Journal Of Economics, Technology, and Business (JETBIS)
Volume 3, Number 2 February 2024
p-ISSN 2964-903X; e-ISSN 2962-9330
Sukma Genta Buana
, Wahyu Purbo Santoso
Pustika Ayuning Puri
Universitas Siber Asia Jakarta, Indonesia
Financial performance,
Indonesia stock exchange,
Company Value
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are becoming a common strategy
for business development in today's global marketplace. This study
aims to analyze the effects of M&A on the financial performance of
companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Data is
collected from companies that experienced M&A during a certain
period, focusing on financial variables such as profitability, liquidity,
leverage, and sales growth. The study hypothesis was tested using
panel regression analysis. The findings indicate that M&A
significantly affects the IDX companies' financial performance. More
specifically, the results indicate that while liquidity tends to decline in
the near term following the deal, profitability, and sales growth
increase following M&A. Leverage may also fluctuate depending on
the capital structure and financial policies the company implements
post-M&A. This study provides valuable insights for stakeholders in
the Indonesian capital market, including investors, fund managers,
and regulators, to understand the implications of M&A on firms'
financial performance. The practical implications of this study can
assist firms in planning and evaluating their M&A decisions more
carefully to increase firm value and reduce the risks associated with
such transactions.
Due to the high contagiousness of the coronavirus, often known as SARS-CoV, the globe
was taken aback by the epidemic in early 2020. The condition that causes it is called COVID-
19, or coronavirus disease 2019 (Yuliana, 2020). As of the end of December 2019, over 65
countriesincluding Indonesiahad been proven to have had this virus, according to WHO
data (2020). Because COVID-19 is the result of an outbreak of unnatural natural phenomena,
it is classified as a natural catastrophe. Not only have micro, small, and medium-sized
businesses in Indonesia been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, but numerous other major
corporations have also been impacted. An economy's use of the capital market is crucial. The
capital market does serve both financial and economic purposes simultaneously. Because it
serves as a vehicle or means of bringing together two groups of people with different
interestsparties in need of money issuers and parties with excess capital (investors)the
capital market is said to have an economic function (Vipin & Manmadhan, 2022).
Parties with excess cash can utilize the capital market to invest their money in the hopes
of earning a return, and the issuerin this case, the companycan use the money for investing
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
The Effect Of Mergers And Acquisitions On The Financial
Performance Of Companies Listed On The Indonesia Stock
and operating needs without having to wait for it to become available. released. derived from
business success (Putri & Yasa, 2020).
In today's fast-paced era of globalization, companies must be able to develop plans,
strategies, and innovations quickly to survive the competition in the global market. Many ways
can be done to ensure a business survives in global competition, one of which is by developing
merger and acquisition activities. Currently, trading activities in the market are developing not
only in the form of buying and selling goods but also in buying and selling businesses (assets).
The asset sales market is often called the corporate control market (Nurhayati, 2009).
Large Indonesian companies have been doing mergers and acquisitions, especially during
the economic crisis that led to the bankruptcy of many companies. Moreover, when the
COVID-19 pandemic broke out in Indonesia, many bankrupt businesses were forced to sell
their assets. According to (Sidik, 2023), one example of expansion activities that occurred
during the pandemic was the merger of Tokopedia with Gojek, which was later named GoTo.
The total value of the business combination (VAT) at the end of 2020 was more than 22 billion
USD. In addition to the GoTo merger, there was also the acquisition of PT Indosat and Tri
Indonesia in 2022 with a combined business value of $6 billion.
The reason companies tend to choose mergers and acquisitions over in-house growth as
a strategy is that mergers and acquisitions are seen as a quick way to achieve corporate goals
that companies cannot afford to lose. Synergiesa situation in which the combined value of
the companies after the merger and acquisition exceeds the combined worth of each company
before the merger and acquisitionare another benefit of mergers and acquisitions.
Furthermore, organizations benefit from mergers and acquisitions in the form of enhanced
research and marketing capabilities, technology transfer, management skills, and efficiency in
the form of decreased production costs (Gustina, 2017).
Mergers and acquisitions are at the core of controversies between regulators,
shareholders, public decision-makers, and academics. Mergers and acquisitions in Indonesia
occurred in 1970, conducted by banks in the hope of strengthening their capital structure and
reducing taxes. (Helmalia, 2016). The growth of mergers and acquisitions continues to this day.
If in a crisis where many companies have difficulty in financing their capital. The tendency
that occurs in Indonesia, the acquisition pattern is more widely practiced. This is because
business owners feel more comfortable owning large amounts of shares privately.
Mergers and acquisitions are still often considered controversial decisions because they
are so powerful and complex. Many parties suffer, but also benefit from mergers and
acquisitions. Overall, we see a negative impact on employees, as these policies are often
accompanied by massive layoffs. For example, in the case of Bank Mandiri, more than 11,000
employees had to opt for early retirement, while the reduction in the case of the Bank Permata
merger was 2,350 employees (Moin & Salhi, 2007).
Further controversy can be seen in the emergence of various conspiracies and scandals
behind mergers and acquisitions. Various forms of engineering are achieved through mergers
and acquisitions. For example, these vehicles are used to avoid taxes, inflate the value of
company assets, change the management of the acquired company, or increase compensation
for the managers themselves. Furthermore, M&A decisions are not free from problems (Sută,
1992), the cost of implementing M&A is very expensive and the results are not necessarily as
The Effect Of Mergers And Acquisitions On The Financial
Performance Of Companies Listed On The Indonesia Stock
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
expected. Acquisitions can also hurt the financial position of the acquiring company if the
acquisition structure involves cash payments or loans. In mergers and acquisitions, there are
two things to consider, namely the value created by the acquisition and who benefits most from
it. With the acquisition, it is expected that synergies will be created to increase the value of the
The performance of the target company should be considered by mergers and acquisitions
managers. Considering that the company's success may decide whether it is eventually acquired
or not. Operational efficiency is calculated using financial ratios, which are obtained from the
profitability, debt, liquidity, operating, and market ratios. (Moin & Salhi, 2007) states that you
can compute market ratios using earnings per share, liquidity to current ratios, operating ratios
using revenue total assets, and debt ratios using debt ratios and return on equity. These
techniques can also be used to calculate the rate of return. Economists, scientists, and business
professionals in Indonesia vigorously debate the topic of mergers and acquisitions (M&A).
Regulators and financial theorists have offered numerous explanations for the large volume of
merger activity. Synergies, tax implications, fractional value, diversification, buying assets at
replacement cost, and incentives for individual management are the primary drivers of mergers
(Saleh & Kohar, 2020).
The focus of this research is on external tactics. To quickly expand into new markets for
new products without having to start from scratch, mergers and acquisitions are examples of
external expansion tactics. In general, an acquisition is the process of purchasing all or a portion
of a company's assets, whereas a merger is the combination of two or more businesses in which
one of the participating companies' names is kept in use while the other is dropped. Businesses
occasionally favor external expansion through mergers and acquisitions above internal
expansion. Hitt, 2002. Therefore, it is claimed that the goal of merging through mergers and
acquisitions is to achieve synergy, which is the situation in which the combined worth of the
two firms is greater than it was before the merger and acquisition. Purchasing. Furthermore,
organizations can gain a great deal from mergers and acquisitions, such as enhanced research
and marketing capabilities, management skills, technology transfer, and efficiency in the form
of lower export production costs Hit (2002).
Different findings are drawn from a large number of studies that evaluate financial
performance metrics before and after mergers and acquisitions. Despite variations in return on
assets (ROA) and net profit margin (NPM) amongst companies listed on the IDX, total asset
revenue (TATO) and liabilities to total assets DAR remain unchanged before and after mergers
and acquisitions (Kurniati & Asmirawati, 2022). Salwa Inayatullah Fannani and Nurfauziah
contend that while the current ratio (CR) is constant, the return on equity (ROE) and return on
assets (ROA) of companies listed on the IDX fluctuate when they merge or acquire one another.
Financial (2020) states that there isn't a discernible variation in the current ratio (CR), net profit
margin (NPM), and
Total asset turnover (TATO) did, however, change before and after mergers and
acquisitions. It is expected that you will examine organizations that engage in mergers and
acquisitions after carefully considering the rationale provided above. Since it is anticipated that
mergers and acquisitions will increase the company's performance and create synergy.
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
The Effect Of Mergers And Acquisitions On The Financial
Performance Of Companies Listed On The Indonesia Stock
Researchers aim to compare the effects of mergers and acquisitions on organizations before
and after the transactions to test the influence of these business decisions, building on earlier
research. Furthermore, the impact of mergers and acquisitions, accounting for long-term
synergies, on long-term financial success. Based on these unique features, the researcher
intends to research the thesis topic, "The Effect of Mergers and Acquisitions on Financial
This study looks to discover if there are any variations between the pre- and post-merger
and acquisitions periods using return on assets and net profit margin analysis. Advantages of
Research A research project is supposed to yield something valuable. The study's conclusions
will help the academic community since they will make clear how mergers and acquisitions
affect the bottom lines of companies that are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. In
addition, it is envisaged that the study will be a valuable resource for analysis, development,
and comparison in the future for studies in related or related fields and problems (Saleh).
This study uses a type of comparative analysis with a quantitative approach that uses
secondary data analysis. According to (Sugiyono, 2009), quantitative research is research that
focuses on testing research variables based on numbers. This comparative research aims to
compare several data groups or two data groups. The type of comparative test used in this study
is to compare two samples with the same subject but different data.
It is believed that this research will shed light on whether differences exist between two
or more groups of data by comparing multiple groups of observed data. In this instance,
researchers will contrast the firms' financial results before and during mergers and acquisitions.
According to (Prof. Dr. Sugiyono, 2019), the object of research is everything that has a
form and is determined by the researcher to study to obtain information on the research and
then draw conclusions. From the above understanding, it can be concluded that the research
object is a description of the scientific target that will be explained to obtain information and
data with specific purposes and uses. The object of research can also be defined as the thing to
be analyzed or researched. The study's goal is to investigate how mergers and acquisitions,
specifically those involving companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, affect a
company's financial performance both before and after the transaction.
A data source is anything that could offer information about data. Depending on the
source, data can be divided into two categories: main data and secondary data. Primary data is
information gathered by researchers expressly to address the issues they are addressing. Data
that has been gathered for objectives other than resolving the current issue is referred to as
secondary data. The study makes use of secondary data based on the data source. The study's
data sources were the financial reports found on each company's website and
The nature of this study requires the authors to conduct quantitative data research because
the information they gather will be numerical (Edi & Rusadi, 2017) claim that because
quantitative methods are utilized to evaluate data and stress testing theory through numerical
variable measurement, the type of data used is quantitative. Cross-sectional time is used in this
study since it examines the research object throughout several years. In the meantime, ratios
are the data employed because this study uses this style of assessment to examine financial
The Effect Of Mergers And Acquisitions On The Financial
Performance Of Companies Listed On The Indonesia Stock
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
performance both before and after the merger.
Data Collection Technique
To choose or focus problems such that sample selection is more focused on the study's
aims, data gathering or sampling techniques are used. Non-probability sampling approaches
were utilized in the sampling process for this investigation. A sampling strategy known as
nonprobability sampling denies each sample equal opportunity. Purposive sampling is the
nonprobability sampling method that is employed. One kind of sampling that is based on
certain criteria is called purposeful sampling.
Test Description
Descriptive tests were used in this study to examine the mean, standard deviation,
minimum, and maximum values. Additionally, this analysis is done to give a summary of the
corporate data that was utilized for this research. Two descriptive analyses, one for data
collected before the merger and acquisition and the other for data collected post the merger and
acquisition, are conducted and described as follows:
Descriptive Test of Data Before Mergers and Acquisitions
The following are the results of descriptive statistical testing for data before mergers
and acquisitions:
Table 1
Statistical testing results
Descriptive Statistics
Std. Deviation
Valid N (listwise)
It is evident from the given data that the Net Profit Margin variable has a minimum value
of -4.58 or PT BDG. The highest value, however, is 0.48 and is held by PT BBRI Pension. The
standard deviation value of 1.71436 and the average value of -0.3534 suggest that the average
NPM data before the merger could not adequately capture the entirety of the NPM data. With
a mean value of -0.3534, it is evident that the company's average net profit margin was not in
good shape before the merger.
For the ROA variable, the minimum value is -0.06 which is at PT BDG. While the
maximum value = 15.09 owned by BBSI. The average value of 1.8920 and the standard
deviation value of 5.33290 indicate that the average data before the merger on the ROA variable
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
The Effect Of Mergers And Acquisitions On The Financial
Performance Of Companies Listed On The Indonesia Stock
is not able to represent all ROA data before the merger. With a mean value of 1.8920, it shows
that the average ROA of companies before the merger was in a positive condition.
For the DER variable, the minimum value is 0.05 which is in BBRI PENSION. While
the maximum value = 88.23 owned by PT BDG. The average value of 14.9554 and the standard
deviation value of 29.71333 indicate that the average data before the merger on the DER
variable is not able to represent all DER data before the merger. With a mean value of 14.9554,
it shows that the average company before the merger had a greater level of debt than equity.
From the data above, it can be seen that for the ROE variable, the minimum value is -
0.48 which is at PT BDG. While the maximum value = 0.11.02 is owned by BBSI. The average
value of 1.3660 and the standard deviation value of 3.90549 indicate that the average data
before the merger on the ROE variable is not able to represent all ROE data before the merger.
With a mean value of 1.3660, it shows that the average Return on Equity of companies before
the merger is at a positive point.
From the data above, it can be seen that for the TATO variable, the minimum value is
0.01 which is in BBSI. While the maximum value = 0.06 owned by BBCA. The average value
of 0.0256 and the standard deviation value of 0.02072 indicate that the average data before the
merger on the TATO variable can represent all TATO data before the merger. A mean value =
0.0256 indicates that the average company before the merger had a positive asset turnover.
From the data above, it can be seen that for the CR variable, the minimum value is 0.01
which is in BBSI. While the maximum value = 1.19 owned by BBRI. The average value of
0.4616 and the standard deviation value of 0.40769 indicate that the average data before the
merger on the CR variable can represent all CR data before the merger. With a mean value of
0.4616, it shows that the average company before the merger had a good level of current asset
From the data above, it can be seen that for the EPS variable, the minimum value is -
72.10 which is in BWSI. While the maximum value = 24198.91 owned by BBSI. The average
value of 3202.7341 and the standard deviation value of 8491.46908 indicate that the average
data before the merger on the EPS variable has not been able to represent all EPS data before
the merger. With a mean value of 3202.7341, it shows that the average company before the
merger had a good level of earnings per share.
Table 2
Descriptive Test of Data After Mergers and Acquisitions
Descriptive Statistics
Std. Deviation
Valid N(listwise)
The Effect Of Mergers And Acquisitions On The Financial
Performance Of Companies Listed On The Indonesia Stock
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
From the data above, it can be seen that for the Net Profit Margin variable, the minimum
value is -0.60 which is at PT BDG. While the maximum value = 0.88 owned by PT BBRI
Pension. The average value of 0.4136 and the standard deviation value of 0.45566 indicate that
the average data after the merger on the NPM variable is not able to represent all NPM data
after the merger. With a mean value of 0.4136, it shows that the average net profit margin of
the company after the merger is in good condition.
For the ROA variable, the minimum value is -0.01 which is in BBRI. While the maximum
value = 19.61 owned by BBSI. The average value of 2.4789 and the standard deviation value
of 6.92215 indicate that the average data after the merger on the ROA variable is not able to
represent all ROA data after the merger. With a mean value of 2.4780, it shows that the average
ROA of the company after the merger is in a positive condition.
For the DER variable, the minimum value is 0.06 which is in BBRI PENSION. While
the maximum value = 107.17 owned by PT BDG. The average value of 17.7658 and the
standard deviation value of 36.51997 indicate that the average data after the merger on the DER
variable is not able to represent all DER data after the merger. With a mean value = 17.7658,
it shows that the average company after the merger has a greater level of debt than equity.
From the data above, it can be seen that for the ROE variable, the minimum value is -
0.12 which is in PT BDG. While the maximum value = 9.13 owned by BBSI. The average
value of 1.1704 and the standard deviation value of 3.21510 indicate that the average data after
the merger on the ROE variable is not able to represent all ROE data after the merger. With a
mean value of 1.1704, it shows that the average Return on Equity of the company before the
merger is at a positive point.
From the data above, it can be seen that for the TATO variable, the minimum value is
0.04 which is in BBSI. While the maximum value = 0.22 owned by PT BDG. The average
value of 0.1035 and the standard deviation value of 0.06532 indicate that the average data after
the merger on the TATO variable can represent all TATO data after the merger. A mean value
= 0.1035 indicates that the average company after the merger has a positive asset turnover.
From the data above, it can be seen that for the CR variable, the minimum value is 0.03
which is in BBSI. While the maximum value is 5.84 owned by BBRI. The average value of
1.8734 and the standard deviation value of 1.94958 indicate that the average data after the
merger on the CR variable is not able to represent all CR data after the merger. With a mean
value of 0.1.8734, it shows that the average company after the merger has a good level of
current asset liquidity.
From the data above, it can be seen that for the EPS variable, the minimum value is -
19.94 which is in BWSI. While the maximum value = 6627.63 owned by BBSI. The average
value of 975.784 and the standard deviation value of 2315.5332 indicate that the average data
after the merger on the EPS variable has not been able to represent all EPS data after the merger.
With a mean value of 3202.7341, it shows that the average company after the merger has a
good level of earnings per share.
Normality Test
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The Effect Of Mergers And Acquisitions On The Financial
Performance Of Companies Listed On The Indonesia Stock
A normality test is a statistical test used to test whether the observed data has a normal
distribution or not. A normal distribution is a distribution that looks like a "mountain" or "bell"
centered in the middle, with most of the data concentrated around the midpoint and a small
portion scattered around the upper and lower ends. Statistically, normality testing will use the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov assessment where if the significance value is> 0.05, then the data under
study is normally distributed. The following are the results of the normality test of this study:
Table 3
Testing results
Tests of Normality
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
From this data, it can be seen that the sig value for all variables, the majority has a sig
value <0.05, which means that the majority of data is not normally distributed, so hypothesis
testing cannot use parametric testing, but must use non-parametric testing where in this study,
the non-parametric test that will be used is the Mann Whitney test.
Mann Whitney Test
The Mann-Whitney test is a non-parametric test used to determine the difference in
medians of two independent samples (Qolby, 2014). This test is used when the data does not
meet the assumption of normality. This test is an alternative test to the independent t-test in
parametric tests. The following are the results of the Mann-Whitney test in this study:
Table 4
Mann Whitney test results
Test Statistics
Mann-Whitney U
Wilcoxon W
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)
Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailed
a. Grouping Variable: Merger
b. Not corrected for ties.
The Effect Of Mergers And Acquisitions On The Financial
Performance Of Companies Listed On The Indonesia Stock
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
H1: There is a difference in average Net Profit Margin between before and after the
Merger and Acquisition.
From the Mann-Whitney test results above, it can be seen that the NPM value has an
asymp. Sig (2-tailed) = 0.027 (<0.05) which means the hypothesis is accepted. This means that
there is a difference in the average Net Profit Margin between before and after the Merger and
Acquisition, so the hypothesis stating that there is a difference in the average Net Profit Margin
between before and after the Merger and Acquisition is accepted or H1 is accepted.
H2: There is a difference in average ROA between before and after the Merger and
From the Mann-Whitney test results above, it can be seen that the ROA value has an
asymp. Sig (2-tailed) = 0.495 (> 0.05) which means the hypothesis is rejected. This means that
there is no difference in the average Net Profit Margin between before and after the Merger
and Acquisition, so the hypothesis stating that there is a difference in the average Net Profit
Margin between before and after the Merger and Acquisition is rejected or H2 is rejected.
H3: There is a difference in the average DER between before and after the Mergers and
From the Mann-Whitney test results above, it can be seen that the DER value has an
asymp. Sig (2-tailed) = 0.834 (> 0.05) which means the hypothesis is rejected. This means that
there is no difference in the average Debt Equity Ratio between before and after the Merger
and Acquisition, so the hypothesis stating that there is a difference in the average Debt Equity
Ratio between before and after the Merger and Acquisition is rejected or H3 is rejected.
H4: There is a difference in average ROE between before and after Mergers and
From the Mann-Whitney test results above, it can be seen that the DER value has an
asymp. Sig (2-tailed) = 0.916 (> 0.05) which means the hypothesis is rejected. This means that
there is no difference in average Return on Equity between before and after the Merger and
Acquisition, so the hypothesis stating that there is a difference in average Return on Equity
between before and after the Merger and Acquisition is rejected or H4 is rejected.
H5: There is a difference in average TATO between before and after the Merger and
It is evident from the preceding Mann-Whitney test results that the TATO value has an
asymptotic behavior. As indicated by Sig (2-tailed) = 0.003 (<0.05), the hypothesis is accepted.
This indicates that there was a difference in the average total asset turnover between the pre-
merger and the post-acquisition periods, supporting the acceptance of hypothesis H5, which
states that there was a difference in the average total asset turnover between the pre-merger and
the post-acquisition periods.
H6: There is a difference in average CR between before and after Mergers and
It is evident from the preceding Mann-Whitney test results that the CR value exhibits an
asymptotic behavior. As indicated by Sig (2-tailed) = 0.028 (<0.05), the hypothesis is accepted.
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
The Effect Of Mergers And Acquisitions On The Financial
Performance Of Companies Listed On The Indonesia Stock
This indicates that the average current ratio differed before and after the merger and acquisition,
supporting the acceptance of hypothesis H6, which states that there was a difference in average
current ratio between before and after the merger and acquisition.
H7: There is a difference in average EPS between before and after the Mergers and
From the Mann-Whitney test results above, it can be seen that the Earning Per Share
value has an asymp. Sig (2-tailed) = 0.916 (<0.05) which means the hypothesis is rejected. This
means that there is no difference in the average EPS between before and after the Merger and
Acquisition, so the hypothesis stating that there is a difference in the average Earnings per
Share between before and after the Merger and Acquisition is rejected or H7 is rejected.
There is no difference in NPM
Net Profit Margin (NPM) is net profit after deducting sales tax which has the function of
knowing the amount of net profit (margin) with the total net income obtained by the entity or
company. The purpose of the company taking steps to merge (mergers and acquisitions) is to
maximize the net income earned by the company.
This goal was not achieved because the company did not do optimally to increase sales
so the resulting profit did not increase. This condition follows agency theory which states that
the making of a policy in an entity or company must have other motives that are also carried
out by managers in the policy-making process, which results directly or indirectly in an
assessment of the performance and quality of the policy to be decided. this also has an impact
on changes in the goals and objectives of implementing the business merger process (mergers
and acquisitions).
The problem of interest that arises within the internal entity or company is that the
implementation of the merger and acquisition itself is not optimal. The above statement is also
to the results of research conducted by (Suprihatin, 2022) which explains that there is no
significant difference in the net profit margin (NPM) indicator before and after the merger and
acquisition process between entities, this happens because the entity (company) is unable to
increase the level of sales so that the impact on profits is not optimal so that the impact of the
increase in NPM value after the merger and acquisition process is not felt.
There is no difference in ROA
ROA provides an overview of how efficient the company is in generating profits from
the assets it owns. The higher the ROA, the more efficient the company is in using its assets.
A high ROA indicates that the company can generate good profits with a relatively small
amount of assets, while a low ROA indicates that the company may need to improve its
efficiency in using assets to generate adequate profits.
The results of the analysis show that mergers and acquisitions have no difference in
company profitability, especially in ROA. These results are consistent with the results of
research by Baburam Adhikari, Marie Kavanagh, and Bonnie Hampson (2023) where ROA is
not different after mergers and acquisitions, this shows that the economic desire to improve
profitability after mergers and acquisitions is not realized. This may be due to non-economic
reasons such as saving other companies from the threat of bankruptcy, which may be more
personal reasons.
The Effect Of Mergers And Acquisitions On The Financial
Performance Of Companies Listed On The Indonesia Stock
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
There is no difference in DER
The DER solvency ratio for companies shows how much funds the company provides
compared to the funds provided by creditors through debt. The average value of the DER
analysis results in this study does not show an increasing or decreasing trend after mergers and
acquisitions, so it can be concluded that mergers and acquisitions do not affect how the
company's debt position with equity and assets owned. This result is consistent with the results
of research (Putri & Yasa, 2020) where DER has no difference after mergers and acquisitions.
There is no difference in ROE
Based on the results of the analysis, it is known that the movement in ROE before and
after the merger is relatively the same if converted into a percentage. So the calculations in this
study can be concluded to have no difference in performance between before and after the
merger as measured by return on equity. These results are supported by research (Sari &
Musdholifah, 2020).
There is a difference in TATO
Based on the results of this research analysis, support the existing hypothesis that there
is a difference in total asset turnover between before and after mergers and acquisitions. The
existence of significant differences in financial performance, as measured using total asset
turnover, leads to a significant decrease in the value of the total asset turnover ratio. This is
because the increased asset turnover is not able to generate large profits from the sales process
that exceeds the total debt.
Theoretically, mergers and acquisitions result in the combination of the company's assets,
more effective and efficient management joining the team, and improved asset management
for the business, as demonstrated by a significant change in the total assets turnover variable.
Nonetheless, it can be said that the merger and acquisition process was unsuccessful in
producing the anticipated synergy because the data indicates that the average business saw a
decline in the value of total assets turnover following the merger and acquisition. The findings
of this study are consistent with those of another study (Waskito & Hidayat, 2020), which found
variations in financial success based on total assets turnover before
There is a difference in CR
There is an inequality in the results of the current ratio (CR) between the conditions
before the merger and after the merger and acquisition process, which is because after carrying
out mergers and acquisitions an entity has the potential to fulfill all short-term obligations
which results in the trust of outside parties in supporting the smooth operation of the company's
business. This is supported by agency theory where company management strives to continue
to increase trust in the wider community so that the company's image and good name are high
which results in increased shareholder welfare and entity continuity.
This is by research (Zahra & Syaiful, 2021), which explains the difference in CR before
and after mergers and acquisitions, which can be interpreted as the entity's level of efficiency
in its operations by using its current assets to manage existing current liabilities increasing after
mergers and acquisitions. Companies that carry out the merger and acquisition process result
in an increase in their liquidity level.
There is no difference in EPS
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
The Effect Of Mergers And Acquisitions On The Financial
Performance Of Companies Listed On The Indonesia Stock
Earning Per Share (EPS) is used to show the profit earned by investors generated from
each share. High profits and firm value are the goals of mergers and acquisitions undertaken
by companies. Not achieving these goals can be because the company has not been able to
increase the company's profit growth enough. Agency theory supports the above statement
which explains that in the process of making a company or entity policy, there must be other
motives carried out by managers to make a policy so that it directly or indirectly affects the
merger and acquisition policy so that the policy changes in its implementation objectives.
Concurrent testing on all financial ratios used in this study indicates how mergers and
acquisitions affect the financial performance as reported in the financial statements. This study
aims to determine the effect of mergers and acquisitions on the financial performance of the
company before and after mergers and acquisitions, concerning the financial ratios of the
company, which are represented by net profit margin (NPM), return on assets (ROA), debt to
equity ratio (DER), return on equity (ROE), total asset turnover (TATO), current ratio (CR),
and earning per share (EPS). The test results show the influence and absence of significant
effect of the financial ratios components.
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financial statements is demonstrated by tests done concurrently on all financial ratios utilized
in this research. Concerning the company's financial ratios, which are represented by net profit
margin (NPM), return on assets (ROA), debt to equity ratio (DER), return on equity (ROE),
total asset turnover (TATO), current ratio (CR), and earning per share (EPS), this study seeks
to ascertain the impact of mergers and acquisitions on the financial performance of the
company before and after mergers and acquisitions. The test findings demonstrate the financial
ratios factors' influence and lack of substantial effect.
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