Journal Of Economics, Technology, and Business (JETBIS)
Volume 2, Number 2 February 2024
p-ISSN 2964-903X; e-ISSN 2962-9330
Upik Purwanti
, Rini Adiyani
, Kurniawati Darmaningrum
Univesitas Tunas Pembangunan Surakarta, Indonesia
Digital Marketing, Business
Development, Digital
Innovation, Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises (Umkm),
Omah Kepiting
A business that can build a ready innovation ecosystem will tend to
have better digital marketing capabilities than other competitors.
Digital marketing adoption indicates the level of use of digital
marketing technology in an organization. The research aims to
determine the effect of digital marketing adoption on digital
marketing capabilities in Omah Kepiting Micro, Small, and Medium
Enterprises in Surabaya. In this research, the data were analyzed
using the PLS-SEM statistical method to determine the weight of
each research indicator. The PLS-SEM method was chosen because
there was an abnormality in the distribution of the data and the
research required latent variable scores for further analysis. These
findings are interesting because although the readiness of the
innovation ecosystem does not have a direct effect on digital
marketing adoption (β= 0.114; P-value > 0.05), digital marketing
adoption turns out to have a significant positive impact on the
company's digital marketing capabilities (β= 0.125; P- value < 0.05).
Conclusion of digital transformation in improving the company's
digital marketing capabilities, which can be the main driver in facing
increasingly complex market dynamics and increasingly fierce
Marketing management is a process of determining marketing objectives for a company
or organization by considering internal resources and creating, and maintaining profitable
exchanges with target markets that intend to achieve the company's main objectives. In
marketing, there are concepts in carrying out its activities, including the concept of production,
product concept, sales concept, marketing concept, social marketing concept, and global
marketing concept. Along with the advancement of technology, science, and economic
development, it is so rapid that it creates fierce competition. To be able to survive and be able
to compete in this competition, a business or company must pay attention to effective service
and efficiency in utilizing its resources to achieve predetermined business or company goals.
Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have an important role in improving
the regional economy and the economy of a country. According to (T. Tambunan, 2012) in
Indonesia, MSMEs have proven to have an important role in overcoming the consequences and
impacts of the economic crisis that occurred in 1997 when many large companies went
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
Marketing And Business Development Strategies To
Improve The Quality Of Digital Marketing And Digital
Innovation In Micro, Small, And Medium Enterprises
Omah Kepiting In Surabaya
bankrupt, while MSMEs were able to survive the crisis conditions. In addition, this sector can
increase the per capita income or Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the community because it
can absorb a large number of workers (Alfrian & Pitaloka, 2020). Small businesses are
productive economic businesses that stand alone, carried out by individuals or business entities
that are not subsidiaries or branches of companies that are owned, controlled, or are part of
either directly or indirectly from micro businesses or large businesses that meet the criteria for
small businesses as referred to in the law (Was’an et al., 2023).
Medium-sized enterprises are productive economic businesses that stand alone, carried
out by individuals or business entities that are not subsidiaries or branches of companies that
are owned, controlled, or part of either directly or indirectly micro, small, or large businesses
that meet the criteria for medium-sized businesses as referred to in Law Number 20 of 2008
concerning MSMEs (Wibowo, 2021). In the law, the criteria used to define MSMEs as stated
in Article 6 are net worth or asset value, excluding land and buildings of the place of business,
or annual sales proceeds. With this criterion, a micro-enterprise is a business unit with an asset
value of IDR 50,000,000 or annual sales revenue of IDR 300,000,000 at most. Small businesses
with an asset value of more than IDR 50,000,000.00 up to a maximum of IDR 500,000,000.00
or with annual sales revenue of more than IDR 300,000,000.00 up to a maximum of IDR
2,500,000,000.00. Medium-sized enterprises are companies with a net worth of more than Rp
500,000,000,000.00 to a maximum of Rp 10,000,000,000,000.00 or have annual sales results
above Rp 2,500,000,000,000.00 to a maximum of Rp 50,000,000,000.00 (T. Tambunan, 2012).
According to (T. T. H. Tambunan & Purwoko, 2002), the quality of human resources,
including the behavior of business actors, can affect business success. a business can be said to
be successful if business actors have honest, creative, and innovative personality characteristics
to build trust with consumers, the more motivation and good behavior a business actor has, the
more likely an MSME can develop. To develop an MSME so that the business is successful,
business actors must be able to think creatively and innovatively to further develop their
business. According to (T. T. H. Tambunan & Purwoko, 2002), capital strength can affect
business success.
Business capital is necessary to conduct business activities. Therefore, a certain amount
of funds is needed as a basis for the business's financial size. Sources of business capital can
be obtained from own capital, government assistance, and financial institutions both banks and
non-bank institutions. Capital is a business factor that must be available before carrying out
activities. The size of the capital will affect the development of the business in achieving
income (Riyanto et al., 2001).
The government pays great attention to the development of MSMEs to survive the global
crisis. Various initiatives are always sought by the government through the Ministry of
Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises so that more and more individuals want to
pursue entrepreneurship in the form of establishing MSMEs (Holiseh & Izzatusholekha, 2023).
The government's huge attention to MSMEs is the right strategic step needed by the Indonesian
people. The seriousness of the government's concern for MSMEs with programs to grow
MSMEs in Indonesia. Although the Indonesian government's support is very large to make
Marketing And Business Development Strategies To Improve
The Quality Of Digital Marketing And Digital Innovation In
Micro, Small, And Medium Enterprises Omah Kepiting In
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
MSMEs succeed and develop, it does not mean that it is without obstacles. One of the obstacles
is the digital transformation that has begun to enter the business world (Utama, 2019). This
transformation involves inevitable difficulties, which are rooted more deeply in the realities of
small businesses. Factors such as lack of funding, high labor costs, structural problems, slow
bureaucracy, and limited technology diffusion, can slow down the evolutionary path of Micro,
Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). The use of technology to improve efficiency in the
organization is a major problem that these enterprises must overcome. Lack of knowledge
about the development and application of technology in the business world, one of which is in
terms of marketing. Therefore, actors must make a complicated choice, continue to apply
strategies and techniques that have been effective so far or accept change through new products
that allow them to fully develop and thrive thanks to the digital transformation (Karyani et al.,
Businesses as producers, facing a new marketing paradigm, must adapt to unprecedented
changes in the marketing landscape. The new marketing landscape has brought companies to
conditions that require them not only to exist in the conventional competitive arena but also in
the digital-based marketing arena. Businesses are preparing themselves to provide the right
answers to consumers' needs and interests, businesses are also learning how to reach and
engage their consumers through valuable information.
In other literature, digital marketing capability is the competence of businesses in using
the Internet and other information technologies to facilitate in-depth interactions with
customers. These interactions give customers access to company resources and information
and provide companies with information about their customers. Based on this explanation, it
can be concluded that digital marketing is not only about the adoption of digital marketing
technology, but also about how companies can plan, implement, and manage their digital
marketing. Companies must have digital marketing capabilities because they can improve
business performance. According to Field's findings, businesses can achieve impressive results
by improving their digital marketing capabilities, lowering campaign costs by 30%, and
increasing revenue by 20%. Even when companies use advanced technology and human
resources with superior supervisory skills, campaign performance can improve by 30%. A
research model for improving a company's digital marketing capabilities has been established.
The model states that an enterprise's digital marketing capabilities can be improved through
innovation ecosystem readiness, digital marketing technology adoption, and digital
Innovation ecosystem readiness shows the level of readiness of the business innovation
ecosystem in responding to changes in the company's external and internal business
environment. A business that can build innovation ecosystem readiness will tend to have better
digital marketing capabilities than other competitors. Digital marketing adoption indicates the
level of use of digital marketing technology in the organization. A business that can adopt
effective digital marketing technology will tend to have a higher level of digital marketing
capabilities. Finally, digital transformation shows the process undertaken by businesses to
integrate technology into their business processes.
To create an MSME such as a catering business at Omah Kepiting which provides a
variety of foods with certain characteristics, both traditional and modern foods. Omah Kepiting
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
Marketing And Business Development Strategies To
Improve The Quality Of Digital Marketing And Digital
Innovation In Micro, Small, And Medium Enterprises
Omah Kepiting In Surabaya
strives for several innovations and creations in food to attract consumers. Omah Kepiting also
always tries to improve the quality of food products so that consumers are satisfied with the
taste of food and service. In addition, they also utilize technology as a strategy to improve their
business development.
The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of digital marketing adoption on
digital marketing capabilities at Omah Kepiting Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in
Surabaya. The benefits of this research With this research, it is hoped that it can provide
meaningful input for business progress related to digital transformation, ecosystem innovation
readiness, and digital marketing so that it can evaluate and improve marketing capabilities and
digital innovation.
In this study, the data were analyzed using the PLS-SEM statistical method to determine
the weight of each research indicator. According to Rambut, the PLS-SEM method was chosen
because there was an abnormal distribution of data and the research required latent variable
scores for further analysis. latent variables for further analysis. PLS-SEM is a statistical method
to understand, describe, and determine the role of each indicator that accompanies it. that
accompanies it. The number of samples or respondents obtained in this study This study
exceeds the recommended sample size for PLS-SEM analysis given by Cohen and
recommended by Rambut. given by Cohen and recommended by Hair. on statistical power
analysis. If the maximum number of independent variables is six, and a statistical power of
80% is required to detect a minimum R2 of 0.10 with a 1% chance of error, then a minimum
sample of 179 samples is required. sample of at least 179 samples. A larger sample size will
increase the precision of the PLS-SEM coefficient estimates (Sri & Ahmad, 2017).
PLS-SEM tests and estimates whether the data collected can explain the causal
relationship that occurs in the model. The quality of the PLS-SEM results model will be
explained by evaluating the measurement model and structural model. Measurement model
testing will refer to the results of empirical measurements of the relationship between
indicators and their constructs (variables), while structural model testing will explain the
relationship between constructs.
Furthermore, the PLS-SEM evaluation summary table displays the internal consistency
reliability, convergent validity, discriminant validity, collinearity, magnitude and
significance of path coefficients, magnitude and significance of external loading, and
coefficient of determination, which are all testing criteria for the reflective measurement
model and structural measurement model.
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The Quality Of Digital Marketing And Digital Innovation In
Micro, Small, And Medium Enterprises Omah Kepiting In
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
Table 1
Summary of PLS-SEM Evaluation
Step 1: Reflective Measurement Model Evaluation
Internal consistency
Convergent validity
Cronbach's alpha =0.6-
0.9 or less than 0.95
0,89 0,905
Composite reliability
0,915 0,921
Outside loading >
Average Variance
Extracted (AVE) >0.5
Ratio (HTMT) < 0.90
Step 2: Structural Model Evaluation
1. Collinearity
Size and
significance of
path coefficients
Coefficient of
determination (R2)
Variance Inflation
Factor (VIF) = 0.20-5
P-value <0.05
Weak = 0.25-0.50,
medium = 0.5-0.75,
strong > 0.75
P-value <0.05
The weak and
Step 3: Model Fit Evaluation
Standardized root
mean square
residual (SRMR)
SRMR < 0,08
The table above presents a summary of the results of testing the PLS-SEM model in the
study. The standardized root mean square residual (SRMR) value = 0.067 obtained in this study
shows a good fit model because the SRMR value is less than 0.08, which means it meets the
criteria for evaluating the fit model. The standardized root mean square residual is a measure
of model fit, defined as the root mean square difference between the observed correlation and
the correlation implied in the model. Since SRMR is an absolute measure of fit, a value of zero
indicates a perfect fit.
Evaluation of the Reflective Measurement Model
Based on Table 1, it can be concluded that all components of the reflective model
evaluation test provide results that support this research. This can be seen from the internal
consistency reliability value, convergent validity, and discriminative validity that meet the test
All indicators in the study show the significance and relevance of outer loading on each
research construct. The results show that the weights of all indicators on each construct are
significantly different from zero, as evidenced by aPnilnya less than 0.05, as shown in Table 1.
Organizational readiness is the most important indicator in building innovation
ecosystem readiness. Meanwhile, the most important indicator in the construction of digital
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
Marketing And Business Development Strategies To
Improve The Quality Of Digital Marketing And Digital
Innovation In Micro, Small, And Medium Enterprises
Omah Kepiting In Surabaya
transformation is operational improvement (question: Our company's technological
innovations have enabled customers to interact with our operational processes in new ways).
Based on these indicators, we can conclude that the readiness of the innovation ecosystem is
largely determined by organizational readiness, namely the readiness of resources, structures,
systems, culture, skills, and organizational strategies in adopting digital marketing innovations.
Digital transformation is largely determined by the ability of MSME players to utilize their
core operational strengths, which means that MSME players can look for bottlenecks and
inefficiencies in their business processes and can consider and apply digital technology to help
achieve better business process analysis
(Firmansyah et al., 2022).
In general, indicators with an outer loading value of less than 0.4 can be eliminated from
the model immediately, while values between 0.40-0.70 can be removed from the measurement
model if and only if their removal results in an increase in their composite reliability value. The
results of this study show that some indicators have outer loading values between 0.4 and 0.7,
so it is necessary to consider including or eliminating these indicators in each of the
accompanying constructs. Technology leadership indicators in the digital transformation
construct with an outer loading value of 0.688 are some of the indicators that must be
considered to be included or removed from the accompanying construct. In addition,
observability, opinion leadership, competitive pressure, and innovation infrastructure
indicators with outer loading values of 0.685, 0.610, 0.590, and 0.574 on the innovation
ecosystem readiness construct also need to be reconsidered.
Table 2
PLS-SEM Results: Size and Significance of External Loading
Items and Construction
Outside Loading
Statistic T
P Values
Innovation Ecosystem
1. Employees find it easy to
implement digital
marketing innovations
2. Digital marketing
innovation benefits
employees' work
3. Businesses are ready to
implement digital
marketing innovations
4. Business management
actively introduces digital
marketing innovations
5. Customers are already
using digital marketing
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The Quality Of Digital Marketing And Digital Innovation In
Micro, Small, And Medium Enterprises Omah Kepiting In
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
6. Competitors will be
superior if they do not
implement digital
marketing innovations
7. The government has built
adequate infrastructure to
support the
implementation of digital
marketing innovations in
8. In general, opinion
leaders and the media talk
about digital marketing
innovations very often
9. Digital marketing
innovation is easy to
implement in business
10. It's easy to distinguish
how digital marketing
works from conventional
Digital Transformation
1. We use digital channels to
market our products and
2. Our technological
innovations have enabled
customers to interact with
our operational processes
in new ways
3. We have launched a new
business model using
digital technology
4. Our management has a
vision to digitally
transform the business for
the future
5. We promote the cultural
change required for
digital transformation
6. We define it with clear
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
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Improve The Quality Of Digital Marketing And Digital
Innovation In Micro, Small, And Medium Enterprises
Omah Kepiting In Surabaya
roles and responsibilities
between departments to
execute digital initiatives.
7. The performance of the
information technology
unit has been able to
fulfill the need to carry
out digital transformation
Digital Marketing Adoption
Does your business use
digital marketing techniques
and methods?
About the indicators mentioned above, we re-analyzed the PLS-SEM model, i.e. the
modified model, by removing the indicators whose values ranged from 0.4 to 0.7, and then
compared the new composite reliability value with the old composite reliability value. Based
on the comparison of the composite reliability values in Table V.3, removing these indicators
does not affect the composite reliability values. As a result, it can be determined that there are
not enough compelling reasons to remove the indicator from the original model, as doing so
would change the content validity of the accompanying construct but not improve the
composite reliability (CR).
Tabel 3
Nilai Reliabilitas Komposit Lama dan Baru
CR lama
CR baru
Cronbach Alfa
Kesiapan ekosistem inovasi
Transformasi digital
Indeks adopsi pemasaran
Kemampuan pemasaran digital
Manifest variable
This study shows a high level of internal consistency reliability of all research variables,
indicated by a Cronbach's alpha value greater than 0.89 and a Composite Reliability value
greater than 0.90 but less than 0.95, indicating that the indicators in this research questionnaire
can be relied upon to measure the same thing in a construct. Furthermore, this study has good
convergent validity, evidenced by AVE values greater than 0.50, indicating that the constructs
of this study explain more than 50% of the diversity contained in the research indicators. The
digital marketing adoption index variable, as the only manifest variable in the study, has a
value of one for CR, Cronbach's alpha, and AVE. This is understandable given that the digital
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The Quality Of Digital Marketing And Digital Innovation In
Micro, Small, And Medium Enterprises Omah Kepiting In
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
marketing adoption index only has one response value. The HTMT values are also between
0.371 and 0.894, less than 0.90. This means that based on these indicators, each construct has
shown good discriminant validity, or each variable has its uniqueness. Table V.4 shows the
specific discriminant validity results for each variable.
Table 4
Heterotrait - Monotrait Ratio (HTMT)
Digital marketing adoption index
(DMA)1 Innovation ecosystem
readiness (IER)
Digital marketing capabilities
(DMC) Digital Transformation (DT)
Structural Model Evaluation
Based on Table 2, it can be concluded that all test components for structural
model evaluation provide results that support this research. This can be seen from the
value of collinearity, the coefficient of determination, and the significance of the path
coefficient that meets the test criteria. The average VIF value in this study is less than
3, which indicates that there is no collinearity between constructs, and path coefficient
measurement bias can be avoided.
Each relationship in the structural model also has a significant effect on improving
digital marketing capabilities. Table 5 displays the magnitude and significance of the
path coefficients in the structural model for each relationship while answering various
hypotheses in Masrianto's previous research [6]. The readiness of the innovation
ecosystem has a significant positive effect on the company's digital marketing
capabilities (H3: β = 0.259; P-value < 0.05), as does digital transformation (H5: β =
0.555; P-value < 0.05), and digital marketing adoption (H6: β = 0.125; P-value < 0.05).
The findings of this hypothesis testing support the authors' opinion that innovation
ecosystem readiness, digital transformation, and digital marketing as components of
DMUI are factors that can significantly improve digital marketing capabilities.
Table 5
PLS-SEM Results: Size and Significance of path coefficients
Statistic T
P Values
Not Supported
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
Marketing And Business Development Strategies To
Improve The Quality Of Digital Marketing And Digital
Innovation In Micro, Small, And Medium Enterprises
Omah Kepiting In Surabaya
The hypothesis was developed from Masrianto's research.
Other hypothesis testing results show that the readiness of the innovation ecosystem
has a direct influence on digital transformation (H1: β = 0.772; P-value < 0.05), and digital
transformation has a direct influence on the adoption of digital marketing (H4: β = 0.336;
P-value < 0.05). The findings of this study are interesting because innovation ecosystem
readiness does not have a direct effect on digital marketing adoption (H2: β = 0.114; P-
value > 0.05). MSME players with mature innovation ecosystem readiness will not adopt
digital marketing before digital transformation; they understand that good digital
marketing capabilities will never be achieved without going through digital
The coefficient of determination R2 shows a value of 0.695 for digital marketing
capabilities, which means that the explanatory power of the model is relatively moderate.
Hair states that the value of R2 which is between 0.50-0.75 indicates that endogenous
variables can be explained by exogenous variables with a moderate level of determination
(Simamora & Saputra, 2023).
Rumus Indeks Pemanfaatan Pemasaran Digital (DMUI)
The Digital Marketing Utilization Index (DMUI) is introduced in this study to
measure the level of digital marketing utilization by a company using three aspects of
digital marketing capability improvement, namely: innovation ecosystem readiness, digital
transformation, and digital marketing adoption. The three aspects of improving a
company's digital marketing are derived from the digital marketing capability
improvement model of a company.
As mentioned earlier, digital marketing capabilities are focused on strategy rather
than technology. The three fundamental aspects of improving digital marketing
capabilities discussed in this study are closely related to the relationship between digital
marketing planning, implementation, and management. MSME players can identify the
factors that contribute to high and low levels of digital marketing capability, allowing them
to take corrective actions to improve their digital marketing capability immediately. DMUI
is presented to fulfill such requirements.
The 32 indicators used to calculate the digital marketing utilization index come from
10 indicators that show the readiness of the innovation ecosystem, 15 indicators that show
the adoption of digital marketing, and 7 indicators that show digital transformation, as
shown in the figure below DMUI is a composite index that measures three aspects of a
company's digital marketing capabilities.
The first step in calculating DMUI is to create three separate indices for each
dimension. These index dimensions (one for innovation ecosystem readiness, one for
digital marketing adoption, and one for digital transformation) are then used to calculate
the total DMUI using geometric means. The loading factor of each significant indicator
generated by PSL-SEM is used to analyze the index value of each variable, such as the
innovation ecosystem readiness index, digital transformation index, and digital marketing
capability index. The loading factor determines the absolute contribution of an indicator
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The Quality Of Digital Marketing And Digital Innovation In
Micro, Small, And Medium Enterprises Omah Kepiting In
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
to a construct. The absolute contribution of each reflective model indicator then becomes
an item weight to produce a variable score. Furthermore, for the weighted digital marketing
adoption indicator, the digital marketing usage index approach is used. The max-min
procedure is then used to convert each score on each dimension into an index score with a
value distribution ranging from 0 to 100.
Figure 1
DMUI components and subcomponents
The basic formula for converting indicator score values (V) into index scores (I) is:
V- minute_value
, (1)
max_value - min_value
Where value_min is the lowest possible score (lower limit) and value_max is the
highest possible score (upper limit).
The second step is to calculate the total DMUI, which is the result of multiplying the three
indices and then calculating the geometric mean to produce the final DMUI number. The
formula for calculating DMUI is:
, (2)
Where SAYA
is the innovation ecosystem readiness index, SAYA
is the digital
transformation index, and
is the adoption of digital marketing index.
Economic Ecosystem Readiness Index
The innovation ecosystem readiness index is obtained from the exogenous latent
variable of innovation ecosystem readiness measured by indicators that characterize
ecosystem readiness in using digital marketing innovations. Innovation ecosystem
readiness is measured using ten key indicators derived from five interacting ecosystem
dimensions, namely employee perceptions and attitudes, internal characteristics and
external characteristics, industry characteristics, country and society characteristics, and
digital marketing technology characteristics. Based on the PLS-SEM weighting results, we
applied the following to each indicator: organizational readiness and manager innovation
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
Marketing And Business Development Strategies To
Improve The Quality Of Digital Marketing And Digital
Innovation In Micro, Small, And Medium Enterprises
Omah Kepiting In Surabaya
were assigned a weight of 0.12; perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and flexibility
were assigned a weight of 0.11; customer needs were assigned a weight of 0.10;
observability was assigned a weight of 0.09; and residual competitive pressure, innovation
infrastructure, and opinion leadership were assigned a weight of 0.08.
Innovation ecosystem readiness indicators are measured using a Likert scale with
values ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). The total score of
innovation ecosystem readiness is then calculated by weighting each indicator.
Furthermore, the maximum-minimum procedure is used to convert the total score of
innovation ecosystem readiness into a 0-100 score index.
The innovation ecosystem readiness index value obtained from MSME actors
included in this study based on the score index calculation steps above shows that the score
index value ranges from 33 to 100. A total of 25% of companies have an innovation
ecosystem readiness score index value of less than 67, 50% have a score index value of
less or more than 78, and the remaining 25% have a score index value greater than 92.
Business Digital Transformation Index
The digital transformation index is obtained from the endogenous latent variable
of digital transformation measured by indicators that characterize the digital
transformation of a company. Digital transformation is measured using seven key
indicators derived from two interacting dimensions of digital transformation, namely
building digital capabilities and building leadership capabilities. Based on the PLS-
SEM weighting results, we applied the following to each indicator: operations
improvement, business model reinvention, organizational engagement, and
transformation setting were assigned a weight of 0.15; digital vision was assigned a
weight of 0.14, and customer experience and other technology leadership were
assigned a weight of 0.13.
Digital transformation indicators are measured using a Likert scale with values
ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). The total digital transformation
score is then calculated by giving weight to each of its indicators. Furthermore, the
minimum maximum procedure is used to convert the total digital transformation score into
a 0-100 score index.
The digital transformation index value is obtained from all companies in
Indonesia included in this study using the index score calculation steps above, which
shows that the index score value ranges from 14 to 100. A total of 25% of companies
have a digital transformation score index value of less than 61, 50% have a score index
value of less or more than 75, and the remaining 25% have a score index value greater
than 93.
Business Digital Marketing Adoption Index
Digital marketing adoption was measured using fifteen key indicators derived from
digital marketing techniques used by MSME players, namely (1) websites, (2)
eCommerce, (3) social media marketing, (4) email marketing, (5) SEO, (6) SEM, (7)
digital PR, (8) digital advertising, (9) digital CRM, (10) content marketing, (11) affiliate
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The Quality Of Digital Marketing And Digital Innovation In
Micro, Small, And Medium Enterprises Omah Kepiting In
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
marketing, (12) online newsletters, (13) display advertising, (14) mobile marketing, and
(15) digital analytics. For each indicator, we applied the digital marketing usage index
approach as follows: content marketing is weighted 0.09; search engine optimization,
search engine marketing, social media marketing, affiliate marketing, mobile marketing,
digital analytics, and digital customer relationship management are weighted 0.08; digital
advertising, digital public relations, display advertising, and eCommerce are weighted
0.06; email marketing is weighted 0.05; newsletters are weighted 0.04, and other websites
are weighted 0.02.
Digital marketing adoption indicators are measured using binary data with values
ranging from 0 (not used) to 1 (used). The total digital marketing adoption score was then
calculated by weighting each of the indicators. Next, the maximum-minimum procedure
was used to convert the total digital marketing adoption score into a 0-100 score index.
The digital marketing adoption index value was obtained from the MSME players
included in this study using the index score calculation steps above which showed that the
index score value ranged from 0 to 100. A total of 25% of companies have digital
marketing adoption index score values of less than 49.5, 50% have index score values of
less or more than 74, and the remaining 25% have index score values greater than 91.
After the three indices in the DMUI component are calculated, the DMUI value
can be calculated using the formula previously presented. The digital marketing
utilization index value obtained from MSME players included in this study using the
above DMUI score index calculation steps shows that the score index value ranges
from 27 to 100. A total of 25% have a digital transformation score index value of less
than 60, 50% have a score index value of less or more than 74, and the remaining 25%
have a score index value greater than 84.
Based on the clustering results above, further investigation of the constituent
components of DMUI is conducted. According to Table V.6, companies with a low
category of digital marketing utilization index will also have a low level of innovation
ecosystem readiness, digital transformation, and digital marketing adoption.
Similarly, companies with a high digital marketing utilization index are better
prepared for innovation ecosystem readiness, digital transformation, and digital marketing
Table 6
Average Index Score
Component 1
Innovation Ecosystem Readiness Index
Digital transformation index
Digital marketing adoption index
Digital marketing utilization index
DMUI Implementation
The previous discussion explains how the index score is calculated. This research
produces a DMUI index score calculator that is useful for identifying a company's
level of digital marketing usage, predicting the company's level of digital marketing
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Improve The Quality Of Digital Marketing And Digital
Innovation In Micro, Small, And Medium Enterprises
Omah Kepiting In Surabaya
capability, and then parsing the causes of the company's high level of digital marketing
capability to identify things that the company should improve to enhance its digital
marketing capability.
Based on Table 6, the digital marketing capability index is 100, with a digital marketing
utilization index of 100 as well. The digital value of the marketing capability index and the
digital marketing utilization index of Omah Kepiting MSMEs in Surabaya is classified as a
high category (very good) because both DMUI>84.
According to the DMUI index score calculator, the high digital marketing capability of
Omah Kepiting MSMEs in Surabaya is due to the high utilization of digital marketing in all
aspects of its digital marketing capability. In this example, it can be concluded that Omah
Kepitiong MSMEs in Surabaya are very good at managing every aspect that can improve their
digital marketing capabilities.
This study found that digital transformation has a direct impact on digital marketing
adoption as well as digital marketing capabilities, but similar findings were also found in other
studies. Furthermore, contrary to previous studies, innovation ecosystem readiness does not
have a direct impact on digital marketing adoption. The readiness of the innovation ecosystem
of Omah Kepiting MSMEs in Surabaya does not guarantee the adoption of digital marketing
but provides more awareness to Omah Kepiting MSMEs in Surabaya to carry out digital
transformation so that Omah Kepiting MSMEs in Surabaya can choose digital marketing
adoption methods that are more in line with the business processes of Omah Kepiting MSMEs
in Surabaya. Therefore, the role of digital transformation in mediating the readiness of the
innovation ecosystem and digital marketing adoption is very important.
This research can formulate and apply a digital marketing utilization index to evaluate
and improve the digital marketing capabilities of Omah Kepiting MSMEs in Surabaya. DMUI
can be created by combining the innovation ecosystem readiness index, digital transformation
index, and digital marketing adoption index. Based on this research, all of these variables have
a direct impact on the company's digital marketing capabilities.
This research also identifies and presents practical ways to improve the digital marketing
capabilities of Omah Kepiting MSMEs in Surabaya. DMUI Index score calculator can calculate
and then identify the level of digital marketing capability of Omah Kepiting MSMEs in
Surabaya. DMUI Calculator can also show the factors that contribute to the level of digital
marketing capabilities of Omah Kepiting MSMEs in Surabaya. This will certainly help Omah
Kepiting MSMEs in Surabaya identify and understand their weaknesses, allowing them to take
corrective actions. DMUI differs from existing digital capability indices in that it involves the
overall adoption and techniques of digital marketing, and links it to digital transformation and
ecosystem readiness.
Based on the data analysis, we conclude that innovation ecosystem readiness has a
significant direct effect on digital transformation = 0.772; P-value < 0.05). This finding is
interesting because although the readiness of the innovation ecosystem does not directly affect
Marketing And Business Development Strategies To Improve
The Quality Of Digital Marketing And Digital Innovation In
Micro, Small, And Medium Enterprises Omah Kepiting In
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
the adoption of digital marketing (β = 0.114; P-value > 0.05), the adoption of digital marketing
has a significant positive impact on the company's digital marketing capabilities (β = 0.125; P-
value < 0.05). In addition, digital transformation is also proven to have a positive and
significant direct influence on the company's digital marketing capabilities (β = 0.555; P-value
< 0.05), and has a direct influence on digital marketing adoption = 0.336; P-value < 0.05).
This illustrates the importance of digital transformation in improving the company's digital
marketing capabilities, which can be a key driver in facing increasingly complex market
dynamics and increasingly fierce competition (Rasid & Rizal, 2021).
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Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
Marketing And Business Development Strategies To
Improve The Quality Of Digital Marketing And Digital
Innovation In Micro, Small, And Medium Enterprises
Omah Kepiting In Surabaya
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