Jurnal Ekonomi Teknologi & Bisnis (JETBIS)

Volume 2, Number 6 June 2023

p-ISSN 2964-903X; e-ISSN 2962-9330




Agus Purwo Wicaksono1, Abdul Rosyid2

STIE Tunas Nusantara Indonesia1, SMP Mawaddah Indonesia2

Email: [email protected]1, [email protected]2



marketing management, customer relationship strategy, customer satisfaction



Through customer relationships, companies can provide added value to customers, create customer satisfaction by understanding their wants and needs, and make efforts to get to know customers better. By providing maximum service to customers, in this case the parties who directly relate and interact with customers will create a close relationship between the company and customers. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of the Customer Relationship Marketing Strategy on the satisfaction of the parents of SMP IT Rahmaniyah. The customer relationship marketing strategy is one of the company's efforts to deal with changes that occur in the business environment. Increasingly fierce competition, technological advances and changes in market needs and wants. In essence, relationship marketing reflects a paradigm shift in marketing, which was originally focused on customer transactions/acquisition to become customer relations/retention. The hypothesis in this study is that it is suspected that there is a positive and significant influence from the Customer Relationship Marketing Strategy on Satisfaction. This research was conducted at SMP IT Rahmaniyah which is located at Jalan. Kostrad Division No.25 Cibinong, Bogor Regency, West Java. The population is 430 people, with a random sampling technique of 20%, a total of 86 people. Data analysis techniques in the form of descriptive analysis, simple linear regression analysis, correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination, and t test. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that the influence of the Customer Relationship Marketing Strategy on the Satisfaction of Guardians of SMP IT Rahmaniyah with a correlation value of (R) 0.696 or 69% and the influence between the two variables the coefficient of determination is (Rsquare) of 0.484 or 48 %. With a tcount value of 8.875, it is significant at 0.000 and a confidence level of 0.05..


In the current era of globalization, many companies want to develop their companies so that they are better and more advanced and can compete with other companies. Besides wanting to develop their business, there are also many companies that currently want to increase their company's income. Get the maximum profit so that the company can make investors interested in investing in the company. Of course to develop and increase the company's income, the company must have very good management. One of them companies must have good marketing management (Dadang Munandar, 2016).

Marketing management is a planning activity in marketing to achieve a company goal, namely, for customer satisfaction. Marketing management can be interpreted as the science of choosing market share in order to create superior customer value. According to Suparyanto and (Rosad & Hidayah, 2015) marketing management is the process of analyzing, planning, managing, and managing programs that include conceptualization, pricing, promotion and distribution of products, services and ideas designed to create and maintain exchanges that profitably with the target market to achieve company goals. (seputarilmu.com). With marketing management the company can maintain its viability and disseminate information and convey the results of its products (Sofjan, 2007).

In marketing management, some companies focus on building good relationships with customers. Give a positive impression and experience to customers (customers). Currently the school has built a relationship (relationship) with parents of students by opening an information service in the Financial Administration section with a service time of twelve hours. This information service is made to make it easier for parents to find information. Relationship marketing is also a major topic in business activities, most companies make the customer relationship marketing strategy an effective strategy to improve the quality of products (services) that are superior to the market (consumers). That way the school can provide customer satisfaction for the first service provided (Supranto, 2011).

The customer relationship marketing strategy is one of the company's efforts to deal with changes that occur in the business environment. Increasingly fierce competition, technological advances and changes in market needs and wants. In essence, relationship marketing reflects a paradigm shift in marketing, which was originally focused on customer transactions/acquisition to become customer relations/retention. Relationship Marketing is a strategic orientation, which focuses on maintaining and developing existing customers, more than new customers (Zeithaml, Bitner, & Gremler, 2010).

Customer satisfaction is very important for every company or business activity. Satisfaction is more defined from the perspective of customer experience after consuming or using a product or service. Satisfaction itself is a fulfillment response from customers. According to (Putro et al., 2016) satisfaction is the result of consumer research that products or services have provided a level of enjoyment where this fulfillment can be more or less. Consumer satisfaction is a condition in which the needs, desires and expectations of consumers for a product or service are in accordance with or are fulfilled by the continuous appearance of the product, encouraging consumers to be loyal to these products and services and happily promote these products or services to others. others for the company's products (services). By improving and providing the best possible service to customers, it can give a positive impression and experience to customers. Good and positive service will affect customer satisfaction (customer) (Alma, 2018).

Through customer relationships, companies can provide added value to customers, create customer satisfaction by understanding their wants and needs, and make efforts to get to know customers better. By providing maximum service to customers, in this case the parties who directly relate and interact with customers will create a close relationship between the company and customers (Mulyadi & Susanti, 2018).

One example of a service company (educational institution) is SMP IT Rahmaniyah, apart from the clear benchmarks for the quality of educational services. Rahmaniyah IT Middle School wants to become an international-based school, therefore the company (school) implements a Customer Relationship Marketing strategy to make it happen. One of the efforts that has been carried out by SMP IT Rahmaniyah is to open new student registration online, create a website (page) or social media to make it easier for the community, especially parents and students, to find out about school activities. Rahmaniyah IT Middle School has also made a point application which is useful for viewing attitudes and behavior of students which can be accessed by student guardians (Panjaitan & Yuliati, 2016).

In increasing the satisfaction of parents of students with school services (SMP IT Rahmaniyah) through a customer relationship marketing strategy. Rahmaniyah IT Middle School has made a special curriculum application but it is not yet operational, this application aims to update student attendance and grades per hour of lessons every day during the teaching and learning process (teaching and learning activities) is carried out. Applications will be sent via electronic mail (e-mail) parents of students. That way parents can easily find out whether their child is present in class per hour or not and know the value of their child's daily life (Mulyadi & Susanti, 2018).



A. Independent variable

Independent variables are variables that influence or become the cause of anges/arrivals of the dependent variable. Then the independent variable at the test stage is the Customer Relationship Marketing Strategy (X)

a.   Dependent variable

Related variables are variables whose values ​​are influenced by independent variables. Variable related to the testing stage is Student Guardian Satisfaction (Y)

b.  Operational variables

The operational definition of the research variables is to provide clues about how a variable is measured (Wikipedia). Operational definitions are explanations of variables as well as indicators that compose each variable used in study. The variable indicator table used as an indicator by the author is (Kusumasitta, 2014).


Table 1

Table of Operational Variables and Variable Indicators



Variable Definitions




Customer Relationship Marketing Strategy (X)

According to (Tjiptono & Diana, 2019) Customer Relationship Marketing is not just a concept or project. However, Customer Relationship Marketing is a business strategy that aims to understand, anticipate, and manage the needs of an organization's customers, both current and potential customers.

ü Commitment

ü Communication

ü Service Quality

ü According to Sorce and Kolter in (Iriandini, 2015).

1.   The school is committed to every student who passes memorizing at least 5 juz

2.   The school is committed to making students with better character, especially in terms of morality and religion

3.   Schools provide information on teaching and learning activities through e-point applications and curriculum applications to parents of students

4.   The school has created a call center to facilitate and help school parents provide good educational services to students

5.   The school provides good administrative services to parents of students


Satisfaction (Y)

According to (Brown, Morgan, & Dow, 1992) argues that consumer satisfaction is a condition in which the needs, desires and expectations of consumers for a product or service are in accordance with or are fulfilled by the appearance of the product continuously, encouraging consumers to be loyal to these products and services and happily promote the product or service to others by word of mouth (Larastomo, Perdana, Triatmoko, & Sudaryono, 2016).

ü (Tangibles) physical evidence

ü (Reliability) Trust

ü Responsiveness) Capture Power

ü (Assurance) Guarantee

ü (empathy) empathy

ü According to Zeithaml & Berry (1998) in (Rahmat Munandar, 2016)

1.       The school has adequate facilities

2.       The school has social media accounts and applications/websites that can help parents

3.       Schools are able to overcome problems faced by students/guardians of students

4.       The school provides good educational services as promised

5.       Employees and teachers receive and serve quickly and precisely

6.       The school is responsive in responding to problems or responding to what parents need

7.       Schools provide a sense of security, comfort and protection for entrusting students

8.       Administrative staff (TU) provide services as expected by student parents

9.       Schools provide understanding and attention to students / guardians of students

10.    The school cares about the problems that exist in students/guardians


c.   Data sources

Primary data sources are data sources that come from respondents directly and are collected through questionnaires and interviews. Data that has been collected is then processed by the author (Nikmah, 2017).

d.  Secondary data

Secondary data sources are data sourced from existing record data from companies and from other sources, namely from literature studies by studying books or journals that have something to do with the object of research. In research that includes secondary data is a description of the company, information and other data needed by researchers (Andespa, 2017).



The natural population of this study were the guardians of SMP IT Rahmaniyah Cibinong, Bogor regency, from which 86 respondents were taken as samples. The results of the respondent's research can be described as follows:

A. Gender of Respondents

In the gender classification, the respondents were grouped into two groups as listed in the following table:

Table 2

Respondent characteristics based on gender














Based on the table above, it can be seen that the number of female respondents is 59 people (68.6%), and the number of male respondents is 27 people (31.4%).

B.  Student Class

     In the Classification Classification of Student Respondents are grouped into two groups as listed in the following table:





Table 3

Respondent characteristics based on Student Class

Student Class












Source: results of data processing by researchers, 2020


Based on the table above, it can be seen that the number of Class VII Respondents is 48 people (55.8%), and the Number of Class VIII Respondents is 38 people (44.2%).

C. Respondent's Occupation

     In the occupational classification, the respondents are grouped into five groups as listed in the following table:


Table 4

Respondent characteristics based on Respondent's Work

Type of work






Private sector employee



















Based on the table above, it can be seen that the type of work is the guardian of SMP IT Rahmaniyah Boarding School students. 2 people (2.3%) PNS/BUMN, 33 private employees 938.4%, 12 people (13.9%) TNI/POLRI, 12 people (13.9%) Entrepreneurs, Teachers by 15 people (17.4%), housewife work by 12 people (13.9%) of a total sample of 86 people by 100% (Wibisono, 2019).

D. Data Analysis

     Analysis of the Influence of Customer Relationship Marketing Strategy (X) and Student Guardian Loyalty (Y).

a.   Descriptive Analysis

The description of the research data is intended to describe the Customer Relationship Marketing Strategy variables and the Satisfaction variables at SMP IT Rahmaniyah. The calculation results are compared between the actual score and the ideal score that has been provided so that categories are obtained for each variable indicator (Kusuma, 2017).

Table 5

TCR classification





85% - 100%

Very good


66% - 84%



51% - 65%



36% - 50%

Not good


0% - 35%

Very Not Good

Source: (Tarsito, 2014)


b.  Description of the Customer Relationship Marketing Strategy variables

          The calculation results of the 3 variable indicators of the Customer Relationship Marketing Strategy are as follows:

Table 6

Commitment Indicators on Customer Relationship Marketing Strategy Variables





Answer Choices














 Item 1










Very good


 Item 2










Very good

Source: Processed Results By Penlis, 2020


Based on table 5, it can be seen that the data obtained from distributing questionnaires were analyzed using IBM SPSS version 22, the Commitment indicator consists of 2 statement items. In majority of the 2 items in the questionnaire statement, 86 respondents agreed.



Based on the results of the research and analysis of the data obtained in this study, it can be concluded that there are: Customer Relationship Marketing Strategy for SMP IT Rahmaniyah. that the school uses to advance the school is very good, by maintaining commitment and communication with parents and of course improving the quality of education services even better. The parents' satisfaction with the IT Rahmaniyah Middle School is very good. The student's parents are satisfied with what is provided by the school, especially in terms of the service quality provided by the school, so that the parents do not hesitate to leave their children (students) at school and recommend the IT Middle School Rahmaniyah to others. The effect of the Customer Relationship Marketing Strategy on the Satisfaction of Guardians of SMP IT Rahmaniyah with a correlation value of (R) 0.696 or 69% and the influence between the two variables the coefficient of determination is (Rsquare) of 0.484 or 48%. With a tcount value of 8.875, it is significant at 0.000 and a confidence level of 0.05. Which means the hypothesis is accepted with the condition that there is a positive influence and significantly from the Customer Relationship Marketing Strategy (X) to the Guardian's Satisfaction (Y).Based on the research conclusions above, the suggestions that can be given to be considered are as follows: Hopefully we can always maintain and improve the application of relationship marketing (Relationship Marketing) by maintaining good relations with student guardians, maintaining communication and commitment and trust of student guardians so that they continue to make student parents feel satisfied, and continue to prioritize religious values. Continue to improve education services for both teachers and junior high school employees in order to become a superior school. Continue to maintain cooperation between employees and teachers to support the creation of good educational services. It is better for hostel guardians to further increase their sense of empathy for student guardians. It is better to increase cooperation between homeroom teachers (schools) and boarding school guardians (Islamic boarding schools) so that communication errors do not occur in creating educational services, as well as for boarding house guardians to increase their sense of empathy towards students and student problems. Further research needs to be carried out for other variables, especially variables to examine the cooperation section within the organization.



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