Jurnal Ekonomi Teknologi & Bisnis (JETBIS)

Volume 2, Number 6 June 2023

p-ISSN 2964-903X; e-ISSN 2962-9330



Muhammad Miftah Sabban

Universitas Banda Naira Indonesia

Email: [email protected]



Poetry, Letter, Silent Princess



This study describes the similarities and differences in the poetry of Secret Love and a Love Letter for Miss Silent by Ahmadun Yosi Herfanda. The purpose of this research is to compare the poetry of Secret Love and Love Letters for Miss Silent by Ahmadun Yosi Herfanda. This study uses a content analysis method whose data sources are obtained from the poems Secret of Love and Love Letters for Puan Sunyi using a comparative literature approach that focuses on the theory put forward by Remak. The results of this study indicate that the theme in the secret love poem is a description of the wealth of love which not everyone can interpret according to the rules of true love. The message that the author wants to convey through the secret love poem is the true essence of love. Meanwhile, the love letter Poetry for Silent Puan has the theme of missing someone who was once present in her life. The message that the author wants to convey in the love letter poem to Miss Silent is that longing makes people anxious. The similarities between the secret love poem and the love letter to Miss Silent by Ahmadun Yosi Herfanda are that both of these poems are of a new type, included in the ranks of poetry of romance and elegy (sadness). In addition, both of these poems are poetry expressions of protest by a poet explaining his true feelings, with expressions of advice and sadness. The difference between secret love poems and love letters for silent ladies lies in their meaning and message.


Poetry is a form of literature that is very popular among the public to this day. Poetry is loved by all levels of society, because the progress of society is always increasing, so the style of attitude and form of poetry is always changing to follow the development of tastes, ever-changing aesthetic concepts, and ever-increasing intellectual progress. Every poem must have a certain purpose that the poet wants to convey to the public as his readers.

Etymologically, (Aminuddin & Yaacob, 2011) explains that poetry comes from the Greek poeima 'to make' or poeisis 'to make', and in English it is called poem or poetry. Through poetry someone has created a world of its own, which may describe both physical and mental moods. As a literary work, poetry uses language as a medium to express and convey meaning. Each author writes poetry based on the expression of his feelings so that the language used can be interpreted differently. Every poem made by a poet certainly has a meaning and meaning in it that is not known implicitly. Poetry is a form of literature that expresses the poet's thoughts and feelings imaginatively by using the chosen language.

The poem expresses thoughts that evoke feelings and stimulate the imagination of the five senses in a rhythmic arrangement. Poetry is an important recording and interpretation of human experience, transformed into the most memorable form. So, in fact poetry is an appreciation of human life in totality which is reflected by the creator with all his personality, thoughts, feelings, wills, and others (Situmorang, 1980).

Poetry as a literary work is actually an idea in writing related to other literary works. In essence, literary works are works that are not entirely pure, but abstract. Therefore, a text cannot be understood with just one text, but requires other related texts. Often a work has a background in another literary work, either opposing or continuing the literary work that is the background (Pradopo & Utomo, 2009).

Comparative literature is one of the many approaches in literature. Comparative literature At first, it was to compare literary works with literary works, to look for favorites and originality of works. In that comparison, you will find works of national and even international level .

Comparative literature is also not limited to major works, although comparative literary studies are often concerned with well-known writers representing an era. Studies of new authors that have not received world recognition can also be classified as comparative literature. The limitations of comparative literature show that comparisons are not only limited to literature between nations, but also among nations themselves, for example between authors, between genetics, between eras, between forms, and between themes.

The poems that will be studied are the poetry of Secret Love and a Love Letter to Miss Silent by Ahmadun Yosi Herfanda. This study wanted to find out the similarities and differences between the poems Secret of Love and Love Letters for Miss Silent by Ahmadun Yosi Herfanda.



The type of research used in studying the poetry of Secret Love and Love Letters to Puan Sunyi by Ahmadun Yosi Herfanda is qualitative research. This qualitative research is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words (Bogdan & Taylor, 1989). This study uses a comparative literature approach. In comparative literature, the differences and similarities in a literary work are the objects to be compared. In comparative literature, historical events, affinities of literary works, similarities and differences, themes, genres, styles, cultural evolution tools, and so on are compared (Remak, 1990).

The source of this research data is the poetry of Secret Love and a Love Letter for Miss Silent by Ahmadun Yosi Herfanda. data sources according to (Arikunto, 2010) regarding how the data was obtained. The data used in this study is in the form of poetry texts. The data collection technique used in this study is the literature study technique. Through documents on relevant libraries and supported by journals, searching for articles via the internet (Sugiarti, 2014).

The data analysis technique used in this study uses content analysis, because the object to be studied is poetry. Written documents and archives are data sources that often have an important position in qualitative research (Sutopo, 2002). The steps used to analyze are as follows: (1) reading and understanding the poetry of Secret Love and the Letter of Love for Miss Silent by Ahmadun Yosi Herfanda (2) recording data on the object of research (3) grouping data based on the type of data to be studied ( 4) draw conclusions and use it for data validity.



A. Analysis of the Secret Love Poetry by Ahmadun Yosi Herfanda.

The diction used in Ahmadun Yosi Herfanda's secret love poem is light, easy, clear, and familiar in everyday life so that it is easy for readers to understand. The theme in the love secret poem is a description of the wealth of love that not everyone can interpret according to the rules of true love. This is seen in rhyme | The secret of love is in flowers that never deny themselves for the sake of butterflies | The secret of love is in the loyalty of the beach which is always patiently waiting for the waves to kiss The secret of love is in passion and loyalty which always bring together two hearts longing to meet each other and unite their breath The secret of love is in all who are willing to love without counting what they will get after giving The secret of love is in a heart that is open to receive | The secret of love is in a heart that is always willing to share | The secret of love is in a heart that is sincere and becomes an ocean of forgiveness.

The message that the author wants to convey through the secret love poem is the true essence of love. This is illustrated by the poems contained in the secret love poem, which contains love that needs each other, love is mutual concern, love is mutual loyalty, love is caring for each other, love is giving each other, love is sharing, and love is present from sincerity.

The love letter poem for Puan Silent has the theme of missing someone who was once present in her life. This is illustrated in the poem | I'm still looking for you, Miss Sunyi. It's so far away And I see the address you gave. I miss you so much | In dew grains sometimes you look in the mirror. But I failed to hold you | I'm really at a loss without you, without your true caress of love | I'm really in a daze without you, without the Qiblah for my prostration | I'm really sick without you, without a raft to your upstream | Really I'm inflamed in longing, inflamed hunting you | It's unfortunate that I left you. | So come back, reconcile with my heart.

B.  Analysis of a Love Letter Poetry for Miss Silent

The love letter poem for Puan Silent has the theme of missing someone who was once present in her life. This is illustrated in the poem | I'm still looking for you, Miss Sunyi. It's so far away And I see the address you gave. I miss you so much | In dew grains sometimes you look in the mirror. But I failed to hold you | I'm really at a loss without you, without your true caress of love | I'm really in a daze without you, without the Qiblah for my prostration | I'm really sick without you, without a raft to your upstream | Really I'm inflamed in longing, inflamed hunting you | It's unfortunate that I left you. | So come back, reconcile with my heart.

These poems describe the figure of me in the poem, a love letter to a silent lady who misses her very much, sometimes she appears to him through a drop of dew, but that's just his imagination. My figure is very weak without a lady figure, she wants to meet and make love.

The message that the author wants to convey in the love letter poem for Miss is that longing makes people anxious. It is clear from the poem that the figure of Aku is very restless in living his daily life because he misses the figure of the lady.

C. Similarities and Differences of Secret Love Poems and Love Letters to Miss Silent by Ahmadun Yosi Herfanda

The similarities between the secret love poem and the love letter to Miss Silent by Ahmadun Yosi Herfanda are that both of these poems are of a new type, included in the ranks of poetry of romance and elegy (sadness). In addition, both of these poems are poetry expressions of protest by a poet explaining his true feelings, with expressions of advice and sadness. the secret poet of love fixes love that has been on the wrong path. in everyday language, "here you go,...love is like this". the poet's love letter to Miss Silent corrects the extraordinary emptiness of solitude without the presence of someone who is often together.

The difference between secret love poems and love letters for silent ladies lies in their meaning and message. love secret poetry means an explanation about love and the message that you want to convey is the true nature of love, while the love letter poem for Silent Mrs. has a meaning about anxiety about love and the message that you want to convey is that longing makes people anxious.



The theme in the love secret poem is a description of the wealth of love that not everyone can interpret according to the rules of true love. Someone giving love with attention is not enough. So sometimes a person's ego arises because he thinks he has given love perfectly. The message that the author wants to convey through the secret love poem is the true essence of love. The love letter poem for Puan Silent has the theme of missing someone who was once present in her life. These poems describe the figure of me in the poem, a love letter to a silent lady who misses her very much, sometimes she appears to him through a drop of dew, but that's just his imagination. My figure is very weak without a lady figure, she wants to meet and make love. The message that the author wants to convey in the love letter poem for Miss is that longing makes people anxious. The similarities between the secret love poem and the love letter to Miss Silent by Ahmadun Yosi Herfanda are that both of these poems are of a new type, included in the ranks of poetry of romance and elegy (sadness). In addition, both of these poems are poems expressing a poet's protest to explain his true feelings, with expressions of advice and sadness. The difference between secret love poems and love letters for silent ladies lies in their meaning and message.



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