Journal Of Economics, Technology, and Business (JETBIS)
Volume 3, Number 3 March 2024
p-ISSN 2964-903X; e-ISSN 2962-9330
IN 2023
, Nelly Meinissa Azahra
, Acep Komara
Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati
Abnormal Return, Trading
Volume Activity, Capital
Market Reaction, Fuel,
The research was conducted to find out the reaction of the capital
market to the rise in BBM in transportation and logistics sector
companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. This study is an
event study or event that arises directly from the rise in the price of oil
(BBM) on October 1, 2023, against the market reaction based on the
actions of transportation and logistics companies. Abnormal Return
and Trading Volume Activity are variables used to analyze reactions.
The data collection method used in this research is the Quantitative
Data Method. Observations were conducted for 5 days before and 5
days after the BBM rise on October 1, 2023, using the Wilcoxon
Signed Ranks test with a sample of 10 companies and a data test of
110. On the test results, there were abnormal differences in return and
trading volume activity before and after the rise in BBM prices, the
results could help market participants understand market dynamics,
find investment opportunities, and manage risk. With a rise in sales,
this means investors respond to events so that the markets react. The
findings support the theory of signals because investors see the
announcement of a BBM rise as a signal that can affect the stock price.
The capital market is comprised of two primary segments: the stock market and the bond
market. In the stock market, investors have the option to acquire company shares, thereby
becoming stakeholders in the company. In the bond market, governments or companies can
secure funds by issuing bonds, which investors then purchase. The presence of a capital market
enables companies to access a more extensive source of funding beyond relying solely on bank
loans or internal revenue. Beyond offering investment opportunities to financiers, the capital
market also provides companies with the means to acquire capital for expanding businesses
and undertaking projects. As asserted by Lawrence (2013), the capital market plays a pivotal
role as one of the driving forces behind a country's economy.
Fluctuations in stock prices in the capital market reveal the inconsistency among capital
market participants. The shifts in stock prices stem from investors' responses to information,
encompassing both business-specific and overall economic factors. Capital market investors
Vol 3, No 3 March 2024
Capital Market Reaction To The Announcement Of Fuel Price
Increase On Stock Returns Of LQ 45 Transportation Sub-Sector
In 2023
typically seek information regarding a country's political and economic conditions, influencing
potential changes in stock prices (Rinda et al., 2014).
Fuel oil (BBM) holds a crucial role in the daily lives of Indonesians. Transportation,
business, and various domestic sectors rely on fuel as a fundamental commodity. Indonesia's
fuel history is marked by challenges, opportunities, and transformations, influencing public
policy, the environment, and the economy. Since the discovery of petroleum, fuel has served
as Indonesia's primary energy source. Pertamina, the country's largest energy company, plays
a pivotal role in fuel production, distribution, and management. However, a significant
challenge for Indonesia is its reliance on imports to fulfill domestic needs, prompting shifts in
policies and the exploration of more environmentally friendly alternative energy sources.
Changes in global crude oil prices and government policies regarding fuel subsidies or
regulations play a significant role in shaping the capital market. Typically, the stock prices of
energy-related companies or sectors impacted by oil prices tend to mirror fluctuations in global
oil prices. When oil prices rise, it usually translates to increased share prices for oil and gas
companies, whereas a decrease often leads to a decline. Additionally, government
announcements regarding fuel subsidies, regulatory changes, or initiatives to reduce
dependence on fossil fuels can have a notable influence on the capital market, particularly
affecting the energy sector.
The Indonesian government has effectively implemented policies aimed at ensuring
economic stability, which include regulations pertaining to fuel price adjustments. The
objective behind the government's decision to raise fuel prices is to enhance the welfare of the
populace and stimulate economic development within the nation. While the dynamics of the
capital market may not be directly impacted, the increase in fuel prices remains linked to stock
market activities (Akbar et al., 2019).
A rise in fuel prices has the potential to influence investors' decisions regarding buying
and selling shares in the capital market. This, in turn, can impact the behavior and attitudes of
investors engaged in trading shares, leading to a market response. The dissemination of
information to consumers, issuers, and investors affects trading activities in the capital market.
For instance, stock prices may fluctuate, either rising or falling, in the period preceding and
following the receipt of information by market participants (Grenda et al., 2023).
Fluctuations in stock prices can prompt abnormal returns, which refer to returns earned
by investors that deviate from their anticipated returns, potentially eliciting a market response.
These market reactions can be assessed by comparing abnormal returns before and after a
specific event or day. Additionally, market reaction can be gauged through trading volume
activity, which serves as a tool for assessing market responses to information within the capital
market by analyzing trading activity. Trading volume activity indicates how market prices
adjust to changes in information. Securities experiencing high trading volumes typically yield
significant stock returns (Liogu and Saerang, 2015).
The government has officially declared an upcoming fuel price hike scheduled to take
effect on October 1, 2023. The adjustments involve Pertamax Non-Subsidized, increasing from
IDR 13,300 to IDR 14,000 per liter, Pertamax Turbo from IDR 15,900 to IDR 16,600 per liter,
Dexlite from IDR 16,350 to IDR 17,200 per liter, and Pertamax Dex from IDR 16,900 to IDR
17,900 per liter ( Dexlite fuel has experienced the most significant fluctuations
Capital Market Reaction To The Announcement Of Fuel Price
Increase On Stock Returns Of LQ 45 Transportation Sub-Sector
In 2023
Vol 3, No 3 March 2024
this year, according to Pertamina data. At the beginning of the year in January 2023, the price
was registered at IDR 16,150 per liter. It steadily declined until reaching a low of IDR 12,650
in June. However, in the subsequent months, the price rose again, reaching IDR 17,200 on
October 1, 2023. Additionally, Pertamax Dex reached a second-highest record. Calculating
between the lowest price in June, IDR 13,250, and the highest price in October, IDR 17,900,
Pertamax Dex increased by 35%, equivalent to IDR 4,650. Meanwhile, the current price of
Pertamax Dex rose by 6.8%, or Rp 1,150, from the initial price of Rp 16,750. Furthermore, as
of October, Pertamax Turbo witnessed a 22% increase, or Rp 3,000, compared to the lowest
price this year, which was Rp 13,250.
The surge in crude oil prices, which has remained at US$ 90 per barrel since September
8, 2023, has influenced the increase in fuel prices. At 14:00 WIB, the price of Brent crude oil
increased to US$ 94.77/barrel, as reported by Refinitiv. Currently, WTI oil prices stand at US$
91.28 per barrel. Oil prices have maintained their highest level in over a year since November
11, 2022. Following this, in early September, there was a notable spike in crude oil prices.
Saudi Arabia has opted for a voluntary reduction in oil production by 1 million barrels per day
(bpd) until the year-end, with a further decrease to 9 million barrels per day (bpd) in October,
November, and December 2023. Additionally, Russia has decided to extend its voluntary cut
of 300,000 barrels per day until December 2023. (
Analyzing market responses before and after the fuel price hike on October 1, 2023,
reveals potential consequences. The escalation in fuel prices may result in increased operational
expenses for transportation companies, including airlines, land, and sea transport entities. Such
a scenario can directly affect both individual travel costs and distribution expenses for
companies. In order to gain a clearer understanding of the policy's impact, the researcher holds
stocks in the transportation and logistics sector, an industry heavily reliant on fuel for its
Research conducted in 2016 by Desi & Silvana and in 2020 by Ketut et al. shows that
there is no substantial variation in Trading Volume Activity (TVA) before and after the
announcement of the gasoline price hike, nor is there a discernible change in abnormal returns
during each occurrence. In contrast, studies by Stesia & Ivonne (2014) and Siti Choriliyah et
al. (2016) show that there was a notable difference in Trading Volume Activity (TVA) and
average abnormal returns between the time before and after the fuel reduction announcement.
The researchers in this study selected a research topic that looked at how rising fuel prices
affected stock returns because of a variety of relevant factors. More precisely, businesses that
depend heavily on fossil fuels are believed to be vulnerable to growing fuel costs. Moreover,
alterations in the stock prices of specific issuers could indicate how the capital market responds
to the rise in fuel prices. This study aims to ascertain any variations in Abnormal Return and
Trading Volume Activity (TVA) prior to and following the announcement of the fuel price
hike. Additionally, it seeks to explore the Indonesian capital market's reaction in the case of a
gasoline price increase. Giving investors relevant information to utilize as a guide when
deciding what to buy and sell in the capital market is the study's main objective. Therefore, the
study's question is whether there is a significant positive average abnormal return and trading
Vol 3, No 3 March 2024
Capital Market Reaction To The Announcement Of Fuel Price
Increase On Stock Returns Of LQ 45 Transportation Sub-Sector
In 2023
volume activity (TVA) for the LQ 45 Transportation Sub Sector stocks before, during, and
after the fuel price increase event on October 01, 2023.
This research is an event study that specifically addresses the October 1, 2022, fuel price
hike (BBM) and its effects on market responses in the transportation and logistics companies
industry. This study compares the trading volume activity (TVA) and abnormal return (AR) of
enterprises in the transportation and logistics industry before and after the October 1, 2023,
fuel price hike.
Sample, Population, and Sampling Procedures. 37 logistics and transportation firms that
are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) make up the study's population. corporations
in the Transportation and Logistics sector listed on the IDX, corporations with complete stock
prices for the entire 2023 period, and enterprises defined as large with significant operating
experience were the particular criteria used in a purposive sampling technique. As a result, the
study used ten companies as its sample size. There are 110 total data points for analysis when
taking into account observations made five days prior to and five days following the fuel price
hike (BBM). The Indonesia Stock Exchange website ( provided secondary
data for this investigation.
This research employs the quantitative data collection method, characterized by a
research approach that utilizes numerical data and relies on statistical and mathematical
analysis to comprehend and interpret the studied phenomenon. Secondary data serves as the
source for this research, acquired indirectly through intermediary channels, particularly the
Indonesia Stock Exchange website.
In this research, a comparison will be made between data before and after the
announcement of fuel price increases. If the data follows a normal distribution, the data analysis
will employ the t-test. However, in cases where the data does not exhibit a normal distribution,
the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test will be utilized.
Deskripsi Analisis
The initial analytical step in this research is referred to as descriptive analysis.
Descriptive analysis aims to furnish general descriptive information regarding fuel prices
before and after the October 1, 2023, increase. Table 1 presents the mean, minimum, maximum
values, and standard deviation for both Abnormal Return and Trading Volume Activity during
the study period.
Capital Market Reaction To The Announcement Of Fuel Price
Increase On Stock Returns Of LQ 45 Transportation Sub-Sector
In 2023
Vol 3, No 3 March 2024
Table 1
Descriptive analysis
Descriptive Statistics
Std. Deviation
Valid N
Source: data processed 2024
Based on Table 1, the Abnormal Return and Trading Volume Activity (TVA) were
examined in 110 samples before and after the fuel price increase. The Abnormal Return showed
an average of 0.0000002, ranging from a minimum value of -1.35178 to a maximum value of
5.27494, with a standard deviation of 0.60749955. Meanwhile, Trading Volume Activity
(TVA) exhibited an average of 0.0017462, with a minimum value of 0.000009, a maximum
value of 0.03009, and a standard deviation of 0.00325800.
For the Abnormal Return (AR) variable before and after the fuel price increase, the
standard deviation value exceeds the mean value. This implies a considerable variation in the
data, indicating that any given average cannot be regarded as a representative sample for all
the data.The next variable is Trading Volume Activity (TVA) which has similar results to the
AR variable, namely, the standard deviation value is greater than the mean value, this indicates
that there is a fairly high data variation which means that any available average cannot be
considered as a sample that represents all data.
Normality Test
The normality test is a technique used to determine whether a data set has a normal
distribution or not, to determine this data is done using the Shapiro-Wilk Test conducted in this
study with a significance level of 0.05. The basic decision for making is :
1. If the significance level is >0.05 then the data will be normally distributed.
2. If the significance level is <0.05 then the data will not be normally distributed.
Table 2
Data Normality Test Results
Tests of Normality
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
source: data processed 2024
From the table provided, it is evident that the significance value for Abnormal Return
before and after the fuel price hike is 0.000, which is less than 0.05. This indicates that the data
is not normally distributed. Similarly, the significance value for Trading Volume Activity
Vol 3, No 3 March 2024
Capital Market Reaction To The Announcement Of Fuel Price
Increase On Stock Returns Of LQ 45 Transportation Sub-Sector
In 2023
before and after the fuel price increase is also 0.000, less than 0.05, suggesting that the data is
not normally distributed.
Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test
The Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test was used to test the two hypotheses in this study. The
test results for the first and second hypotheses are presented in the following table:
Table 3
Uji Peringkat Wilcoxon Signed Rank Data Abnormal Return dan Trading Volume Activity
Mean Rank
Sum of Ranks
Negative Ranks
Positive Ranks
a. TVA < AR
b. TVA > AR
c. TVA = AR
The table indicates that there are 91 samples with negative ranks, having a mean rank of
46.21 and a sum of ranks totaling 4,205.00. This signifies that 91 samples exhibited a decline
in both Abnormal Return and Trading Volume Activity. The mean rank, or the average
decrease, is 46.21. However, the number of negative ranks is 4,205.00. On the other hand, there
are 19 samples with positive ranks, boasting a mean rank of 100.00 and a sum of ranks reaching
1,900.00. This implies that 19 samples are undergoing an increase in both Abnormal Return
and Trading Volume Activity. The mean rank, or the average increase, is 100.00. Nevertheless,
the number of positive ranks is 1,900.00. In this table, the ties value is 0, leading to the
conclusion that there is an identical value between Abnormal Return and Trading Volume
Activity before and after the fuel price increase event in 2023.
Table 4
Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test Results Abnormal Return and Trading Volume Activity (TVA)
Test Statistics
Asymp. Sig. (2-
a. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test
b. Based on positive ranks.
Table 4 shows the Wilcoxon signed rank test results with a significance level of 0.05.
The basic decision is :
1. If the Asym.Sig level <0.05 then the Hypothesis is accepted.
Capital Market Reaction To The Announcement Of Fuel Price
Increase On Stock Returns Of LQ 45 Transportation Sub-Sector
In 2023
Vol 3, No 3 March 2024
2. If the Asym.Sig level > 0.05 then the Hypothesis is rejected.
Table 4 displays a z-score result of -3.437 with a significance value of 0.01 < 0.05.
From this, we can infer that Hypotheses 1 and 2 are accepted, signifying a distinction in the
average Abnormal Return and Trading Volume Activity before and after the fuel price
Analyzing the results of the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test reveals a notable difference in
Abnormal Return before and after the fuel price increase. This confirms that the market's
response to the fuel price increase event carries substantial informational content, prompting
investors to react upon the announcement. Consequently, observing the market's reaction to the
fuel price increase announcement implies that the signal from the event prevents investors from
anticipating abnormal occurrences. This finding aligns with previous studies by Stesia &
Ivonne (2014) and Siti Choriliyah et al. (2016), which also demonstrated a significant
difference in the average abnormal return before and after the announcement of both declining
and increasing fuel prices.
Trading Volume Activity mirrors Abnormal Return, indicating differences before and
after the fuel price increase. This affirms that the announcement of the fuel price increase
triggered heightened buying and selling activities among investors on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange (IDX). As buying and selling activities increase, investors respond to unfolding
events, causing a reaction in the market. The findings of this study align with signal theory, as
investors perceive the announcement of a fuel price increase as a signal capable of influencing
stock prices. This research is consistent with the studies conducted by Stesia & Ivonne (2014)
and Siti Choriliyah et al. (2016), which demonstrate variations in Trading Volume Activity
before and after the announcement of both declining and increasing fuel prices.
Previous research on the impact of increasing fuel prices on the movement of
Transportation and Logistics sector stocks concludes that there are significant differences in
the AR and TVA variables of these stocks in the period before and after the announcement of
rising fuel prices. This suggests that the government's policy of increasing fuel prices as of
October 1, 2023, influences market conditions, eliciting reactions, particularly in the
Transportation and Logistics sector stocks.
Investors are expected to consider published information when making investment
decisions. This is necessary to determine the best way to analyze the economic value of the
published announcement data. Investors are expected to look at information from multiple
perspectives, not just one. For example, they should look at the increase in fuel prices in
Indonesia and also understand information about fuel prices worldwide.
Future research is anticipated to broaden its scope, encompassing a wider range of
studies. Additionally, employing calculation methods other than Wilcoxon Signed Rank may
introduce additional factors influencing the level of abnormal stock returns and trading volume
activity for companies. Given the limited sample in this study, subsequent research endeavors
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Capital Market Reaction To The Announcement Of Fuel Price
Increase On Stock Returns Of LQ 45 Transportation Sub-Sector
In 2023
will strive to include all companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for enhanced
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