
Jurnal Ekonomi Teknologi & Bisnis (JETBIS)

Volume 2, Number 4 April 2023

p-ISSN 2964-903X; e-ISSN 2962-9330



Rizal Rahmawan1, Iwan Darmawansyah2

STIE Tunas Nusantara Indonesia1,2

Email : [email protected]1, [email protected]2



Work discipline, Work Facilities, and Productivity



Every company has a desire to be able to fulfill the interests of its members and shareholders. In this era, of course the company also has a goal to develop its business to be more advanced and have high competitiveness with other companies. To achieve these goals, the company must have qualified and superior human resources. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of work facilities on employee productivity at PT Mega Persada Indonesia. Work discipline is a form of employee control to create behaviors that are consistent with company rules in the implementation of work that is more productive and shows the sincerity of work in the company. Work facilities are anything that can facilitate efforts and expedite work in order to achieve a goal. With the suspected hypothesis that there is an influence of work facilities on employee productivity at PT Mega Persada Indonesia. This research was conducted at PT Mega Persada Indonesia which is located at Jalan Raya Condet No.136 East Jakarta, DKI Jakarta 13250. The population is 75 employees. The sample is 75 people. Data analysis techniques include classical assumption tests, linearity tests, coefficient of determination analysis. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, it was obtained that the calculated F value was 89.702 with a significance value of 0.000 (0.000 <0.05). Thus it can be concluded that work discipline and work facilities on employee work productivity. Based on the results of the coefficient of determination test (R2), it shows that work discipline work facilities and work training have an influence level of 0.714 (74.1%) on employee work productivity, while the rest 28.9% influenced by other factors. All X variables in this study (discipline and facilities) together have a positive and significant effect on employee work productivity.



The company is an organization that has a specific purpose in running its business. Every company has a desire to be able to fulfill the interests of its members and shareholders. In this era, of course the company also has a goal to develop its business to be more advanced and have high competitiveness with other companies. To achieve this goal, the company must have qualified and superior human resources (Mary & Robbins, 2014).

Human resources are the only resources that have feelings, desires, knowledge skills, encouragement, power and work (ratio, taste and intention). All of these HR potentials affect organizational efforts in achieving goals, (Sutrisno, 2016). Human resources will produce long-term competitive advantage. The role of human resources is an important factor in the company. The availability of quality human resources is the main wealth of a company, because without the availability of quality human resources, activities in the company will not occur.

An important factor that also influences the company's performance is work discipline. Employee work discipline is needed by the company in order to achieve company goals, both short term and long term goals (Dessler, 2013). Work discipline is a procedure used to regulate the relationship system that applies in the company. Making a disciplinary regulation, intended so that employees can carry out work in accordance with what is expected of the company (Noor, 2014). From this statement it can be concluded that work discipline is a form of employee control to create behaviors that are consistent with company rules in carrying out work that is more productive and shows the sincerity of work in the company. However, in the application of employee discipline usually encounters several obstacles including attendance, decreased morale, and many more related to work discipline (Arianto, 2013).

To improve employee work discipline, it is necessary to have good work facilities. Work facilities are anything that can facilitate efforts and expedite work in order to achieve a goal, (Darajat, Susanto, & Purwantiningrum, 2013). In simple terms, what is meant by a facility is a physical facility that can process an input to the desired output, (Nicolescu, Sarbu, Ovidiu Dima, Nicolae, & Donescu, 2013). Facilities are providers of physical equipment to provide convenience for users, so that these needs can be met. The existence of work facilities provided by The company really supports employees in carrying out physical company activities, and is used in normal company activities, has a relatively permanent term of use and provides benefits for the future. With the existence of work facilities, employees will feel comfortable at work and generate enthusiasm to get the results expected by the company, (NLP, Risza, Dyah, & Risa, 2014).

The success of the company is also strongly influenced by the work productivity of each employee. Work productivity is the amount of output produced by a person as a whole in a unit of work time carried out including effective activities in achieving results that come from inputs and use materials efficiently,(Sinungan, 2003). Productivity, namely the mental attitude that always has the view that the quality of life today must be better than yesterday, tomorrow must be better than today, (Sutrisno, 2016). Productivity is a comparison between output (results) and input (input). If increased productivity is only made possible by increased efficiency (time-materials-labor) and work systems, production techniques and increased skills of the workforce, (Hasibuan & Hasibuan, 2016). It is hoped that the definition of productivity will provide a more general picture for different parts of the economy. By improving company productivity, developing growth, domestic and international competition and providing knowledge and skills of human resources with the development of science and technology (IPTEK), improving services creates a conducive business climate. However, in an effort to increase the work productivity of PT Mega Persada Indonesia's employees, it seems that there are still a number of things to face that make it difficult to achieve the company's goals (Sedarmayanti, 2018). With the condition of PT Mega Persada Indonesia which is still not ideal, where there are still problems regarding work discipline that is not optimal, the work facilities are relatively lacking so that it has not reached a high productivity point. How important is the factor of work discipline and work facilities to motivate and encourage employees to carry out their duties, so that they will be more productive, so the authors try to conduct research on the Effect of Work Discipline and Work Facilities on Employee Productivity of PT Mega Persada Indonesia (Sutrisno, 2016).



The population is the entire research subject. So what is meant by population are individuals who have the same characteristics even though the percentage of similarity is small, or in other words all individuals who will be used as research objects, (Suhaemin & Arikunto, 2013). The population is a generalization consisting of objects/subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics determined by researchers to be studied and then conclusions drawn, (Sugiyono, 2016). The population in this study were PT Mega Persada Indonesia's office employees, totaling 75 employees.

The variables in this study consist of two kinds of variables, namely independent variables or variables that do not depend on other variables, and dependent variables or variables that depend on other variables, (Rinnaya, Andini, & Oemar, 2016).

A. Independent Variable

Independent variables are variables that influence or cause changes or the emergence of the dependent variable, (Ghazali, 2016). In this study, the independent variables were work discipline (X1) and work facilities (X2).

B.  Dependent Variable

The dependent variable is the variable that is affected or is the result, because it is the independent variable,(Ghazali, 2016). The dependent variable in this study is work productivity (Y).

C. Operational Variables

Operational is the translation of each variable on the indicators that make it up (Ghazali-Esfahani et al., 2013). In this study, the variable indicators include the following:

Table 1

Research Variables and Indicators



Variable Concept




Discipline (X1), (Moenir, 2008)

compliance with the rules and regulations that have been set. Based on the opinions above, it can be concluded that employee work discipline is an attitude or behavior that shows the loyalty and obedience of a person or group of people to the regulations set by the agency or organization, both written and unwritten so that the work is expected to be carried out effectively and efficiently.

1.   Punctuality

2.   Responsibility

3.   Obedience

1.     MPI employees carry out their duties on time.

2.     MPI employees save time in carrying out their duties.

3.     MPI employees carry out work according to plan.

4.     MPI employees evaluate their work and dare to accept the risk of mistakes.

5.     MPI employees arrive and leave the office on time.

6.  MPI employees comply with the orders of the leadership, including complying with work procedures and methods


Facility (X2),

Moenir (2013)

Work facilities are anything or means that can facilitate efforts and expedite work in order to achieve a goal.

1.     Work tool facilities

2.     Work equipment facilities

3.     Social facilities

7.     PT MPI provides adequate ATK

8.     PT MPI provides adequate PCs

9.     PT MPI provides adequate internet network

10.  PT MPI provides adequate telephone lines

11.  PT MPI provides health insurance

12.  PT MPI provides old age security facilities such as BPJS


Employee Productivity (Y), (Komarudin, Sujadi, & Kusmayadi, 2014)

Productivity essentially includes an attitude that always has the view that today's work methods must be better than yesterday's work methods and the results that can be achieved tomorrow must be more or better quality than the results achieved today.

1.   Working quantity

2.   Quality of work

3.   Punctuality

13.  Employees of PT MPI complete the work in the amount specified in the standard.

14.  PT MPI employees complete the work according to the target.

15.  PT MPI employees pay attention to the quality of the products to be used in the project.

16.  PT MPI employees prioritize customer satisfaction.


17.  PT MPI employees complete the project according to the specified time.

18.  PT MPI employees can save time in completing projects.

D.   Data Collection Techniques

Data is a collection of facts which can be in the form of numbers, symbols or writing obtained through observing an object. Data is the initial element that becomes the basis for considering a policy decision. In simple terms, data is a collection of facts that can provide a broad picture of a situation. Data is collected in certain ways and then processed to produce clear and easy-to-understand information. There are two kinds of data sources in research, namely primary data and secondary data. Primary data sources are data sources that directly provide data to data collectors. Meanwhile, secondary data sources are data sources that do not directly provide data to data collectors, (Sugiyono, 2016).



By outlining the identities of the respondents who were the samples in this study, it will be known to what extent the identities of the respondents in this study. Therefore the description of the identity of the respondents in this study can be grouped into several groups, including:

A.   By gender

The description of the respondents according to gender describes or provides an overview of the gender of the respondents who are the sample in this study (Salinding, 2012).


Table 2

Characteristics of Respondents Based on Gender



Number of Respondents










Sumber : Data primer diolah 2020

         Based on table 2, namely the responses of respondents based on gender, the 75 respondents who were the sample in this study were dominated by men. So it can be concluded that the majority of PT MPI employees are male.

B.  Data Analysis

         The Normality Test is part of the classic assumption test, the Normality Test aims to determine whether the residual values ​​are normally distributed or not. A good regression model is to have normally distributed residual values (Asis, 2014).

         The basis for decision making for the normality test is seen from the Kolmogrov-Smirnof test which is based on if the significance value is > 0.05, then the residual value is normally distributed, and vice versa if the significance value is <0.05 then the residual value is not normally distributed.

Table 3

Normality Test

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test


Unstandardized Residual



Normal Parametersa,b



Std. Deviation


Most Extreme Differences







Test Statistic


Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


a. Test distribution is Normal.

b. Calculated from data.

c. Lilliefors Significance Correction.

d. This is a lower bound of the true significance


         Based on the normality test with the Kolmogrov-Smirnov test, it is known that the Asymp.Sig (2-tailed) value is 0.200 > 0.05, so it can be concluded that the data meets the requirements for a normal distribution.



With the results of the research that has been discussed regarding the effect of work discipline on work facilities and job training on employee work productivity, it can be concluded as follows: Work Discipline at PT Mega Persada Indonesia has been going well as can be seen from the results of the Work Discipline research (X1) and the results of the t test show a significant value of discipline of 0.000 (0.000 <0.05). Which means discipline has a significant effect on employee work productivity has a positive and significant effect on employee work productivity (Y). Thus the results of this test state that H1 is accepted. PT Mega Persada Indonesia has provided good supporting facilities. Although there are several facilities that are not properly met, they still produce good productivity. It can be seen from the research which states that Facilities (X2) t test results show a significance value of facilities of 0.000 (0.000 <0.05), which means that facilities have a significant effect on employee work productivity. So the second hypothesis (H2) has a positive and significant effect on employee work productivity (Y). so that the decrease in the value of the facility variable (X2) will affect employee work productivity (Y). Thus the results of this test state that H2 is accepted. The facilities provided in the office are in accordance with the needs of employees. So that employees use the facilities that are adequate. The facilities provided support employees in optimizing work so that employees optimize work results. Because the work discipline and work facilities provided by the company are good, they produce good productivity. It can be seen from the results of the study which stated that the Dependent Variable consisting of discipline (X1), facilities (X2), indicated by the calculated F value of 89.702 with a significance value of 0.000 (0.000 <0.05) indicates that work discipline and work facilities have an effect simultaneously (together) and significantly to the variable employee productivity (Y). This means that the dependent variable plays a role in influencing employee work productivity. Thus it can be concluded that H3 is accepted. In order for work discipline to occur maximally and evenly, it is necessary to have special supervision from management.



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