Journal Of Economics, Technology And Business (JETBIS)

Volume 2, Number 7 July 2023

p-ISSN 2964-903X; e-ISSN 2962-9330




Sismiati, Asmanih

Management of STIE Tunas Nusantara, SMA Mawaddah

Email: [email protected]



Program evaluation, Physical exercise program, table tennis coaching club



The problem in this study is that athletes always experience fatigue when competing in national events, it is due to their poor physical condition. The purpose in this study was to evaluate the physical exercise program of table tennis club coaching. This research was conducted at a table tennis club in the city of Bengkulu. This type of research is qualitative research with the CIPP method through a qualitative approach. CIPP consists of four stages, namely: Context, Input, Process, Product. Data were obtained through observation, questionnaires, interviews and documentation studies.  This study uses non-statistical qualitative analysis methods, where the components of data reduction, and data presentation are carried out simultaneously with the data collection process after being collected, the three components analyzed (data reduction, data presentation, conclusions) interact. The results of this study show that (1) The process of eligibility mechanism and qualification of coaches and athletes of table tennis clubs in Bengkulu City includes PTM. Rook, PTM. Post, PTM. Tebeng is already classified as decent. (2) The implementation of the physical training program has not gone well, in the sector of coaches and athletes. (3) The facilities and infrastructure owned by table tennis clubs in Bengkulu City are still categorized as not good because they are only PTM. Posts that have adjusted facilities and infrastructure according to PTMSI standards while PTM. Fortress and PTM. Tebeng still needs to be fixed. 




Every foundation must need human resources that perform well and optimal productivity in order to achieve its goals. The attitudes and actions of human resources on a daily basis are a reflection of their performance and can affect the overall productivity of the foundation. So it is very important for the foundation to maintain and improve employee performance to achieve the goals of the foundation.

In a foundation the existence of conflict is inevitable, in other words conflict is always present. For this reason, there is a need for conflict management in the foundation. Conflict is the process of interaction between two or more people, or two or more groups that are opposed in their opinions and goals. Each employee has creativity / thinking patterns, activities and traits / characters that vary from one another, so it does not rule out the possibility that in activities or at work there can be found competition or clashes that cause problems for the person concerned and for the company, if these problems are left unchecked it will affect the performance of employees in the company.

Wahyudi (2006: 3) the old view considers conflict in organizations as a negative thing, leading to organizational division, because it must be eliminated because it hinders optimal performance. Disputes are considered an indication that something is wrong with the organization, and it means that the rules of the organization are not followed. The problems faced by organizations in general also occur in social organizations, educational organizations and profit-oriented organizations. If in the education system education management is one of the main problems that cause crises in the world of education today, due to the absence of professional education administrators (Wahyudi, 2006: 4).

Similarly, in foundation management, a workforce is needed that is able to handle various problems that arise. This statement leads to effective and efficient actions that will be taken by a leader to resolve conflicts called conflict management.

Wirawan (2010: 129) states that conflict management is the process of parties involved in the conflict or third parties formulating conflict strategies and applying them to control conflicts in order to produce the desired resolution. Conflict management is a way that can be used from parties involved in conflicts or third parties to deal with disputes between two or more people or two or more groups in order to find a bright spot on the problem Islamic education, such as Islamic boarding schools and madrassas has a complexity of problems that are prone to conflict, both conflicts between individuals or conflicts between groups.

Conflict will always exist whenever, and wherever. The most important thing to do is to prepare rules to overcome the occurrence of unhealthy conflicts. The emergence of conflict usually begins with the emergence of seeds of conflict.  Therefore, the leader is responsible for identifying the sources and types of conflict as early as possible, and analyzing the consequences that may arise. Similarly, leaders must know their strengths and weaknesses to be able to determine the appropriate preventive measures.

Conflicts that occur, although they cause tension, are still necessary for the progress and development of institutions. Conflict can be a strength if managed well, and can be used as a tool to make changes, but conversely can reduce performance if not controlled properly. Therefore, an institutional leader must pay attention to conflicts so as not to result in hindrance of progress and difficulty in achieving the desired goals.

Classical management experts stated that all conflicts are negative, untenable, until later developments conflicts are considered natural. Conflict is seen as something natural, within certain limits it can be of positive value if managed properly and carefully.  Leaders must be able to manage conflict. In certain cases even the leader needs to create conflicts, to stimulate the performance and productivity of the institution.

In addition, leaders must know how to manage conflict so that the existence of conflict becomes useful, not the other way around. In realizing this, what leaders need, namely conflict management. With conflict management, leaders can turn conflict into a source of strength to improve performance and productivity.

Conflict needs to be processed and made into the strength of an institution. Of course, all of that needs conflict management governance that is in accordance with their needs and objectives. Conflict on the one hand can be beneficial, on the other hand it can be detrimental if not managed properly. Similarly, in an institution, although the presence of conflict often generates tension, it is still necessary for the progress and development of the institution.

Especially in institutions that are already financially established infrastructure and systems, but in the process experience staganasi. The existence of conflict can be a solution as long as it is managed properly, it can even be used as a tool to make changes, otherwise it can reduce performance if it cannot be controlled.

Conflict management is an important factor in realizing a productive institution. For this reason, educational institutions must be managed by professional education managers, in the sense of being able to utilize existing resources and be able to manage conflicts well so that the performance of institution members can be optimally improved. With increased performance, so does the productivity of the institution. A leader who wants to advance his institution, must understand what factors cause conflict, both natural conflicts and created conflicts.

The ability to manage conflict is required by all leaders of institutions. including the leadership of Yayasan Bangun TIntelligence Bangsa.  Yayasan Bangun TIntelligence Bangsa is an organization initiated by young people who have social care and have the aim to explore, foster and develop community potential in various fields.

With the emergence of various conflicts due to the policy of the Foundation management that integrates the Education and Teaching Sector into the Foundation, so that automatically the loss of authority in the Education and Teaching Sector in managing education autonomously, as a result several important stakeholders in the Education and Teaching Field resigned as protests, and several teacher programs that had been designed by the Education and Teaching Sector were stopped.

Furthermore, the management of the Foundation took over the Education and Teaching Sector with its various consequences, then carried out a series of steps to control and manage the conflicts that occurred so that the conflicts became functional conflicts and were able to increase work productivity in the institution. Furthermore, the question arises how the conflict management process carried out by the Foundation management in increasing work productivity in the Foundation.

Therefore, the author feels interested in choosing the title of the thesis on "The Effect of Conflict Management on Employee Performance at the Build Intelligence of the Nation Foundation".



This research was conducted at the Bangun TIntelligence Bangsa Foundation located on Jl. Raya Tengah No.22, RT.8/RW.8, Gedong, Kec. Ps. Rebo, East Jakarta City, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 13760. This research was conducted from September 2021 to February 2022. The type of research in this study is using descriptive methods in a quantitative approach. The approach to this method aims to explain, summarize various conditions, as well as various situations or some variables that arise in society that are the object of research based on what happens in society. The quantitative descriptive approach in this study is intended so that the author can know and provide a detailed picture of the Influence of Home Industry on Community Income, The facts that exist are not just reported, but must go through analysis in order to get conclusions and ideas or suggestions.



Data Analysis

1.          Characteristics of Respondents

In this study, the author used 4 items as respondent data. The respondent data is Gender, Age of Respondents, Last Education and Length of Work.

a.          Characteristics of respondents by gender

Based on gender, the respondents studied can be grouped as follows:

Table 1. Characteristics of respondents by gender













Source : Author's Processed Data, 2022

b.          Characteristics of respondents by age

Based on age, the respondents studied can be grouped as follows:

Table 2. Characteristics of respondents by age type





Above 60 Th



50 – 59 Th



40 – 49 Th



30 – 39 Th



20 – 29 Th





Source : Author's Processed Data, 2022

c.          Characteristics of respondents based on recent education

Based on Education, the respondents studied can be grouped as follows:

Table 3. Characteristics of Respondents Based on Recent Education


Recent Education



Stratum Two



Stratum One












No School





Source : Author's Processed Data, 2022

d.          Characteristics of respondents based on length of work

Based on the length of work, the respondents studied can be grouped as follows

Table 4. Characteristics of respondents based on length of work


Length of Work



Above 40 Th



30 – 39 Th



20 – 29 Th



10 – 19 Th



1 – 9 Th





Source : Author's Processed Data, 2022

2.          Description of Research Data

To obtain the data needed in writing this thesis, the author submitted a set of questionnaires to 50 respondents, the following are data on the number of questionnaires distributed, questionnaires that returned, and questionnaires that did not return:

Table 5. Research Results



Distributed questionnaires


Returning questionnaires


Questionnaires that do not return


Total questionnaires distributed


            Source : data processed by the author, :2022

The study of the three instruments used the Likert scale. For each question asked has an answer scale of 1,2,3,4,5. For each item, the highest score is 5 which is a very positive answer while the lowest score is 1 which is a strongly disagree answer.


1.          Data Validity and Reliability Test

This test is carried out to determine the level of validity and reliability of the data.

a.          Validity Test

Validity tests are carried out to ensure that each question will be clarified on the variables that have been set (construct validity).  This validity test is carried out on the value of each variable  with the correlation technique of item score or question item with the total item score using the Pearson Product Moment  correlation coefficient (r) with the formula r table: n-2 items to be included in the final analysis are items that have an r value more than the critical value or table value with a real level of 0.05.

 Based on the results of the validity test of variable X as seen in the processed spss. that all statements have r - count above or greater than r - table that has been set at 0.329. So it can be concluded that all. The statement item is said to meet the validity requirement.

Based on the results of the validity test of variable Y as seen in the attachment of spss processed results, that all statements have r - count above or greater than r - table that has been determined which is 0.329.  So it can be concluded that all the items of the statement are said to meet the requirements of validity.

b.          Reliability Test

Based on calculations with processed statistical data SPSS 20.0 for windows seen in the appendix, reliability results for each variable are obtained as follows:

From the results of SPSS analysis, the reliability coefficient for variable X has a Cronbachs Alpha of 0.994 With these results, it can be concluded that variable X has very reliable data, because it has a Cronbach's Alpha value of 0.994 > 0.80.

From the results of the analysis above, the Alpha Cronbachs reliability coefficient of 0.906 was obtained. With these results, it can be concluded that the variable Y has very reliable data, because it has a Cronbach's Alpha value of 0.906 > 0.80.

2.          Test Data Analysis

a.          Correlation Coefficient Analysis Test

Test Simple Correlation Analysis between variable X to variable Y

Table 9. Test the coefficient simply x against y



Conflict Management

Employee Performance

Conflict Management

Pearson Correlation



Sig. (2-tailed)






Employee Performance

Pearson Correlation



Sig. (2-tailed)




















From the results of the analysis above, that the basis for decision making in the correlation test where:

a.  If the significance value < 0.05 then it correlates

b.  If the significance value > 0.05 then it does not correlate

From the results of the SPSS outpus above, it is known that the significance value for the relationship of variable X to variable Y is 0.000. The meaning is correlated.  Because the significance value is 0.000 < 0.05. In other words, there is a relationship between variable X and variable Y.

As for the degree of relationship, when viewed from the value of person correlation: 0.715. If seen from the guidelines for the degree of this relationship in table 4.10, then: it means that the level of relationship between variable X and variable Y is included in the STRONG category. 

The direction of the relationship between variable X and variable Y is positive. This can be seen from  the value of the person correlation value of Positive (0.715).

Table 10. Correlation Coefficient Assessment Criteria


Coefficient Value



0,00 – 0,199

Very Low


0,20 – 0,399



0,40 – 0,599



0,60 – 0,799



0,80 – 1,000

Very Powerful

               Source : Sugiyono, Business Research Methods, 2012

b.          Coefficient of Determination Analysis Test

Test the analysis of the simple coefficient of determination for variable X against variable Y

Table 11.  Coefficient of Determination Analysis Test

Model Summary



R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate






a. Predictors: (Constant), Conflict Management


Based on the results of the data processing above, it can be seen that the value of the adjusted coefficient of determination (R Square) is 0.325 (32.5%).

Which means that the amount of contribution of variable X to variable Y is 32.5%, the remaining 67.5% (100% - 32.5%) is explained by other variables outside the variables used.

c.          Simple Linear Regression Test

The following are the results of a Simple Regression Test Between variable X Against variable Y

Table 12. Simple linear regression test x to y



Sum of Squares


Mean Square






















a. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance

b. Predictors: (Constant), Conflict Management


From the output it is known that the calculated F value is 6.209, with a significance level of 0.000 < 0.05, then the regression model can be used to predict variable X, or in other words there is an influence of variable X (Conflict Management) on variable Y (Employee Performance)

3.          Hypothesis Test (Test t)

The statistical test t basically shows how far the influence of an individual variable X (independent) in explaining the variation of variable Y (dependent). Here is the hypothesis of variable X Against variable Y is as follows:

a.          Ho: β = 0 means that it has no significant influence between variable X and variable Y.  

b.          Ha: β ≠ 0 means that it has a significant influence between variable X and variable Y.

Table 13. Hypothesis of variable X against variable Y



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients




Std. Error









Conflict Management






a. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance


From the table above shows that the regression equation obtained from the results of the analysis is:

 = a + bX


a = Costa Stanta,

b = Regression Coefficient,

X = Conflict Management,

Y = Employee Performance

 = 34.153 + 0.118 X

The above equation means:

1)  Coefficient of constant a = 34.153

that is, if variable X (independent) is considered constant, then Variable Y is 34.153.

2)  The regression coefficient of the variable X is 0.118,

This means that every addition of one value to variable X while the other variable is fixed, will cause an increase in variable Y by 0.118.

Based on the calculations in the table above, it shows that the variable X  obtained t - calculate is 3.892, while t - table for one side is 2.02809. So it is known that the result t is calculated  > ttable and  obtained a notation (3.892 > 2.02809), and the significance is 0.000 < 0.05. So it can be said that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. This shows that variable X (conflict management) has a significant influence on variable Y (employee performance).



Based on the discussion of the physical training program of table tennis clubs in Bengkulu City, it can be concluded, namely:

1)  In terms of Context

a.   The insight and understanding of all coaches on the importance of a special physical training program for table tennis is good, because they think how important physical training specifically for table tennis is very necessary for improving Bengkulu's table tennis performance, even though in its implementation there are many obstacles.

b.   Coaches' awareness of the importance of physical training programs for table tennis is very lacking, they only demand achievements without any assistance in terms of material or non-material. While trainers can only do physical exercise programs using makeshift equipment.

c.   The analysis of the needs needed for the table tennis physical exercise program is still lacking, it can be seen that only PTM Pos has sufficient facilities and infrastructure towards PTMSI standards while others are still very far away.

2)  In terms of Input

a.   The availability of qualified coaches in supporting the physical training program of table tennis clubs in Bengkulu City, namely PTM Benteng coaches with a National license, PTM Pos coaches with regional licenses, only PTM Tebeng who does not yet have a license but is a former table tennis player.

b.   The quality of the players involved is very good in regional events, as can be seen from the achievements obtained by PTM Pos athletes who always dominate, followed by PTM Benteng which also has potential athletes while PTM Tebeng still needs improvement to produce outstanding athletes.

c.   The availability of adequate facilities and infrastructure in order to support the physical exercise program is quite good even though it is still incomplete, while PTM Benteng is still lacking and PTM Tebeng has no facilities and infrastructure to support the physical exercise program at all.

d.   The support of the board and other organizations in preparing a table tennis physical training program in Bengkulu City is very minimal.

3)  In terms of Process

The preparation for the implementation of the physical training program of the table tennis club in Bengkulu City in writing is quite good, while the implementation of the physical training program consisting of physical components, namely endurance, strength, speed, flexibility, coordination of reaction speed is in accordance with the established guidelines even though it has not fully implemented it.

4)  In terms of Products

The achievement of the quality and quantity of players after participating in the physical training program of table tennis clubs in Bengkulu City is good enough at the regional level, as can be seen from the achievements and results of the evaluation data of each coach but needs to be addressed to compete in the national arena.



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