Journal Of Economics, Technology, And Business (JETBIS)
Volume 2, Number 9 September 2023
p-ISSN 2964-903X; e-ISSN 2962-9330
Kristina Setyowati
Rino Ardhian Nugroho
Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
, rino.nugroh[email protected]
adoption decision;
innovation; community
health center; mental
The research method uses a qualitative approach with in-depth interviews
with health workers, patients, and related parties at the Bubakan Health
Center. The results showed that the decision to adopt Soul Market innovations
was influenced by several factors, including awareness about mental health
issues, availability of resources, support from authorities, and perceptions of
the benefits of innovation. The findings of this study indicate that efforts to
prevent early mental health problems require cooperation between authorities,
health workers, and the community. The adoption of Mental Market
innovations can be an effective first step in addressing mental health issues at
the community level. The practical implication of this research is the need to
raise public awareness of mental health issues and increase the support and
resources available in Puskesmas to facilitate the adoption of these
innovations. This research makes an important contribution to the
understanding of early prevention efforts of mental health problems at the
community level, especially in Puskesmas Bubakan, Pacitan Regency, and
can be a reference for the development of more effective early prevention
strategies in the future.
Overall, mental health treatment in Pacitan Regency has not been going well (Yudhastuti et
al., 2019). This is due to the treatment gap between people with mental disorders and puskesmas as
a basic health service unit, which still tends to prioritize the function of curative and rehabilitative
services. In addition to these factors, there are also problems and difficulties in handling mental
disorders, especially at the Bubakan Health Center. This factor is the existence of social stigma for
people with mental disorders. Having a mental disorder is still considered a taboo or even a disgrace
in the family (Yudhastuti et al., 2019). People with mental problems still often get ostracized and
discriminated against, making the healing process difficult for the sufferer himself. Many sufferers
still face social stigma and discrimination due to the relationship between life and social
responsibilities involving people with mental disorders (Burmeister & Marks, 2016). The social
stigma surrounding mental health issues not only affects sufferers but also their families. The social
stigma surrounding mental health issues not only affects sufferers but also their families. Families
with mental disorders will tend to hide the mental illness of their family members to avoid social
stigma, so as not to be isolated from their environment (Pratt et al., 2016). Families with mental
Vol 2, No 9 September 2023
The Decision Of Pasar Jiwa Innovation Adoption In The Early
Prevention Of Mental Health Issues At The Bubakan Health
Center, Pacitan Regency
disorders in rural areas will tend to deal with it in a non-medical way. This is because most people
still believe that mental health disorders are caused by irrational or supernatural things, such as
magic, the entry of evil spirits, and/or because they violate prohibitions and others (Suwarno, 2008).
In addition to the two main issues mentioned above, the problem of community literacy,
especially in rural areas, also influences. Low literacy, in this case, mental health literacy, is still
very influential. This is revealed from the assumption in the community, especially in the Bubakan
Puskesmas work area, that mental health is no more important to getting medical care and treatment
when compared to physical health. Although physical health and mental health are two things that
cannot be separated. Good physical health will be associated with good mental health. Vice versa,
because talking about health holistically, must combine the two (Crepaz-Keay, 2016). Stuart
Geoffrey (Nuryani et al., 2022) also said that people in rural areas have a high risk of mental health
because they consider symptoms of mental disorders to be common. In fact, in some rural
communities, there is still the practice of shackling people with mental disorders using wood or leg
chains, including confinement (Ayuningtyas et al., 2018).
In addition, geographical conditions in the Bubakan Puskesmas work area also affect the
handling of mental health disorders. This is considering that to get to the basic health service center,
namely the Bubakan Health Center, these mental patients need a relatively long time due to hilly
geographical conditions. For this reason, the role of mental health cadres at the Bubakan Health
Center is expected to help ease the burden on patients in overcoming these geographical problems.
Mental health cadres are scattered in each village as a form of collaboration between the government
and the community. As Alter and Hage explain (La Ode Syaiful Islamy, 2018) collaborative efforts
are approaches to achieve goals flexibly in less time. This collaborative approach, one of which is
through the innovation movement. This innovation aims to provide fast and standard service so that
more severe mental disorders do not occur. Meanwhile, according to (Burmeister & Marks, 2016),
to support social roles as part of a recovery-oriented approach for people with mental disorders, it is
necessary to collaborate across sectors holistically by creating easy access to direct services to
patients through infrastructure improvements (GHAFAR & Cahya, 2023).
In general, mental health development is not only a burden and responsibility of the
government, but also the responsibility of the community. Active community participation is needed
for the success of health development in an area (Arianto & Fitriana, 2013). In line with this
statement and at the same time as an effort to deal with mental health problems in the working area
of the Bubakan Health Center, Tulakan District, an innovation called Puskesmas Sadar Jiwa
abbreviated as PaSar Jiwa has been born. In short, PaSar Jiwa aims to deal with delays in finding
People With Mental Disorders (ODGJ) so that more severe mental disorders do not occur. PaSar
Jiwa is one of the five mental health treatment innovations in Pacitan Regency.
The five innovations are as follows:
The Decision Of Pasar Jiwa Innovation Adoption In The Early
Prevention Of Mental Health Issues At The Bubakan Health
Center, Pacitan Regency
Vol 2, No 9 September 2023
Table 1
Mental Health Service Innovation in Pacitan Regency Until 2021
Organizational Units
Innovation Name
Health Office
Kahur Saji (Sahabat Jiwa Friendly
Residential Room)
Temple Health Center
Posyandu Jiwa Services
Kebonagung Health
Posyandu Jiwa Services
Gondosari Health Center
Soul Promise (No Stigma for People with
Mental Disorders)
Bubakan Health Center
PaSar Jiwa (Puskesmas Sadar Jiwa)
Source: Pacitan District Health Office in 2021
Of the five existing mental health treatment innovations, the author chose the Bubakan Health
Center with PaSar Jiwa Innovation as the research location. This is as information from the
Organizational Section of the Regional Secretariat of Pacitan Regency as the regional coordinator
of the Public Innovation Service Competition, that the PaSar Jiwa innovation is the only innovation
(of the five innovations mentioned above) that has been verified and validated, both in terms of data
completeness, cadre readiness and service coverage to represent Pacitan Regency at the Public
Innovation Service Competition at the East Java Province level in 2021.
The adoption of the PaSar Jiwa innovation has been carried out by the PaSar Jiwa Team in all
working areas of the Bubakan Health Center which include Bubakan Village, Ngile Village, Losari
Village, Kalikuning Village, and Gasang Village. The initiation of PaSar Jiwa innovation in the
Bubakan Health Center work area was carried out starting in 2018. Since then, the process of
adopting PaSar Jiwa innovations has also been communicated through several communication
channels. This communication channel is a medium for disseminating innovation. Two-way
communication between PaSar Jiwa innovators and recipient communities is carried out by
puskesmas through mental health detection service units or directly by going to the field, namely at
Integrated Service Posts through Posyandu cadres, in each hamlet through cadres of Integrated
Development Posts or Posbindu and in schools through School Health Business (UKS) cadres.
The innovation theory developed by (Rogers et al., 2014) is known as a theory that discusses
the decision to adopt innovation. In his book Diffusion of Innovation, (Nuryani et al., 2022) offered
the concept of adoption of innovation accompanied by the speed of a social system in accepting new
ideas offered by innovation. Innovation adoption decision according to (Nuryani et al., 2022), is the
process by which a person or unit of adoption goes through stages in finding and processing
information starting from when the innovation is introduced, then the implementation of the new
idea until there is a certainty to accept or reject the innovation. For the adopter unit, in this case, the
community in the Bubakan Health Center work area who have family members of mental health
patients, that the PaSar Jiwa innovation must have the main characteristic of an innovation, namely
novelty. That is, the PaSar Jiwa innovation must be an idea or practice that can be felt as something
new for the community that is the target of PaSar Jiwa innovation.
Vol 2, No 9 September 2023
The Decision Of Pasar Jiwa Innovation Adoption In The Early
Prevention Of Mental Health Issues At The Bubakan Health
Center, Pacitan Regency
The decision to adopt this innovation is important, considering that the sustainability of the
PaSar Jiwa innovation will be determined by the innovators, in this case, doctors, nurses, mental
cadres at the Bubakan Health Center as well as adopters or families of mental health patients as
beneficiaries of the innovation. Adoption decisions made by families of mental health patients can
have an impact on whether or not innovations have been launched by innovators. It is also influenced
by the attributes of innovation as a theory (Nuryani et al., 2022) namely the extent to which
innovation can provide benefits, the extent to which innovation is consistent with the values and
needs of adopters, the degree to which the difficulty of innovation to be understood and used, the
extent to which innovation can be tested gradually and the extent to which an innovation can be seen
and observed by others. Some of these things then become considerations for adopters in deciding
to accept or reject PaSar Jiwa's innovation.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the process of decision stages for the adoption of
PaSar Jiwa innovation in the early prevention of mental health problems at the Bubakan Health
Center. The research method contains several things related to the research process, including:
Research Location
The location of PaSar Jiwa Innovation is in the working area of the Bubakan Health Center,
Tulakan District, which includes 5 (five) villages, namely: Bubakan Village, Losari Village, Ngile
Village, Gasang Village, and Kali Kuning Village. PaSar Jiwa innovation is one of several
innovations in handling mental health problems in Pacitan Regency. Of the several innovations in
handling mental health problems that exist, the author chose PaSar Jiwa Innovation because the
innovation has been selected by the local government to represent Pacitan Regency in the East Java
Provincial Public Innovation Service Competition.
Types of Research
In this study, the author used a type of qualitative descriptive research. The reason the author
chose this type is that the author wants to see complete information and phenomena related to the
stages of the decision to adopt PaSar Jiwa innovation at the Bubakan Health Center as a follow-up
to the implementation of the Decree of the Head of the Bubakan Health Center dated October 10,
2019 co,ncerning the PaSar Jiwa Innovation Team.
Research Informants
Informants according to (Sugiyono, 2018) are people who provide information about the facts
of the problem to be researched. The informants in this study were 1 (one) Bubakan puskesmas
doctor, 1 (one) Bubakan puskesmas nurse, 5 (five) cadres of Posbindu PaSar Jiwa, and 5 (five)
families of patients with mental disorders as informants from each village in the Bubakan
Puskesmas work area.
Determination of informants in puskesmas and posbindu, namely doctors, nurses, and
posbindu cadres using purposive sampling techniques, where informants are determined
deliberately because they are considered to know deeply about the problem to be studied.
Meanwhile, the determination of informants in the families of patients with mental disorders uses
accidental sampling techniques, namely informants who are not determined in advance or
coincidentally meet with the author and are directly used as informant samples because the patient's
family is suitable to be used as a source of data. From several patient families or innovation
The Decision Of Pasar Jiwa Innovation Adoption In The Early
Prevention Of Mental Health Issues At The Bubakan Health
Center, Pacitan Regency
Vol 2, No 9 September 2023
adoption units encountered in each of these villages, the author then made a selection to be selected
according to research needs. The choice of accidental sampling technique in family informants of
mental patients was due to the author's limited time in conducting research. In addition to the
author's limited time, this is also influenced by the characteristics of community work at the
research site where most of the patient's family as informants are farming, gardenin,g and freelance
daily labor which is difficult to find at home before evening or evening.
Research Time
The PaSar Jiwa Innovation Adoption Decision Research was conducted from November
2022 to February 2023. The author chose this time because it was considered sufficient to analyze
the PaSar Jiwa Innovation Adoption Decision.
Types of Research Data
The data used in this study include primary data and secondary data. Primary data is data
obtained from direct research subjects using several predetermined instruments. The data collection
is a research process used to answer research questions. Primary data were obtained through
interviews with patients' families, doctors, and nurses as well as mental health cadres at the
Bubakan Health Center who became research informants.
Focus of Research Studies
The focus of the research study is the decision to adopt innovation in mental health services,
starting from the knowledge we know about the innovation, then how the innovation works, and
why innovation is needed. Departing from knowledge about innovation, the analysis of the stages
of innovation adoption decisions is continued at the next stage, namely how to trust innovation, so
that subjects decide to make innovation adoption decisions. If the innovation has been adopted,
then the innovation can be continued. After the decision to adopt the innovation is continued, the
last stage is confirmation of the sustainability or unsustainability of the decision to adopt the
But the results are different, if the subjects receiving the innovation after being given
knowledge about the innovation then form negative behaviors or do not adopt the innovation, then
the decision to adopt the innovation is not successfully continued. If the innovation has been
successfully continued, but at the confirmation stage the subject decides not to continue the
decision to adopt the innovation, it is necessary to evaluate the process of implementing the
This research a fos focusesve stages of innovation adoption decisions as follows:
1. Knowledge Stage:
a. What subjects know about innovation
- Where subjects get information about innovation
b. Why this innovation is needed
- What subjects need from innovation
c. How innovation works
- What information the subject know about innovation
2. Persuasion Stage:
a. Positive / want (Favorable)
- How subjects respond to the innovations offered
Vol 2, No 9 September 2023
The Decision Of Pasar Jiwa Innovation Adoption In The Early
Prevention Of Mental Health Issues At The Bubakan Health
Center, Pacitan Regency
- Whether the subject is immediately interested in his innovation
b. Negative / not wanting (Unfavorable)
- Whether the subject has ever received information from another party not to trust the
- What attitudes and opinions are conveyed by the other party to the subject
3. Decision Stage:
a. Innovation Adoption
- Whether the subject accepts innovation
- Whether the subject is seeking additional information from other parties
b. Rejecting innovation
- Whether the subject refuses to follow the innovation
- Whether the subject is influenced by others to reject the innovation
c. Implementation Stage:
- Whether the subject follows the innovation according to the provisions
- Whether subjects follow innovation on an ongoing basis
4. Confirmation Stage:
a. Sustainability of innovation
- Whether subjects benefit from innovation
- Whether the innovation is as expected
- Whether the subject informs the benefits of innovation to others
b. Unsustainable (discontinuance) innovation
- Whether the subject does not benefit from innovation
- Whether the innovation is not as expected
Data collection techniques
The data collection techniques used in this study are as follows:
a. Interview
According to (Sugiyono, 2018) interviews are used to find problems that must be researched
and other things from respondents that are more in-depth. This data collection technique is based
on reports about oneself or at least on personal knowledge or beliefs. The interview is a process
of interaction between the author and informants carried out by exploring information related to
the subject of implementing the PaSar Jiwa innovation adoption decision. There are several steps
for the author in conducting an interview, including:
Conducting interviews with informants related to research, including families of mental
patients, doctors and nurses at community health centers, and cadres assisting mental health
The interview was conducted by recording important points in the research notebook;
The data and records that have been obtained are then analyzed using data analysis
b. Observation
Observation is a direct observation technique in the field to obtain an overview of social
events that occur to answer research questions. This data collection technique is used by the
author to increase knowledge and completeness of data. In this study, the observations made by
the author were unstructured observations, that is, observations made without using observation
The Decision Of Pasar Jiwa Innovation Adoption In The Early
Prevention Of Mental Health Issues At The Bubakan Health
Center, Pacitan Regency
Vol 2, No 9 September 2023
guidelines. The author develops observations based on developments that occur in the field
(Hamzah, 2021).
c. Documentation
Documentation is a data collection technique through official documents at the research
location and other sources of scientific papers that contain facts and data related to research.
These facts and data are useful to assist the author in analyzing problems and strengthening
research results and findings. In this documentation study, the author studies PaSar Jiwa's
Service Operational Standards (SOP) and other official documents that support the decision to
adopt PaSar Jiwa's innovation.
Data analysis techniques
The data analysis technique carried out is using an interactive analysis model. The technique
of interactive model data analysis after the data collection process can be explained as follows:
a. data condensation
According to Miles and Huberman (Sugiyono, 2018) what is meant by data condensation is
the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and or transforming data from
written field notes, interview transcripts, document document,s and other empirical materials to
strengthen data. At the data condensation stage, the author will analyze data based on written
field notes, interview transcripts, documen,ts and observations from other existing phenomena.
The data is then selected which one byith the theme and purpose of the research with the help
of electronic equipment or manual notebooks.
b. display data
After the data condensation process is carried out, the next step is the presentation of the
data. According to Miles and Huberman (Sugiyono, 2018), "the most frequent from display data
for qualitative research data in the past has been narrative text".Ins this opinion, the author will
describe the decision stages of adopting PaSar Jiwa innovations by using narrative tests
accompanied by tables, graphs, images or, the like as needed in presenting data. This is to make
it easier for the author to obtain a systematic picture and to make it easier to determine the next
process flow.
c. Conclusion: drawing/verifying
To answer the problem formulation based on the data that has been presented, the author
will conclude as to whether the decision stage of adopting the PaSar Jiwa innovation is in
accordbylem formulation or not. Therefore, the author only focuses on the stage of the decision
to adopt the innovation.
Data validity
According to Wiliam Wiersma (Sugiyono, 2018) "triangulation is qualitative cross-validation.
It assesses the sufficiency of the data according to the convergence of multiple data sources or
multiple data collection procedures". As the argument goes, triangulation is qualitative cross-
validation and it will assess the adequacy of data according to the intersection of various data
sources. In testing the validity of research data, the author uses triangulation techniques, namely
according to (Sugiyono, 2018) data collection techniques carried out by checking data to the same
source with different techniques. If the data that has been obtained through interviews with
informants and after cross-checking through questionnaires, observations or documentation
Vol 2, No 9 September 2023
The Decision Of Pasar Jiwa Innovation Adoption In The Early
Prevention Of Mental Health Issues At The Bubakan Health
Center, Pacitan Regency
produces different data, further discussions will be carried out with the data source or other parties
to ensure which data is considered correct.
PaSar Jiwa innovation is expected to be able to contribute to the achievement of national
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or sustainable development goals in improving the degree
of mental health in the community, namely SDGs indicator Number 3: "ensuring a healthy life and
supporting welfare for all for all ages". To achieve these sustainable development goals, PaSar Jiwa
takes the role of early prevention of mental health disorders in the community through early
detection efforts. Early detection that has been carried out is expected to prevent people from falling
into severe mental health conditions, suppress suicide cases and reduce t,he budget costs that will
be incurred. This is considering that severe mental disorders have the potential to reduce
productivity which will affect the health and welfare of the community.
Therefore, with the decreasing prevalence of mental illness cases in the community, it is
hoped that the future of public health services at the puskesmas level can contribute to the
sustainable achievement of national SDGs. To find out how the development of mental health
disorder management at the Bubakan Health Center, the following table is presented comparing the
handling of mental health disorders before and after the PaSar Jiwa innovation, as the following
Table 2
Comparison of Mental Health Disorders Management
Before and After PaSar Jiwa Innovation
Before Innovation
After Innovation
Service System
The discovery of
mental health cases
is passive and there
has been no
involvement The
Puskesmas program
has not prioritized
the discovery of
mild mental cases
that are the root of
the problem of onset
to severe mental
health cases.
PaSar Jiwa focuses
on cases of mild
mental disorders,
which are detected
early by mental
health cadres to
bring mental health
services and mental
health management
closer to promoting
and preventive
efforts, so that
severemental health
cases and suicide
attempts can be
Doctors and health
workers puskesmas
Doctors and health
workers of
The Decision Of Pasar Jiwa Innovation Adoption In The Early
Prevention Of Mental Health Issues At The Bubakan Health
Center, Pacitan Regency
Vol 2, No 9 September 2023
involving the role of
PaSar Jiwa cadres:
Posyandu cadres
Posbindu cadres
UKS cadres
The Village Head as
a policy maker at the
village level plays a
role in Community-
Based Health Efforts
involving the role of
the existing Alert
Involvement of
other agencies
in the service
Dr. Darsono
Hospital Pacitan
RSJ Surakarta
Health Office
Dr. Darsono
Hospital Pacitan RSJ
Health Office
Social services
to some people with
mental disorders
Polri and TNI
(Babinkam and
Babinsa) also
accompany officers
when handling
mental patients in
the field
The Dukcapil Office
facilitates the service
of people with
mental disorders to
obtain an identity
card (KTP)
MSF is a public
service supervisory
institution in the
health sector
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The Decision Of Pasar Jiwa Innovation Adoption In The Early
Prevention Of Mental Health Issues At The Bubakan Health
Center, Pacitan Regency
Soul Case
The discovery of
severe mental cases
was 64.6% higher
than that of mild
mental cases by
The discovery of
mild mental cases
was 83.3% higher
than that of severe
mental cases by
Source: Narrative matrix of the 2021 public service innovation competition (processed)
Knowledge Stage :
According to (Nuryani et al., 2022) the knowledge stage is the stage where an individual will
learn about the existence of an innovation and seek information about the innovation. Before the
PaSar Jiwa innovation is carried out or accepted by the target, namely people with mental disorders,
the target (as explained by Rogers) must be able to explain what, how, and why the innovation is
processed so that the target or people with mental disorders will find a comprehensive and integrated
understanding of what PaSar Jiwa innovation is.
The knowledge stage has three indicators, namely knowledge indicators of the existence of an
innovation, knowledge indicators about how to use an innovation correctly, and knowledge
indicators about the functioning principles that underlie how and why innovation can work. From
the statements of informants above if associated with theory (Nuryani et al., 2022), then at this stage
of knowledge has the characteristics of innovation implementers and decision-making units or
innovation adopters, namely families of people with mental health disorders, each of which is
influenced by socioeconomic variables, individual variables and communication behavior variables.
In the knowledge indicator of the existence of an innovation, this is influenced by individual
variables where both the implementer of the innovation and the adopter of the innovation each have
the same knowledge that the innovation in addition to solving mental health problems, is also an
effort to save medical costs. However, in terms of behavioral variables, communication,
socialization or counseling about PaSar Jiwa carried out by innovation implementers has not reached
all communities or is still lacking. This is also felt by innovation adopters.
In the knowledge indicator of how to use an innovation correctly, this is influenced by
individual variables that according to the implementation of the innovation procedurally in the
management of mental health treatment has run well. However in terms of communication behavior
variables, where the intensity of the performance of mentoring mental health patients through
communication in the field is still minimal due to limited mental health human resources coupled
with having other administrative workloads.
In the indicator of knowledge about the principles of functioning that underlie how and why
innovation can work, this is influenced by individual variables where in carrying out innovation
adoption, PaSar Jiwa innovation implementers are guided by the terms of reference as a guide for
the entire innovation implementation team. Meanwhile, in terms of communication behavior
variables, the objectives and functions of PaSar Jiwa in terms of reference as a guide for assisting
have been well arranged.
Based on the results of the analysis of the discussion above, it is known that at this stage of
unification, it is only influenced by individual variables and communication behavior variables.
The Decision Of Pasar Jiwa Innovation Adoption In The Early
Prevention Of Mental Health Issues At The Bubakan Health
Center, Pacitan Regency
Vol 2, No 9 September 2023
Meanwhile, the knowledge stage in the decision to adopt PaSar Jiwa innovation is not influenced by
socioeconomic variables.
Persuasion Stage :
At this stage of encouragement or persuasion, the individual begins to interact psychologically
with the innovation. Before the innovation is accepted by the target or people with mental disorders,
the target as explained (Rogers & Singhal, 2003) must be able to determine the behavior of the
innovation, namely whether individuals tend to be positive or want (favorable) or even negative or
not want (unfavorable) the innovation.
If associated with the theory (Rogers & Singhal, 2003) about the decision to adopt innovation,
the analysis at the stage of encouragement or persuasion will see the characteristics of the
implementer of innovation and the decision-making unit or adopter of innovation, namely families
with mental health disorders, each of which is influenced by:
a. Variable relative profit. This variable is to measure the comfort factor, and satisfaction or
something that is considered beneficial. For the adopter of innovation, PaSar Jiwa greatly affects
the quality of life of patients and the lives of others, so this innovation is very profitable and
provides satisfaction to adopters.
b. Compatibility variables. This variable to measure an innovation is consistent with existing values
and adopter needs. For the adopter of innovation, PaSar Jiwa is not directly adopted because of
doubts about the innovation. However, due to the need to immediately find a solution for healing
for patients or their families, the PaSar Jiwa can be accepted in the decision to adopt innovation.
c. Variable complexity. This variable is influenced by the level of difficulty of innovation. For
innovation implementers and innovation adopters, this does not affect both. Given the innovation
of PaSar Jiwa, it is very easy to adapt and even replicate. In addition, PaSar Jiwa is also low cost,
the instrument is easy to learn, and only requires trained cadres.
d. Variable trialability. This variable is influenced by the degree to which innovations can be piloted
gradually. For innovation implementers and innovation adopters, this is by what innovation
implementers do, namely that the introduction of innovation to each village is carried out through
socialization or counseling in stages starting from the Bubakan Health Center to the hamlet level
by involving regional leaders and stakeholders. So that makes it easier for adopters to accept or
e. Observability/observation variables. This variable is influenced by the level of innovation if seen
or observed by others, i.e. the easier a person sees the results of innovation, the more likely they
are to adopt. For innovation adopters, this can be proven by following the assistance from cadres
and seeing the changes that occur in patients so that innovation adopters or patient families can
accept the PaSar Jiwa innovation. The biggest encouragement is due to a change in patient
attitudes compared to before participating in assistance from PaSar Jiwa innovation
Based on the results of the analysis above, it is known that the characteristics at the stage
of encouragement or persuasion of PaSar Jiwa innovation are influenced by four variables
(Awaludin & Sukmono, 2020), namely relative profit variables, compatibility variables,
trialability variables, and observability variables. There is only one variable that does not affect
that is the complexity variable or the variable caused by the level of difficulty of innovation.
Vol 2, No 9 September 2023
The Decision Of Pasar Jiwa Innovation Adoption In The Early
Prevention Of Mental Health Issues At The Bubakan Health
Center, Pacitan Regency
Decision Stage :
According to (Rogers & Singhal, 2003) at this stage, individuals decide whether to accept or
reject an innovation. If the innovation can be used partially, then this innovation will be accepted
faster because usually want to try the innovation first in the situation and then decide to accept the
innovation. However, rejection of innovation can also occur. According to (Rogers & Singhal, 2003)
there are two types of rejection, namely first is active rejection where the individual tries innovation
and thinks he will adopt the innovation but in the end, he rejects the innovation. The second is
passive rejection, where the individual does not think at all about adopting innovation.
It can be explained that one of the things that influenced the decision to accept the PaSar Jiwa
innovation was that PaSar Jiwa became a solution or solution for the community, especially adopters
or families who have mental health patients where most of them have felt confused in caring for and
caring for patients or their family members. Meanwhile, if it is associated with the theory (Rogers
& Singhal, 2003) about the decision to adopt innovation, the analysis at this decision stage, will be
seen in two variables, namely accepting or rejecting innovation. Based on the results of the
discussion above, at this stage, it is known that each of the implementers and adopters of innovation
has decided to accept innovation. This happens because PaSar Jiwa innJiwa'sion has been used
partially, therefore innovation can be accepted faster because the adopters of innovation have tried
first and then decided to accept the innovation.
Implementation Stage:
According to (Rogers & Singhal, 2003) at the implementation stage, an innovation is tried to
be used, although at this stage there is still uncertainty about the expected impact of an innovation
even though the decision to adopt the innovation has previously been taken.
From the adopter's statement, it is known that PaSar Jiwa's innovation has been well
implemented. It is hoped that the officers can be added and the services can be further developed so
that the handling of mental health problems in the community can be handled properly. Meanwhile,
if it is related to the theory (Rogers & Singhal, 2003) about the decision to adopt innovation, the
analysis at this implementation stage explains that PaSar Jiwa innovation has been tried to be
implemented, but at this stage, there is still a possibility or uncertainty of the impact of the
implementation of the innovation. Although at the previous stage, both implementers and adopters
of innovations have already decided to accept innovations.
Confirmation Stage :
According to (Rogers & Singhal, 2003) at this stage of confirmation, the sustainability of
innovation will depend on individual support and attitude, while discontinuity is the attitude of
rejecting innovation after adopting it. This unsustainability can occur in two ways, namely first: the
individual rejection of innovation to seek other innovations (replacement discontinuance) and
second: unsustainability due to dissatisfaction with the results of the decision to adopt innovations
or it can also be because innovations do not meet needs so that there is no benefit from the
From both statements, it is known that the adopters of the PaSar Jiwa innovation have each
confirmed that the impact of following the innovation has proven to help patients recover by being
able to move again. Meanwhile, if it is associated with the theory (Rogers & Singhal, 2003) about
the decision to adopt innovation, the analysis at this confirmation stage, will be seen in two variables,
namely sustainability and discontinuity (discontinuance) of innovation. Based on the results of the
The Decision Of Pasar Jiwa Innovation Adoption In The Early
Prevention Of Mental Health Issues At The Bubakan Health
Center, Pacitan Regency
Vol 2, No 9 September 2023
discussion above, it is known at this stage that both implementers and adopters of innovation have
jointly confirmed to continue innovation. This is demonstrated through statements and support from
implementers and adopters of innovation.
Based on the discussion and research results in the previous chapter, the research conclusions
of the Decision to Adopt Mental Market Innovation in Conducting Early Prevention of Mental
Health Problems at the Bubakan Health Center in Pacitan Regency based on theory (Rogers &
Singhal, 2003) are as follows:
According to theory (Rogers & Singhal, 2003), before going to the stage in the communication
channel of innovation diffusion, it always begins with a consideration of the conditions or
background that trigger innovators in giving birth to an innovation. In the context of this PaSar Jiwa
innovation, the background is contained in the variables felt needs/problems or needs/problems that
exist in the work area of the Bubakan Health Center. These needs or problems are treatment gaps
and social stigma. Of the need to solve problems, the Bubakan Health Center initiated the birth of
PaSar Jiwa Innovation through the Decree of the Head of the Bubakan Health Center regarding the
PaSar Jiwa Innovation Team. Therefore, as the implementers of innovation, doctors, nurses, and
mental cadres then opened the communication channel to the community in 5 (five) villages in the
Bubakan Health Center work area.
At the knowledge stage as a theory (Rogers & Singhal, 2003), it has three indicators, namely:
1) Knowledge indicators of the existence of an innovation. This indicator is influenced by two
variables, namely individual variables and communication behavior variables. On individual
variables, both implementers and adopters of each innovation have the same knowledge that the
innovation is not only solving mental health problems but also an effort to save medical costs. While
on the variable of communication behavior, there is still socialization or counseling about PaSar
Jiwa that has not reached all communities. This is also felt by innovation adopters. 2) Knowledge
indicators of how to properly use an innovation. This indicator is influenced by individual variables
that the mental health management procedure has been running well. However in terms of
communication behavior variables, the intensity of mentoring performance for mental health
patients in the field is still minimal due to limited mental health human resources, let alone still
having other administrative workloads. 3) Indicators of knowledge of the principles of functioning
underlying how and why an innovation can work. This indicator is influenced by individual
variables, where PaSar Jiwa innovation implementers are guided by the terms of reference as guia
de in carrying out functions for the entire innovation team in terms of passisting
Next is the second stage, namely the stage of encouragement or persuasion. At this stage, the
characteristics of PaSar Jiwa innovation are influenced by four variables, namely: 1) Relative profit
variable: This variable measures the comfort factor, and satisfaction or something that is considered
profitable. For innovation adopters, PaSar Jiwa can affect the quality of life of patients so this
innovation is very profitable and provides satisfaction to adopters. 2) Compatibility variable: This
variable measures the consistency of existing values as well as the needs of adopters. The need to
find solutions for the recovery of patients or families of people with mental health disorders is an
impetus for innovation adopters in the decision to adopt these innovations. 3) Trialability variable:
Vol 2, No 9 September 2023
The Decision Of Pasar Jiwa Innovation Adoption In The Early
Prevention Of Mental Health Issues At The Bubakan Health
Center, Pacitan Regency
This variable is influenced by the degree to which innovations can be piloted gradually. For
implementers and adopters of innovation, this is by the introduction of innovation to each village
through gradual socialization starting from the Bubakan Health Center to the hamlet level. So that
makes it easier for adopters to accept innovation. and 4) Observability variable: This variable is
influenced by the level of innovation if seen or observed by others. For innovation adopters, this can
be proven by following assistance from cadres and seeing changes that occur in patients so that
innovation adopters have the incentive to accept the PaSar Jiwa innovation. The biggest
encouragement is due to a change in patient attitudes when compared to before participating in PaSar
Jiwa innovation assistance. At this stage of encouragement, there is only one variable that does not
affect that is the complexity variable or the variable caused by the level of difficulty of innovation.
This is because PaSar Jiwa innovation has no difficulty in adoption.
The third stage is the decision stage. At this stage, both parties, both PaSar Jiwa innovation
implementers and adopters have jointly decided to adopt the innovation because of the benefits and
benefits in it. This PaSar Jiwa innovation has also been used partially, therefore innovation can be
accepted faster because the adopters have tried innovations after that decided to accept the
innovation. The fourth stage is the implementation stage. At this stage, the PaSar Jiwa innovation
has been tested to be implemented, although there is still a possibility or uncertainty of the impact
of the implementation of the innovation.
The final stage is the confirmation stage. At this stage, both implementers and adopters of the
innovation have jointly ensured the sustainability of the PaSar Jiwa innovation. By the results of
previous discussions, both parties decided to continue this innovation. The continued use of
innovation is proven by the support and attitudes of implementers and adopters of innovation. In the
previous stage, namely the implementation stage, both implementers and adopters of the innovation
were supported by decisions that had been taken based on encouragement or persuasion and
knowledge at the previous stage.
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