Journal Of Economics, Technology, and Business (JETBIS)
Volume 2, Number 9 September 2023
p-ISSN 2964-903X; e-ISSN 2962-9330
Ayu Lestari
, Hanum Agnia
Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Kuningan, Indonesia
Retail Business, Business
Strategy, Customer
In retail, strategies for increasing sales through innovation and
customer experience can be a critical factor in business success. In
this case, artificial intelligence can be used to analyze customer data
and market trends to develop innovations and customer experiences
that can increase sales. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to
implement an effective data management strategy and the use of
appropriate technology to collect and analyze customer data in real
time. Thus, retail businesses can understand customer behavior, and
design innovations that suit their needs. In addition, artificial
intelligence can help retail businesses in the development of effective
and relevant marketing strategies, leading to increased customer
traction and experience. Through data analysis, retail businesses can
identify market trends and customer needs, and develop innovative
solutions that can improve customer experience. In addition, artificial
intelligence can help retail businesses in developing effective and
relevant marketing strategies, leading to increased customer attraction
and experience.
The retail industry has undergone significant changes in recent years, mainly due to
increased competition and changing customer preferences. Innovation and customer
experience are key to winning this increasingly competitive retail market. In this context, this
study aims to analyze and understand effective retail business strategies for increasing sales
through product innovation and superior customer service.
The retail industry is one of the most dynamic and rapidly changing sectors of the
economy. Technological developments, changes in consumer lifestyles, and increasingly fierce
competition have forced retail companies to constantly adapt and look for new ways to increase
sales. In this context, product innovation and customer experience have become key factors in
winning the competition and maintaining retail business success.
However, consumer behavior continues to change along with technological
developments and social trends. Figuring out how to understand these changes and strategizing
relevant customer experiences most effectively can be challenging in increasing sales. One
strategy that can be applied in a retail business company is to improve innovation and customer
experience. Even though the strategy used in this analysis is a marketing strategy.
A strategy in marketing is a plan or action designed to identify, reach out, and meet
customer needs in a better way than competitors. One of the problems that may arise is the
difficulty in finding or implementing innovations that are by the marketing strategy that has
Vol 2, No 9 September 2023
Retail Business Strategy In Increasing Sales Through Innovation
And Customer Experience
been made. It may be difficult to find new innovative ideas that could differentiate a business
from competitors, or there may be limited resources to implement the desired innovation. The
purpose of this marketing strategy is to create a profitable position in the market and increase
business profits. This marketing strategy also involves careful market analysis to understand
market dynamics, trends, customer needs, and competitor advantages. From this analysis, retail
businesses can develop appropriate action plans to produce products or services that match
market needs, select the most promising market segments, and determine effective marketing
and promotion strategies to reach the intended market.
Analysis of the successful strategy of the retail business is important because increased
sales will have an impact on business growth and greater profits. In addition, a positive
customer experience will increase customer loyalty and recommend products to others.
And experience can also lead to a positive attitude towards consumers, which will cause
feelings of satisfaction or consumer satisfaction, besides that positive emotions built towards
the product will build trust. (Mowen & Minor, 2002) state that consumer trust is the body of
knowledge that consumers have and all the conclusions consumers reach about objects,
attributes, and interests.
Based on the results of research according to (Kursunluoglu, 2014), (Osarenkhoe et al.,
2017) and (Williams & Naumann, 2011), show that customer satisfaction has a significant
relationship with customer loyalty. When it comes to customer satisfaction, several factors
affect customer satisfaction. These factors include value (Rintamäki et al., 2007); (Jones et al.,
2006), service quality (Kitapci et al., 2013); (Khare et al., 2013), and customer experience
(Chen and Lin).
The purpose of this study is to explore successful strategies of retail businesses in
increasing sales through innovation and customer experience. This study also aims to identify
the key factors that influence the successful implementation of the strategy.
The benefit of this research is to provide a better understanding of retail business success
strategies and the factors that influence their successful implementation. This research can help
retail business owners increase their sales and profits as well as retain customers by providing
a positive customer experience. In addition, this research can also contribute to the
development of literature on successful retail business strategies.
Retail businesses need to develop products that are different from competitors to attract
customers. Product innovation can include the development of new products or improvements
to existing products. Retail businesses need to provide a pleasant and satisfying customer
experience to keep customers coming back and recommending the business to others. The
customer experience can include friendly service, an engaging store atmosphere, or an easy
and intuitive online shopping experience. Well-trained employees can help improve customer
experience and sales. Employee training can include sales skills training, customer service
training, and product training. Retail businesses need to have an effective marketing strategy
to reach potential customers and promote their products or services. Marketing strategies can
include the use of social media, online advertising, or promotion in physical stores. Retail
businesses need to analyze sales and customer data to identify trends and patterns in innovation
and customer experience. Data analysis can help businesses to identify the best-selling products
or services, customer buying behavior, and emerging market trends.
Retail Business Strategy In Increasing Sales Through
Innovation And Customer Experience
Vol 2, No 8 Agustus 2023
This research uses qualitative methods of understanding research results to identify key
factors that influence retail business strategies in increasing sales through product innovation
and customer experience and can provide practical recommendations for retail companies
based on research findings. The results of data analysis use statistical software to analyze
survey data collected and can apply descriptive statistical analysis to describe the
characteristics of respondents and perform regression analysis to identify relationships between
product innovation, customer experience, and retail sales.
Product innovation
Product innovation is the process of developing and introducing new products or
significant improvements to products already on the market. It involves creating, designing,
testing, funding the launch of new products or improvement of existing products to meet
customer needs, increase competitiveness, funds create added value. Product innovation can
include changes in features, functions, design, technology, materials, or the way products are
Customer experience
Customer experience refers to all the interactions and contacts that customers have with
a business or brand during their journey as consumers. Customer experience encompasses
every touch point between the customer and company experience, including direct contact such
as shopping for a physical Ditko or talking to customer service staff.
The main key to increasing customer loyalty
Customer service is something that many businesses want because loyal customers tend
to make repeat purchases, receive positive referrals, and can be a long-term source of income
for a store or company.
a. Quality of product or service
A high-quality product or service is the foundation of customer loyalty. Customers who
are satisfied with what they buy or use are more likely to return and stay true to the brand
or business
b. Positive customer experience
A positive customer experience, from initial interaction to after-sales service, has a huge
impact on loyalty. Friendly, responsive, helpful customer service can create a positive
customer experience.
c. Competitive price
Competitive pricing or offering good value to customers are important actors in
maintaining loyalty. However, price is not the only factor customers can also take into
account the added value they receive.
d. Availability of products or services
Customers want the product or service they want to be available when they need it.
Product availability can be a decisive factor in maintaining loyal customers.
e. Effective communication
Communicating effectively with customers about relevant products, offers, or updates
can increase loyalty. Customers want to feel cared for and informed.
Consumer Withdrawals
Vol 2, No 9 September 2023
Retail Business Strategy In Increasing Sales Through Innovation
And Customer Experience
Innovative products have greater appeal to consumers. Consumers often look for
products that are new, different, or unique. Companies or stores that are always making changes
and continuously presenting innovative products can attract more consumers to their stores.
Better quality
Product innovation can improve product quality. So that the product is better and tends
to get positive reviews that can influence consumers to choose and recommend the product to
Overcoming competitive challenges
In a competitive market, innovation can be a way to differentiate yourself from
competitors. Innovative products can help a company or store compete more effectively and
take market share from competitors.
An effective retail business success strategy is to increase sales through innovation and
customer experience. In the world of retail business, it is important to continuously develop
innovation and offer an engaging customer experience to increase sales. Innovation strategies
can be done by creating new products, developing new technologies, or introducing new
business models that are different from competitors. Meanwhile, a good customer experience
can be achieved by providing friendly, fast, and high-quality service, as well as providing an
attractive and comfortable environment. By improving innovation and customer experience,
retail businesses can increase their competitiveness in the market and win the hearts of loyal
customers. Therefore, retail businesses need to continue to innovate and prioritize customer
experience to win the competition and achieve long-term success.
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