Journal Of Economics, Technology, and Business (JETBIS)
Volume 2, Number 12 December 2023
p-ISSN 2964-903X; e-ISSN 2962-9330
Eljihad Akbari Syukriah Mathory
dan Aulia Saharuddin
Politeknik STIA LAN Makassar, Indonesia
AIDA; Promotion
Strategy; Promotional
Based on the results of the pre-research that has been done, PT Telkom
Regional VII does not actively promote Cloud Storage products digitally, only
maximizing salespeople at Plasa Telkom. Therefore, this study aims to create
a promotional video using the AIDA method as a promotional strategy for
Cloud Storage products uploaded on PT Telkom Regional VII's Instagram.
The research method used in this research is Descriptive Qualitative. This
qualitative descriptive approach uses data collection through structured
interviews, distributing questionnaires, observation, and documentation to
several related parties who can assist researchers in the research process. The
results of this study indicate that the four AIDA elements used, namely
Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action can be variables in measuring Cloud
Storage promotions at PT Telkom Regional VII because the four variables
have a positive impact in this case through promotional videos.
The use of technology, communication, and information in everyday life cannot be
separated by humans due to the rapid development of these three fields. As a result, several
business actors are involved in the fields of technology, communication, and information, one
of which is the company PT Telkom Indonesia. PT Telkom Indonesia is one of the State-Owned
Enterprises (BUMN) in Indonesia that offers telecommunications, technology, information,
and communication network services. IndiHome is the product offered. The IndiHome network
is currently available throughout Indonesia and continues to innovate to meet the internet needs
of the community. With a choice of service packages and add-ons that can be selected based
on consumer needs, IndiHome is a digital service that provides internet, landline, and TV
(Agung, 2021).
There are several additional services offered such as seamless, Speed on Demand,
Speed Upgrade, Wifi Extender, streaming applications, IndiHome Eazy, IndiHome Karaoke,
Benefit Game, Pijar Belajar, Smooa, Langit Musik, and Cloud Storage.
One of the additional services provided to IndiHome customers is Cloud Storage. Cloud
Storage is an online data storage provider for various types of gadgets that can be used anytime
with internet access. The benefits obtained when subscribing to Cloud Storage products are
getting personal security, usernames and passwords can be set by yourself, data can be backed
up automatically so there is no need to bother backing up data manually, and users can share
various kinds of files on any media. For subscriptions, Cloud Storage provides a variety of
package options, such as the 50 GB (Gigabyte) package for only Rp16,000 per month, the 100
GB package for only Rp35,000 per month, the 200 GB package for Rp50,000 per month, and
the 300 Gb package for Rp100,000 per month.
Vol 2, No 12 December 2023
Cloud Storage Promotion Strategy Through Pt Telkom Regional
VII Instagram
We Are Social reported that around 167 million people in Indonesia are active social
media users as of January 2023. The following five social media applications are frequently
used in Indonesia as of early 2023, namely YouTube with 139 million users, Facebook with
119.9 million users, TikTok with 109.9 million users, Instagram with 89.15 million users, and
Facebook Messenger with 27.30 million users (Kemp, 2023). The reasons why Indonesians
use social media as of 2022 are to communicate with family and friends, fill their spare time,
see what is being talked about, see what they can do and buy, and find entertainment content.
(Nurhayati, H., 2022).
Because of its rapid information dissemination, social media can be a powerful
promotional tool. Businesses can utilize social media as a tool for promotion. Useful social
media platforms are Instagram (Nandaryani et al., 2021). The advantages of Instagram are that
the features provided such as uploading photos and/or videos, following other accounts,
commenting, and searching according to hashtags can be done easily (Nainggolan et al., 2018).
The results of the pre-research conducted explained that PT Telkom Regional VII needs
promotion for Cloud Storage products. Sales in January - March 9, 2023, experienced a decline
in sales when compared to the previous 3 months (October - December 2022). The following
is Cloud Storage sales data for January 2022 - March 9, 2023:
Figure 1
Cloud Storage Sales Data as of January 2022 - March 09, 2023
Source: Processed by researchers, 2023
When viewed from the STP (Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning) strategy for
Cloud Storage products, sales should increase. The following is the STP strategy for Cloud
Storage products:
The target market for the Cloud Storage for IndiHome application is all IndiHome
customers who have an account on MyIndiHome.
The Cloud Storage application is a form of solution to meet the needs of IndiHome
customers. The target market for the Cloud Storage for IndiHome application is for IndiHome
customers who need storage media. Where the storage media will increase over time supported
by media files such as photos with sharper image quality, higher video resolution, and clearer
audio quality, it requires storage media that is effective, efficient, simple, and safe.
Sales Cloud Storage
Cloud Storage Promotion Strategy Through Pt Telkom Regional
VII Instagram
Vol 2, No 12 December 2023
The Cloud Storage application is positioned as a value added service for IndiHome
customers for storage media, where customers can upgrade their data storage capacity.
A marketing strategy known as content marketing is an activity that involves creating,
selecting, and disseminating interesting and practical information for marketing purposes. With
social media, businesses can communicate directly with consumers. This direct two-way
conversation with consumers is often more effective and efficient. However, to create engaging
digital content through social media, the content must be voluntary, meaning that users decide
for themselves when to use the content and where they want it (Kotler et al., 2019).
In promoting PT Telkom Regional VII products through digital media, it is carried out
by the Digital Marketing Operation Unit. Promotion of Cloud Storage products still optimizes
the sales force at WITEL (Telkom Region). And PT Telkom Regional VII also admits that it
is still lacking in the promotion of Cloud Storage through digital media.
So it can be concluded that PT Telkom Regional VII needs interesting promotional
content in a different form from what has been done before by using promotional videos
uploaded on social media with the aim of attracting more consumers.
Based on previous research conducted, it shows that promotional videos through
Instagram are successful. When viewed from Forget Me Not Coffee's Instagram account
insights, in the second and third weeks there was an increase after the release of the promotional
video (Permatasari et al., 2021). Other research proves that promotional videos can increase
Dewi Sri Waterpark visitors by spreading promotional videos on the right media (Mathory &
Syahna, 2022). Promotional strategies can be more optimal, supported by the theory of E. St.
Elmo Lewis, namely the AIDA theory (Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action). AIDA is used
to determine the process of consumer psychological behavior, the impact of marketing, then
consumer behavior after experiencing marketing, until consumers take action or purchase.
(Kotler et al., 2019).
Based on the description above, this study aims to create a promotional video for Cloud
Storage products using the AIDA method as a promotional strategy for Cloud Storage products
uploaded via PT Telkom Regional VII Instagram.
The research approach used in this study is qualitative-descriptive. According to (Hardani
et al., 2020) defines qualitative research as an investigation that utilizes theoretical frameworks,
expert opinions, and previous research, which are then developed into problems and their
solutions, which are produced to obtain truth in the form of empirical data (based on
experience). This research was conducted at PT Telkom Regional VII, which is located at Jalan
Andi Pangeran Pettarani Number 2, Gunung Sari, Rappocini District, Makassar City, South
Sulawesi 90221.
Primary data and secondary data are the two types of data sources used in this research.
While the primary information is collected through interviews with informants including
representatives from one Digital and Wifi Service person, one Manager of Sales, Promotion
and Pricing, Digital Marketing Operation Unit, and prospective Cloud Storage users.
Secondary data is used to support primary information that has been obtained, namely other
references such as journals, books, websites, and others.
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Cloud Storage Promotion Strategy Through Pt Telkom Regional
VII Instagram
There are several methods of research instrument techniques, namely interviews
conducted to obtain in-depth information about the company profile and Cloud Storage
promotion strategies that are or are still being carried out today. The informants who are the
basis of this research, namely one person in the Digital and Wifi Service unit, one Manager of
Sales, Promotion and Pricing, and the Digital Marketing Operation Unit. These informants
were chosen because they match the characteristics of the informants that have been determined
by the researcher, namely the people involved in making the Cloud Storage promotion strategy.
Questionnaire (questionnaire) is a data collection method by asking respondents to answer
written questions. Google Form was used to disseminate the survey for this research. The
distribution of questionnaires aims to determine the impact of Cloud Storage product
promotional videos by knowing information about each AIDA variable so that it can produce
a Cloud Storage promotion strategy. The way to process the results of distributing
questionnaires is to analyze to summarize the things needed to represent each AIDA variable,
where Attention means attracting attention, Interest means interested, Desire means wanting,
and Action means taking purchasing action. According to Baley in Mahmud, said that the
minimum respondent for qualitative research is 30 (Yuningsih, 2014). Then observation was
used as a research instrument to monitor the perceptions of The data processing technique in
this study uses the Miles & Huberman model to organize and process the data that has been
collected sequentially based on the flow of research implementation. There are three stages in
analyzing qualitative data proposed by Miles & Hunberman (Sugiyono, 2018), namely data
reduction (summarizing), data presentation, and conclusion drawing. So, the role of the
researcher as the main instrument will assess the quality of the data, analyze the data, and make
conclusions on the findings studied.
Overview of Research Objects
The state-owned company in Indonesia that provides telecommunications networks and
information and communication technology services is called PT Telkom Indonesia. Although
still engaged in the telecommunications and information business sector, TelkomGroup's
activities adapt to changes in technology, information, and digitalization. This can be seen in
the company expanding to support existing businesses.
PT Telkom Indonesia has one of the company branches called PT Telkom Regional VII
which is located in Makassar, South Sulawesi, precisely on Jalan Andi Pangeran Pettarani
Number 02, Gunung Sari, Rappocini District, Makassar City, South Sulawesi 90223. PT
Telkom Regional VII takes care of 10 provinces in the eastern part of Indonesia and oversees
9 WITEL (Telkom Region), namely WITEL Makassar, WITEL Central Sulawesi, WITEL
South-West Sulawesi, WITEL Southeast Sulawesi, Gorontalo, North Sulawesi-North Maluku,
Papua, West Papua. This research was conducted at the Consumer Marketing unit of PT
Telkom Regional VII.
Researchers chose PT Telkom Regional VII as the research locus because based on the
results of pre-research obtained that PT Telkom Regional VII is not active in promoting its
additional products, especially on Cloud Storage products digitally. PT Telkom Regional VII
digitally only actively promotes its main product, namely IndiHome.
Cloud Storage Promotion Strategy Through Pt Telkom Regional
VII Instagram
Vol 2, No 12 December 2023
This research was conducted in various stages, starting from interviews with PT Telkom
Regional VII to find out how the Cloud Storage promotion strategy has been carried out. Then
the researcher will distribute questionnaires before and after the work which contains questions
about the elements of AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action). The distribution of this
questionnaire aims to determine the extent to which the general public understands the
existence of Cloud Storage products. After conducting interviews and distributing
questionnaires before the work, researchers will make promotional videos. Then the
promotional video will be uploaded to PT Telkom Regional VII Instagram. After that the
researchers distributed questionnaires after the work with the aim of knowing the impact of the
video in providing information about Cloud Storage products. When there are results from
distributing questionnaires after the work, conclusions are made, SWOT analysis (Strenghts,
Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats) and SWOT strategy. The following are the stages of
the research carried out:
Analysis of Interview Results with Informants
So far, PT Telkom Regional VII admits that it is very rare to promote digital service
products, especially on Cloud Storage products. PT Telkom Regional VII promotes Cloud
Storage products by distributing flyers, on social media, and direct marketing through
salespeople at Plasa Telkom. Promotions on PT Telkom Regional VII's Instagram account
(@telkomkti) are more often IndiHome promotions than add-on products. PT Telkom Regional
VII also promotes Cloud Storage on the IndiHome website. However, because the Cloud
Storage product is an additional product, the Cloud Storage promotion is included with the
IndiHome promotion. The reason why PT Telkom Regional VII rarely promotes Cloud Storage
products digitally is because PT Telkom Regional VII is more focused on selling IndiHome,
because IndiHome is the biggest income contributor to PT Telkom Indonesia.
Analysis of Questionnaire Distribution Before the Work
The questionnaire was distributed to 52 respondents who are prospective Cloud Storage
users. The following is an analysis of the results of the questionnaire that has been distributed:
Attention Analysis on Cloud Storage products
From the results of distributing questionnaires, there are 44 IndiHome customers and 6
of them know Cloud Storage. Among the 5 people who know Cloud Storage, 3 answered that
they had never seen Cloud Storage promotions, 2 people said they had seen Cloud Storage
promotions on social media and in vlogs, and 1 person did not answer whether they had seen
Cloud Storage promotions or not. And among 52 people, 48 people said they were interested
in seeing Cloud Storage promotional videos if there were any and 4 people were not interested
in seeing Cloud Storage promotional videos.
Interest Analysis on Cloud Storage products
From the results of distributing questionnaires that have been carried out, there are 5
people who say they have seen Cloud Storage promotions. Information obtained from
promotional videos that have been seen, namely Cloud Storage is a storage place such as photo
files, videos, and others. Then, 47 people said they had never seen a Cloud Storage promotion
before. As for 4 respondents out of 44 respondents who are IndiHome customers said they were
not interested in knowing more about Cloud Storage products, the rest said they were interested
in getting to know Cloud Storage products. This reinforces to keep doing research and make
Vol 2, No 12 December 2023
Cloud Storage Promotion Strategy Through Pt Telkom Regional
VII Instagram
promotional videos containing information about Cloud Storage products through Instagram
Desire analysis on Cloud Storage products
From the results of distributing questionnaires, there are 5 people who say the Cloud
Storage promotional model and captions on Instagram that have been seen can arouse the desire
to subscribe to Cloud Storage. And as many as 47 people said they had never seen Cloud
Storage promotions before. This further strengthens the reason for making Cloud Storage
promotional videos via Instagram (@telkomkti).
Action Analysis on Cloud Storage products
From the results of distributing questionnaires, there are 5 people who say the Cloud
Storage promotional model on Instagram that has been seen can convince to subscribe to Cloud
Storage. A total of 47 people said they were not sure because they had never seen a Cloud
Storage promotion before. This can be the basis for making Cloud Storage promotional videos
by conveying information about Cloud Storage functions and subscription prices.
After distributing the questionnaires, a SWOT analysis can be prepared. This analysis is
compiled based on the results of distributing questionnaires before the work and the results of
the researcher's observations during the research, as follows:
The subscription fee is cheaper, and when subscribing, users get various features such as
customers can easily store all files, can be accessed anywhere and anytime as long as there is
an internet connection, data can be automatically backed up, and other features.
Hanya dapat diakses oleh pelanggan IndiHome, tidak ada free penyimpanan. Jadi jika
ingin menggunakan Cloud Storage, harus membayar, dan tidak banyak yang tahu mengenai
produk Cloud Storage.
Providing convenience to IndiHome customers who need additional storage, and because
many do not know Cloud Storage products, PT Telkom Regional VII can do more frequent
promotion of Cloud Storage products.
Competitor products such as Google Drive, iCloud, OneDrive, etc. and when subscribing
via the MyIndiHome app, the profile must be 100%. Which makes potential customers not to
Implementation of the Preparation Stages of the Work
Pre-production The information that has been gathered now will be used as a reference
to conceptualize the video. Interviews with relevant people can be used to gather information.
The findings of the interviews will be a guide to develop the concept for the promotional video.
In the pre-production stage there is a video concept (storyline) to be a guide in making
promotional videos. Storyline contains information that is needed and considered important in
making Cloud Storage promotional videos. After conducting interviews with Telkom Regional
VII, researchers asked about what elements were considered in making promotional videos,
namely the storyline and theme. The promotional model using video has many impressions.
Where impression is the number of views of a content. So that PT Telkom Regional VII expects
a video model to promote Cloud Storage products. Because previously, the promotion model
Cloud Storage Promotion Strategy Through Pt Telkom Regional
VII Instagram
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only used photos which were then uploaded to the Instagram feed.
Tabel 1
Alur Cerita Video Promosi Penyimpanan Cloud
Features a talent walking while filming something.
Flashback scene
Showing a talent filming something while introducing
Featuring a talent walking on the side of the road while
filming himself.
Featuring a talent filming a food vendor because he aspires to
be a food vlogger.
Featuring a talent filming his friends. However, his cell phone
storage is full.
Displays the current time
Where a talent has subscribed to Cloud Storage.
Features a talent filming something and promoting Cloud
Showing a talent inviting to subscribe to Cloud Storage.
Source: Processed by researchers, 2023
At this stage, the concept of the promotional video that has been approved by the research
location is finalized, then video shooting and video editing are carried out. Apart from the
pieces of video that have been taken, the editing process is also in the form of adding backsound
until it becomes a complete promotional video.
At this stage of production, researchers submit a video concept which will later become
a guideline in taking videos and editing them. PT Telkom Regional VII has a Digital Marketing
Operation unit to promote PT Telkom Regional VII products. Therefore, the researcher
discussed with the DMO which after being approved, the video would be taken.
After the discussion, we finally reached a mutual agreement on the video concept. The
video concept that has been agreed upon, namely the Wes Anderson-themed video trend. Wes
Anderson is a filmmaker from America. Wes Anderson is identified with video shoots that are
usually symmetrical and pastel shades and aesthetic. Therefore, the concept of this promotional
video has the nuances of the Wes Anderson video trend wrapped in soft selling Cloud Storage.
Next, the video was taken. In taking videos, several locations were taken, namely at the PT
Telkom Regional VII Office and roadside snack vendors. The location used is a location related
to each part that has been determined during the storyline discussion so that the video is
appropriate and real in delivering information. After taking the video, video editing is done
then adding backsound to make it a complete promotional video.
The video has audio with recordings from the talent, as follows:
Vol 2, No 12 December 2023
Cloud Storage Promotion Strategy Through Pt Telkom Regional
VII Instagram
Tabel 2
Penyimpanan Cloud Promosi Suara Melalui Video
Voice Over
Opening (background music)
Hello... My name is Aulia. I'm a college student who likes to
do vlogs.
From the habit of recording exciting moments. Now... I aspire
to be a food vlogger.
But... there is one problem when....
Oops... but that was a while ago.
Now I use Cloud Storage for IndiHome. For Rp16,000 you
get 50GB.
So no more worrying about my device's storage space being
Anywhere... anytime... I can access any file I want.
For IndiHome customers... Subscribe to Cloud Storage for
Source: Processed by researchers, 2023
The results of the finished promotional video are then shown to the research locus
whether the Cloud Storage promotional video is suitable for publication. Once approved, the
promotional video will be uploaded on social media.
In the post-production process, the results of the intact Cloud Storage promotional video are
shown to the research locus to get approval to upload the Cloud Storage promotional video on
PT Telkom Regional VII's Instagram (@telkomkti).
After the publication stage, an evaluation is carried out to determine the engagement of
promotional videos which can be seen through Instagram parameters based on data insights,
namely likes, comments, and shares, as well as views for content reels.
Approved videos will be uploaded on Instagram with the username @telkomkti. Cloud
Storage promotional videos are uploaded on June 19, 2023. Evaluation of promotional video
uploads starts when uploaded until June 26, 2023. Parameters are seen based on the results of
insight, namely based on the number of likes, comments, shares, saved, and views or plays.
This insight parameter serves to see how much audience reach the Cloud Storage promotional
video has. As of July 1, 2023, PT Telkom Regional VII's Instagram which was @telkomkti
became @indihomekti.
Previously, PT Telkom Regional VII promoted Cloud Storage using photos uploaded to
Instagram (@telkomkti). From the insight data from the upload, it was found that the upload
only reached 43 accounts, of which 36 followers of the @telkomkti account and 7 accounts
that were not followers of the @telkomkti account. This post also received 103 likes, 7 accounts
that saved, and no one left comments and shared the post.
The upload of Cloud Storage promotional videos made by researchers that have been
uploaded. Getting the upload insight data, shows the interaction of each visitor who gives a
trace. Interactions that can be known such as plays (the number of times this video is played),
likes (the number of users who like this video post), comments (the number who comment),
Cloud Storage Promotion Strategy Through Pt Telkom Regional
VII Instagram
Vol 2, No 12 December 2023
shares (the number of times this upload is shared), and saves (the number of users who save
this upload). This post managed to reach 2,791 Instagram accounts, of which 1,634 were
followers of the @telkomkti account and 1,337 were not @telkomkti followers. From the
comments written by the audience on Cloud Storage promotional video uploads, it shows that
promotional videos can provide the information needed. This means that the Cloud Storage
promotional videos made by researchers are useful for the audience.
When compared to the two uploads above, it can be seen that the promotional model
using video has a wider audience reach than using photos. It can be said that the Cloud Storage
promotional videos made by researchers are successful in reaching audiences to provide
information and invitations to subscribe to Cloud Storage.
After conducting research and distributing promotional videos for Cloud Storage
products, researchers have distributed questionnaires to respondents who have filled out
questionnaires before the work. The purpose of distributing this questionnaire is to determine
the impact of promotional videos on the understanding and information obtained by
respondents regarding Cloud Storage products. This questionnaire was distributed to 44
respondents who are IndiHome customers as well as prospective Cloud Storage users. The
following questionnaire data has been distributed:
Attention to Cloud Storage products
In the results of distributing questionnaires before any work, the respondents said that
they wanted to watch Cloud Storage promotional videos if there were, this indicates that Cloud
Storage promotional videos are needed which contain information about Cloud Storage
According to (Widyastuti, 2018) business actors must be able to remind customers of the
presence of a product at the attention stage. This stage is the beginning of a process where a
person learns and understands the information provided to him, becomes aware, and learns
about the existence of certain products. However, in the results of distributing questionnaires
after the work there are still many who do not know about Cloud Storage products. This shows
that the promotional videos made by researchers are useful for providing information about
Cloud Storage products. This statement can be proven from the results of the questionnaire
distribution before the work, there were 11 respondents who knew the Cloud Storage product
before seeing the Cloud Storage promotional video and 33 respondents who did not know the
Cloud Storage product even though they were IndiHome customers. Then, there are several
reasons that make respondents interested in watching Cloud Storage promotional videos,
namely the video is interesting, the video contains products with language that is easy to
understand, interested because of interesting visuals and themes, curious about Cloud Storage
products, and interesting promotions. This is related to research conducted by (Kurniawati,
2022) that attracting consumer attention can be through clear writing or images, interesting and
memorable words, so that the information conveyed will reach the target consumer.
Interest in Cloud Storage products
Based on the results of distributing questionnaires before the work, there were 5
respondents who said they had seen Cloud Storage promotions, and 47 respondents said they
had never seen Cloud Storage promotions. Even before the work, the respondents said they
Vol 2, No 12 December 2023
Cloud Storage Promotion Strategy Through Pt Telkom Regional
VII Instagram
were interested in getting to know more about Cloud Storage product information.
According to (Widyastuti, 2018), variable interest is the point at which a person begins to show
interest in learning more about a product, its benefits, as well as how a person can use it to their
advantage, and whether it suits their needs. To arouse the interest of potential customers, this
stage focuses more on presenting product details. This theory is in line with the results of the
distribution of questionnaires that have been carried out, namely the respondents are interested
in getting to know more about Cloud Storage products. After seeing the promotional video
provided, 44 respondents said they were interested in getting to know more about Cloud
Storage products. The respondents said the things they remembered in the Cloud Storage
promotional video were Aulia (talent) running out of cellphone memory, the cheap Cloud
Storage price of Rp. 16,000 can get 50GB, large storage storage at a low price, file storage,
Cloud Storage can be used for IndiHome customers, and makes it easier for users who like
photos and videos but the cellphone memory does not support. This is also related to research
conducted by (Maulidasari & Yusnaidi, 2019) that interest in the products offered can be
informed through various forms of promotion, such as promotions on social media, billboards,
and directly to consumers.
Desire for Cloud Storage products
From the results of distributing questionnaires before any work, there are 5 people who
say the Cloud Storage promotional model and captions on Instagram that have been seen can
arouse the desire to subscribe to Cloud Storage. And as many as 47 people said they had never
seen Cloud Storage promotions before.
According to (Widyastuti, 2018) the desire variable is the point at which a person begins
to describe his opinion about a product he likes. The ability to utilize a product and conformity
to their demands begins to emerge. So that the promotion must show that the product exists to
meet consumer needs. This relates to the results of distributing questionnaires after the work
that as many as 44 respondents answered the Cloud Storage promotional video could arouse
the desire to subscribe to Cloud Storage. However, there are 2 respondents who say that
captions containing invitations and information about Cloud Storage in Cloud Storage
promotional video uploads cannot provide reasons to subscribe to Cloud Storage.
Action on Cloud Storage products
From the results of distributing questionnaires before any work, there are 5 people who
say the Cloud Storage promotional model on Instagram that has been seen can convince to
subscribe to Cloud Storage due to the need, price, and want to try Cloud Storage products. A
total of 47 people said they were not sure because they had never seen Cloud Storage
promotions before.
According to (Widyastuti, 2018), the action variable is the stage where consumers take
action to start buying products. To find out more information about the product, consumers can
visit the store or ask the business actor. In the Cloud Storage promotional video made by
researchers, there is information about how consumers can subscribe to Cloud Storage. From
the results of distributing questionnaires that have been carried out, it shows that there are 2
respondents who are not sure to subscribe to Cloud Storage after watching the promotional
videos made by researchers. Respondents who feel confident to subscribe to Cloud Storage
are given a follow-up question, namely what factors make them sure to subscribe to Cloud
Storage. The respondents answered, because it suits their needs, the price is cheap, they want
Cloud Storage Promotion Strategy Through Pt Telkom Regional
VII Instagram
Vol 2, No 12 December 2023
to try Cloud Storage, cellphone memory is now very influential for work and storage of college
assignments, and after seeing the Cloud Storage promotional video so the respondent is
interested in using Cloud Storage.
Based on the results of the AIDA measurement above, it can produce a promotional
strategy in this case a SWOT strategy by looking at the results of the AIDA measurement and
SWOT analysis before the work. The following is the SWOT strategy:
Strenghts-Opportunities (SO)
Provides discounted package fees per certain period such as per 3 months, 6 months, and
1 year and synchronization of Cloud Storage with any type of device that can be accessed
Weaknesses-Opportunities (WO)
Conduct regular promotions in digital form to increase consumer knowledge of Cloud
Storage products.
Strenghts-Threats (ST)
Provide additional features that are competitive with the main competitors and simplify
the registration process, which previously had to be 100% profile can be 50%.
Weaknesses-Threats (WT)
Simplify the registration process for Cloud Storage subscriptions to be enjoyed by
consumers other than IndiHome customers, provide additional features that have added value
to increase customer satisfaction, and provide free trials for new users within a certain period.
Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the results
of the promotional video for Cloud Storage products have a positive impact on the AIDA
variable, so that it can produce a promotional strategy. Therefore, with promotional videos
using the AIDA concept can be applied when promoting Cloud Storage products, especially at
PT Telkom Regional VII can disseminate Cloud Storage product information.
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