources owned, because human resources will organize and manage other resources owned by the organization to help realize the goals of the organization itself, the organization and company must have competent human resources and have a high level of performance in carrying out the tasks charged by the organization (Nembo et al., 2023). All organizations have specific strategies in achieving their goals. In achieving its goals, cooperation and expertise between individuals are needed, it takes an increase in work and being able to utilize the potential of human resources owned by employees to achieve organizational goals. In this case, the role of the organization is needed in improving organizational culture and creating a conducive work environment to encourage the creation of professional attitudes and actions in completing work in accordance with their respective fields and responsibilities (Samsudin, 2010).

Human resources are always attached to every organization as a determining factor of existence and play a role in contributing to the achievement of organizational goals effectively and efficiently. Realize it (Sutrisno, 2014), Then the organization needs reliable and quality human resources, the organization must be able to manage and pay attention to human resources as well as possible. The condition and attitude of employees in the organization will affect the performance of the organization (Nurrofi, 2012). One form of employee attitude that determines the performance of a company is organizational culture

Discipline is a person's awareness and willingness to obey all company rules and applicable social norms. Work discipline is one of the factors that affect job satisfaction (Supartoto et al., 2012). A sense of not belonging to the organization can lead to poor job satisfaction. If work discipline is low, then employee satisfaction with the company will also be low. Low commitment can reduce the sense of indifference to the organization and company goals will not be realized, as well as increase the desire of employees not to maintain their membership in the company (Irfana et al., 2023).

Good work discipline reflects great responsibility for the tasks given to him, because discipline in a company is a form of obedience and awareness of the rules and laws that apply in the company itself, so that employees will work in accordance with predetermined regulations. The regulations in the company should not only be limited to the obligations that must be given by employees but the rights that will be obtained by work discipline which in the end will greatly affect the organizational culture in the company itself (Lestari et al., 2023).

The phenomenon that occurs to employees in work discipline is that leaving work is not in accordance with working hours because it often happens that the specified target has not been achieved (Lavidya et al., 2023). To create good work discipline from employees, awareness and willingness from employees are needed to follow the regulations that have been made by the company in order to create conducive conditions and employee work discipline can run in accordance with the wishes of the company. Here is the absentee list of CV employees. Marnos Rattan Furniture for the last 1 year :


Table 1

Employee Attendance CV. Marnos Rattan Furniture






































































Source : HRD CV. Marnos Rattan Furniture


Based on the data above, there are still many employees who do not come to work without information. This proves that there is still a lack of work discipline level for employees on CV. Marnos Rattan Furniture (Krskova & Breyer, 2023).

Organizational culture is a condition of meeting needs in the work environment such as the needs of the worker's work, the level of supervision, relations among workers, adequate promotion opportunities, and adequate wage levels (Wairisal, 2022). Organizational culture determines whether or not the performance of an employee is good. Organizational culture is a strength (drive) or can also result in achieving a need and satisfaction to carry out activities in accordance with the wishes of the employee himself in a certain way. So employees who have a high organizational culture will show their totality to the company, while employees who do not have a high organizational culture will do a conflict in carrying out their duties. Some factors that affect high employee work organizational culture include work discipline and employee organizational culture (Kang et al., 2023).

Organizational culture is the result obtained after work (Listiana, 2023). Organizational culture can be said if employees are able to do all their work well and optimally, so that employees feel satisfaction at work and get the desired results. Organizational culture in CV. Marnos Rattan Furniture is still relatively low, because there are still many violations that occur within the company both from discipline and from organizational culture.

The phenomena that occur with work organizational culture are as follows:

1.   Chairman (Director) CV. Marnos Rattan Furniture often travels abroad and out of town, so its employees are less organized towards its leaders, and its staff are less concerned about other employees. To create a good organizational culture within the company, the director must be able to provide motivation and a good example to employees, give good attention to employees.

2.   Lack of appreciation for employees, such as no reward for employees who excel or who work well, so that employees are not totality in work.

3.   Lack of security and safety equipment so that the work safety needs of employees are not met.

Every employee is required to have good work discipline and organizational culture in order to make the company rattan have high work discipline and organizational culture. CV. Marnos Rattan Furniture is required to have quality human resources, this is necessary for the achievement of company goals. However, CV. Marnos Rattan Furniture is lacking in terms of work discipline that is still low so that it affects the organizational culture obtained.

Job satisfaction is one of the most important factors to get optimal work results (Mangkunegara, 2011). When a person feels satisfaction at work, of course, he will try his best with all the ability he has to complete his work. Thus the productivity and work results of employees will increase optimally. To achieve the maximum level of  job satisfaction, supportive working conditions are needed in order to increase employee job satisfaction. Supportive working conditions mean the availability of adequate work facilities and infrastructure in accordance with the nature of the work to be completed.

The phenomena that occur with job satisfaction are as follows :

1.   Organizations that are not running well which results in decreased employee job satisfaction.

2.   There is no clear career path.

3.   Salaries that do not meet minimum wage standards.

4.   Uncomfortable workspace conditions.



Types of Research

The type of research conducted in this study is associative, which is a question "research that is in the nature of asking the relationship between two or more variables. With this research, it will be possible to build a theory that can function to explain, predict and control a symptom (Ghozali, 2016).

Table 2

Operasionalisasi Variable

Variable Definition

Sub Variables




Scale Measure

Discipline is an attitude of willingness and willingness of a person to obey and obey the norms of regulations that apply around him

Work Discipline





1. Goals and Abilities

2. Leadership Examples

3. Remuneration

4. Justice

5. Waskat

6. Legal Sanctions

7. Assertiveness

8. Human Relations

Questionnaire (Questionnaire)

Likert scale.

Variable Definition

Sub Variables




Scale Measure

The desire that exists in an individual that stimulates him to perform actions


Organizational culture

1.   Innovation and risk-taking courage

2.   Attention to detail

3.   Results-oriented

4.   Human-oriented

5.   Team-oriented

1. Physiological needs.

2. Safety and security needs.

3. The need for a sense of belonging

4. The need for self-esteem

5. The need for self-embodiment

Questionnaire (Questionnaire)

Skala likert.

Variable Definition

Sub Variables




Scale Measure

Job satisfaction is an evaluation that describes a person on his feelings of pleasure or displeasure, satisfaction or dissatisfaction at work

Job Satisfaction

1. Factor Intinsik

2. Ectrinsics factor

1.    Content of work

2.    Supervision

Organization and management (Hasibuan & Hasibuan, 2021)

3.    Opportunity to advance

4.    Salaries and Incentives

5.    Co workers

6.    Working conditions

Questionnaire (Questionnaire)

Skala likert.

Population and Sample

Population (Sugiyono, 2018) defines "Population is a generational area consisting of: objects / subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics that are applied by researchers to be studied and then drawn conclusions".

The total population in this study is all CV employees. Marnos Rattan Furniture, Plumbon District, Cirebon Regency, totaling 49 people.

According to (Sugiyono, 2018), saturated sampling is "A sampling technique when all members of the population are used as samples." Sampling in this study used a saturated sampling technique where all members of the population as many as 49 people were sampled, this is because the population is relatively small. Saturated sampling techniques are also carried out so that the results of the study are objective and accurate because all members of the population are sampled (Umar, 2014).



Table 3

The Effect of Work Discipline on Job Satisfaction 



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients




Std. Error









Disiplin Kerja






a. Dependent Variable: Job Satisfaction

From the table above, it can be seen that Work Discipline has an influence on job satisfaction. This is evidenced by the p-value (Sig.t) of < 0.05, which is 0.004 < 0.05, and the calculated value of ttable >, which is 3.037 > 2.011. This means that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, where Work Discipline has a positive and significant influence on job satisfaction. While the Organizational Culture variable shows that Organizational Culture has a p-value (sig.t) of < 0.05 which is 0.007 < 0.05 and a calculated value of ttable > which is 2.769 > 1.984 then H0 rejected Ha accepted. This means that there is a significant influence between Organizational Culture on Job Satisfaction.

Table 4

The Influence of Organizational Culture on Job Satisfaction



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients




Std. Error









Budaya Organisasi






a. Dependent Variable: Job Satisfaction

From the table above, it can be seen that Organizational Culture has an influence on job satisfaction. This is evidenced by the p-value (Sig.t) of < 0.05, which is 0.003 < 0.05, and the calculated value of ttable > is 3.153 > 2.011. This means that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, where Organizational Culture has a positive and significant influence on job satisfaction.

Table 5

The Influence of Work Discipline and Organizational Culture Together on Job Satisfaction



Sum of Squares


Mean Square






















a. Dependent Variable: Job Satisfaction

b. Predictors: (Constant), Organizational Culture, Work Discipline

Based on table 5 above, it can be seen that the value of Fcalculate > Ftable is 9.312 > 3.19 so that it can be concluded that the variables Work Discipline (X1) and Organizational Culture (X2) have a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction (Y). Then the third hypothesis has been tested.



Based on data analysis and research results on 49 employees at CV. Marnos Rattan Furniture with the title of the influence of Work Discipline and Organizational Culture on job satisfaction, the researcher concluded that Work discipline has a significant and positive influence on CV job satisfaction. Marnos Rattan Furniture. This means that the better the work discipline, the more employee job satisfaction in CV will increase. Marnos Rattan furniture. This is sufficient evidence that the variable of work discipline has an influence on job satisfaction with the results of the hypothesis that shows that t count is greater than t table. Organizational culture has a significant and positive influence on CV job satisfaction. Marnos Rattan Furniture. This means that the better the organizational culture, the more employee job satisfaction in CV will increase. Marnos Rattan furniture. This is sufficient evidence that organizational culture variables have an influence on job satisfaction with the hypothetical results showing that t count is greater than t table. Work Discipline and Organizational Culture together have a significant influence and positive on CV job satisfaction. Marnos Rattan Furniture. This means that the better the work discipline and organizational culture, the more employee job satisfaction in CV will increase. Marnos Rattan furniture. This is sufficient evidence that the variables of work discipline and organizational culture have an influence on job satisfaction with the hypothetical results showing that F count is greater than F table.



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