Journal Of Economics, Technology, and Business (JETBIS)
Volume 3, Number 4 April 2024
p-ISSN 2964-903X; e-ISSN 2962-9330
Lina Tania
, Carmel Meiden
Institut Bisnis Dan Informatika Kwik Kian Gie Jakarta, Indonesia
Sustainable fashion;
In this era of Globalization, the world's population has increased so
human needs and desires must also continue to grow. Choosing needs,
cannot be separated from a person's lifestyle, where fashion has
become an inseparable part of daily appearance and style. The
development of the fashion industry is in line with fashion which is
no longer just a necessity but also a lifestyle. This research is the result
of practice-based research, where local brand SukkhaCitta strives to
design sustainable fashion collections by raising the issue of clothes
that can heal the earth. Through this practice, Sukkhacitta retraces the
footsteps of their ancestors, where SukkhaCitta makes clothes directly
manually in the village without using factories. From the application
of traditional agroforestry to spices used as natural pesticides.
Intercropping naturally balances the carbon cycle between the soil and
the atmosphere. Another attraction that SukkhaCitta tries to highlight
is the storytelling behind each product it makes. This story element is
what differentiates SukkhaCitta from other fast fashion products that
only follow trends.
All of humanity has good reason to be concerned about the future. One of the reasons
is that the world is unstable, so humanity is quite worried about the world as a home that is
getting less and less healthy. Threats such as malnutrition, the greenhouse effect, terrorism,
disease, and many other things that require humans to do things for the common good. In this
era of globalization, the world's population has increased so human needs and desires must also
continue to grow. Choosing needs, cannot be separated from a person's lifestyle, where fashion
has become an inseparable part of daily appearance and style. The development of the textile
industry is in line with fashion which is no longer just a necessity but also a lifestyle. Along
with its development, a person's fashion is part of the show of identity and personality
(Hendariningrum & Susilo, 2014).
The development of globalization brings the world community to a practical and
sophisticated lifestyle, so that everything can be done quickly and tends to be instant, which
then encourages exploration and innovation in all aspects of life (Inayati, 2019). Extending to
the world of fashion, world textile production has continued to increase in recent years
(Fletcher, 2013). The basic human need for textiles has led to an increase in demand for textiles
due to global population growth and rising living standards, as well as excessive consumption
due to the fast fashion trend. The high demand for the amount of clothing production indirectly
affects the production chain and the lengthy process that must be carried out. The more mass
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
Analysis Of The Form Of Sustainable Fashion And The Quality
Of Disclosure Of Economic, Social And Environmental Aspects
On The Website In 2022: A Case Study Of Sukkhacitta.Com
production of clothing, the more natural resources and labor required (Asmara et al., 2013).
Figure 1
Textile effluent quality in 2019
Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation; Ministry of Environment and Forestry (2019)
The textile sector plays an important role in the Indonesian economy. The sector
employs around 4.2 million people. There are 197 garment companies registered with the
Ministry of Industry and 78 percent of the workers are women. The value of Indonesia's
garment exports in 2017 amounted to USD 12.4 billion. Indonesia is among the top 10 textile-
producing countries in the world and is the 12th largest exporter of textiles and apparel.
However, the sector is also a major contributor to waste and pollution, mainly due to the
increasing global demand for fast fashion goods and the mass production of cheap clothing.
Based on analysis, in 2019, Indonesia generated nearly 2.3 million tons of textile waste (figure
1.1) Based on data from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, 12 percent of household
and household-related waste is recycled in Indonesia. Assuming that this figure also applies to
textile waste, only 0.3 million tons of textile waste is recycled in Indonesia. Instead, almost
two million tons of waste is landfilled or incinerated. Driving the burning of pre-consumer
textile waste are contracts developed by garment brands, which treat textile designs as their
intellectual property rights and incentivize textile mills to burn unwanted textile products.
Technology that continues to develop from time to time causes various changes that
continue to emerge. This is also related to fashion trends or fashion trends that continue to
emerge in a relatively short time (Endrayana & Retnasari, 2021). Talking about fashion trends
will never end. Fashion trends are something that will continue to develop over time. However,
with the development of technology, these fashion trends can develop faster in a relatively short
time. Several other aspects influence the development of these fashion trends, including mass
media, entertainment, business, and the internet. The term that describes these fashion trends
is fast fashion (Leman et al., 2020).
From some of the conveniences and advantages offered by fast fashion, the world of
fast fashion has a "dark" side that must be recognized and reconsidered by various parties. The
"dark" or negative side of fast fashion is very detrimental to the environment and also to the
humans who are the labor force in making fast fashion products. Therefore, the terms
sustainable fashion and ethical made have emerged. Both terms refer to fashion that is
environmentally friendly and supports the welfare of the workforce. Thus, sustainable fashion
Analysis Of The Form Of Sustainable Fashion And The Quality
Of Disclosure Of Economic, Social And Environmental Aspects
On The Website In 2022: A Case Study Of Sukkhacitta.Com
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
and ethically made will be able to have a better impact than fast fashion.
In recent decades, stakeholders have begun to realize the adverse impact that the
production of fast-fashion clothing has on the environment. Parties who began to realize these
impacts began to implement the slow fashion movement. According to (Henninger et al., 2015),
Slow fashion is often described as the opposite of fast fashion. Slow fashion is based on
philosophical ideals centered on the values of sustainability and reducing environmental
damage. Sustainable fashion is one part of the slow fashion movement (McNeill & Moore,
2015). Sustainable fashion is a movement that can minimize the impact caused by the fast
fashion industry because efforts in sustainable fashion are efforts that have sustainable values.
One of the things that is in the realm of a designer is designing products, designers can
not only design a product but can also determine the material, quality, and everything related
to the product they make. In this literature, the specific thing discussed is sustainable fashion,
namely the quality of fashion products, people's behavior in buying products, and their
relationship with the surrounding environment. This has become an international concern
because of people's awareness of shopping behavior, which affects environmental and social
issues, and can have an impact on the accumulation of fashion waste to increase the greenhouse
effect. The sustainable fashion industry is a form of action to ensure that the fashion value chain
contributes to the achievement of sustainable development goals and targets on environmental
and social issues. Hence the formation of an international organization The UN Alliance for
Sustainable Fashion which consists of 10 different UN organizations focused on 2019 in
Research on the appropriate Sustainable Fashion concept in Indonesia can be conducted
on local brands that apply the Sustainable Fashion concept. This is to understand the strengths
and limitations that the concept still has in Indonesia.
There are several studies on sustainable fashion, and in the end, the author decided to
raise this issue as a research reference. The previous research that has relevance to this research
to complement the analysis is an article entitled Sustainable and Ethical Fashion: The
Environmental and Morality Issues (Kaikobad et al., 2015), which explains that the fashion
industry is one of the discussions that is being talked about by many people, especially
regarding awareness. This issue has led to the concept of sustainability in the fashion industry,
where there is a concern and calculation of the environmental and social impacts in the
production stage of clothing and the carbon footprint afterward. However, only a handful of
actors in the textile and apparel industry have significantly changed their production processes
to become fully eco-friendly.
This transformation in the fashion industry is also driven by people's awareness of
sustainability. Next is an article by (Bick et al., 2018) The global environmental injustice of
fast fashion explains the negative impact of production activities in the fashion industry. This
article explains that globalization creates global economic growth, where the
internationalization of supply chains has an adverse impact and influence on welfare in middle
to low-income countries. Bick et al reveal that environmental justice is a concept that is often
used to explain the placement of hazardous waste sites around residential communities.
Sustainable consumption and production is the twelfth point in the Sustainable Development
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
Analysis Of The Form Of Sustainable Fashion And The Quality
Of Disclosure Of Economic, Social And Environmental Aspects
On The Website In 2022: A Case Study Of Sukkhacitta.Com
Goals (SDGs) where the implementation of national and sectoral plans, sustainable business
practices, consumer behavior and mitigation, and the elimination of fashion apparel are global
goals in support of environmental justice. The highlights lie in elements that harm the
environment and workers during the production stage, such as the use of chemical dyes and the
use of large portions of water, the low implementation of worker safety, and the disposal of
textile waste. For this reason, various innovations are needed from various parties, from
companies to the community, to ensure environmental justice.
The objectives and benefits of this research are to reveal the form of sustainable fashion
that will be practiced by SukkhaCitta, reveal how SukkhaCitta's products affect economic,
social, and environmental aspects, reveal the quality of fashion sustainability disclosures in
sustainability texts, reveal existing sustainable fashion trends and their influence on life, and
the results of this study are expected to be a consideration or illustration for stakeholders to be
wiser in making investment decisions in the future. In the sense that the investment made is not
only for its benefit but also contributes to realizing sustainable fashion so that the impact is not
only in economic terms but in social and environmental terms.
The type of research used is descriptive research with a case study approach. (Sekaran &
Bougie, 2016), Descriptive research aims to know, understand, and describe the characteristics
of people, events, or situations that are the focus of research. In addition, descriptive research
can help to think systematically about aspects in a particular situation, provide ideas for further
investigation, and help simplify certain decisions. In this research, there is no hypothesis
testing, or explaining the relationship.
Research Variables
The variables in this study are the level of quality and disclosure of sustainable fashion
carried out by the SukkhaCitta brand on economic, social, and environmental aspects. This
research variable refers to 4 categories of six forms of sustainable fashion which consist of 3-
4 sub-categories that have been modified (Raar, 2002) based on the standards published in the
Information Sheet.
Data collection is carried out using observation techniques and documentation studies on
secondary data obtained from official websites, collecting various information that has been
obtained through studies, surveys, or experiments that have been carried out by other
individuals or groups related to sustainable fashion globally and sustainable fashion run by
SukkhaCitta by retrieving data and information on SukkhaCitta through the website and other sources that are relevant to the object of research.
This research took samples from the SukkhaCitta brand, using a purposive sampling
method. Purposive sampling is sampling limited to certain individuals or organizations that
can provide the information expected by the author because individuals or groups have this
information or in accordance with the criteria set by the author. Purposive sampling is often
used when researching with very small samples such as in case study research and when
wanting to select highly informative cases (Saunders et al., 2009). The criteria used for
sampling this study are:
Secondary data obtained from the official website of
Analysis Of The Form Of Sustainable Fashion And The Quality
Of Disclosure Of Economic, Social And Environmental Aspects
On The Website In 2022: A Case Study Of Sukkhacitta.Com
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
a) Information taken from various sources of internal company records, books, journal articles,
websites, research reports, and other sources.
b) Standard provisions of six forms of sustainable fashion
Data Analysis Technique
(Wardhani & Muhadjir, 2017) suggests the definition of data analysis as "an effort to
systematically search and organize records of observations, interviews, and others to increase
the researcher's understanding of the case under study and present it as findings for others.
In terms of analyzing data, this research uses qualitative data, so the author uses data
analysis techniques with content analysis. This technique can be used to analyze newspapers,
websites, advertisements, interview recordings, and the like. One of the characteristics of the
content analysis process is to use specific findings in detail.
Janis (1949), Bereslon (1952), Lindzey, and Aronson (1968) explain that content analysis
has at least three requirements, namely: objectivity, systematic approach, and generalization.
The analysis must be based on explicitly formulated rules. The data sources that can be used
in content analysis also vary. In principle, anything written can be used as data and can be
researched in content analysis. The main source of data is mass media, but so can graffiti on
walls. Content analysis can also be done by counting frequencies at the word or sentence level.
The content analysis method allows the author to analyze (large amounts of) textual
information and systematically identify its properties, such as the presence of certain words,
concepts, characters, themes, or sentences (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016).
Disclosure Analysis of Changemakers behind SukkhaCitta
Table 1 below is the suitability of disclosing several changemakers who support and
cooperate with the sustainable fashion brand SukkhaCitta, where data is taken from the website.
Table 1
Analysis of Disclosure of Changemakers Behind SukkhaCitta
What inspired sukkhacitta
Tjok Gde
Practioner of Holistic
and Homeopathic
Tjok Gde is an internationally recognized
health scientist who is on a mission to heal
his patients through handmade remedies
sourced from the land of his ancestral
Tiza Mafira
Environmental law
He challenged a system that makes it
easier for Indonesians to reuse single-use
plastics instead of relying on single-use
plastics at supermarkets, traditional
markets, events, and more.
Switching from law to business has given
Helianti a new passion for cultivating
local wisdom to enhance Indonesia's
culinary experience. This prompted her to
establish Javara Indonesia with the hope
of keeping our food biodiversity alive.
Andra Alodita
Holistic Practitioner
As a content creator turned holistic
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
Analysis Of The Form Of Sustainable Fashion And The Quality
Of Disclosure Of Economic, Social And Environmental Aspects
On The Website In 2022: A Case Study Of Sukkhacitta.Com
practitioner, Andra Alodita is making a
shift towards a more mindful lifestyle.
One of them is listening to yourself and
following your heart.
Anindita Makes
Impact driven
As a mother of two daughters, making
decisions is not easy. However, decisions
are the gateway to discovering many new
opportunities that allow for impact.
Entrepreneur and
content creator
Fellexandro Ruby is part of our
#SukkhaCittaChangemakers. He is a
passionate individual who believes in
impacting society by sharing his
learnings. He is aligned with SukkhaCitta
through the impactful change that
ambition and determination can create for
Driando Ahnan
On the occasion of National Tempeh Day,
we celebrate by sharing the perspective of
food science Dr. Amadeus Driando
Ahnan-Winarno in this special edition of
our Changemakers series.
Feby Dayono
A community development and
communications expert whose passion
and confidence have moved thousands in
Southeast Asia, North America, and the
Middle East. Now Senior Lead for
Sustainability Strategy and Integration at
GoTo Group, see what Feby has to say
about the ultimate approach to our
Happy Salma
Artist and
Happy Salma loves traditional Indonesian
crafts and bringing them to life. As co-
founder of TULOLA Designs, she
employs local artisans and emphasizes
Balinese aesthetics. Her love for
traditional literature inspired her to found
the Titimangsa Foundation, which creates
and adapts stage works from novels and
historical texts.
Farwiza Farhan
Farwiza Farhan is a forest
conservationist, known for her work in
HAKA, Leuser-a 2.6-hectare
groundwater resource and natural habitat
for endangered species. Beyond policy
and advocacy, she believes that women
are key to conservation efforts. Wiza was
recently featured on TIME 100 Next
Andini Effendi
Senior Journalist
Andini Effendi wants it all and does it all.
From reporter to anchor to producer, her
journalism advocates for women's issues
and other global issues. Andini also runs
marathons and is a Nature Ambassador
for Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara.
Analysis Of The Form Of Sustainable Fashion And The Quality
Of Disclosure Of Economic, Social And Environmental Aspects
On The Website In 2022: A Case Study Of Sukkhacitta.Com
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
Andini does it all in style!
Actress and Activist
The former Puteri Indonesia titleholder
has made good use of her platform.
Nadine is passionate about the
environment; she advocates for
reforestation and is a champion for
orangutans. She is also a feminist who
believes in women's resilience and
Silvia Halim
Civil Engineer
Since joining PT MRT Jakarta, Silvia
Halim has been the only woman on the
board of directors. However, breaking the
glass ceiling is not her goal. Her top
priority is to create impact through her
expertise. Silvia is the living embodiment
that we are all agents of change.
Hannah Al
Hannah Al Rashid is a bonafide actress
and action star who uses her platform as
an SDG Champion for Gender Equality.
Her signature streetwear style utilizes
traditional Indonesian textiles, kebaya,
and fabrics - blending tradition and
Sandrayati Fay
Folk musician Sandrayati Fay is an
Indonesian with a third culture. Born to an
American father and Filipino mother,
Sandra's music reflects her own journey
of migration. Her compassion for women
and Mother Earth really resonates with
our mission.
Ayu Kartika
Ayu Kartika Dewi's career revolves
around national peacebuilding initiatives
through her work with the President,
Indika Foundation, and SabangMerauke,
among others. She walks the talk, even if
it means walking against the grain.
Firselly Utami
Andhyta Firselly Utami is an economist
who uses her platform to educate people
about climate justice. Her presence on
social media is passionate and vulnerable,
as she does not shy away from sharing her
reflections on her personal life and also
advocating for a better earth. Afu is a
great example of making a personal
change that is actionable and inspiring to
Actress and Model
Marsha Timothy is an award-winning
veteran actress who started her career as a
model. She seamlessly moves from genre
to genre, style to style. As a patron of the
arts, Marsha likens SukkhaCitta's works
to paintings; loaded with intangible
values and meanings.
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
Analysis Of The Form Of Sustainable Fashion And The Quality
Of Disclosure Of Economic, Social And Environmental Aspects
On The Website In 2022: A Case Study Of Sukkhacitta.Com
Carina Hardy
Artist and Impact
Carina Hardy is an artist and entrepreneur
who is changing the taboos around the
female body. She explores artwork and
design relating to breasts and female
empowerment and is currently working
on a wearable art project called Elppin.
Carina grew up in Bali, Indonesia, and
lives in New York City.
Source: SukkhaCitta website
Disclosure Analysis of workers' and staff's comments about SukkhaCitta
Table 2 below is the suitability of disclosing the comments of workers and staff towards
sustainable fashion implemented by the SukkhaCitta brand.
Table 2
Disclosure Analysis of SukkhaCitta workers and staff comments
Ibu Tur
SukkhaCitta Worker
Ms. Tur has just completed
her level 3 certification as an
artisan at SukkhaCitta House.
She earns 2x the regional
minimum wage. And her son
is currently one of the first
children in his village to
study at university.
Home Instagram
SukkhaCitta Worker
Monika is the eldest of 3
children - which meant she
had to step in when her
parents lost their jobs when
Bali closed. Since then, she
has dropped out of school
and taken on many jobs to
support her family. When she
applied to Rumah
SukkhaCitta, we
immediately recognized the
incredible will and grit she
had for learning. Today, she
has a scholarship that covers
her and her family's basic
needs. So she can focus on
learning and developing
skills to build a better life for
herself and her siblings.
Home Instagram
Ibu Mar
SukkhaCitta Worker
Mrs. Mar received a Covid
Women's Aid Donation, to
repair her flood-damaged
SukkhaCitta Worker
Ms. Moen received the grant
to pay for Fisky's school
fees, books, and uniforms.
SukkhaCitta Worker
"I'm very worried. It's time to
pay, but we don't know where
Home Instagram
Analysis Of The Form Of Sustainable Fashion And The Quality
Of Disclosure Of Economic, Social And Environmental Aspects
On The Website In 2022: A Case Study Of Sukkhacitta.Com
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
to get the money. I prayed
and prayed. Then my
neighbor told me about the
SukkhaCitta House program.
I'm very happy that Nani can
continue her schooling now,
but many people in our
village are not so lucky."
Source: Instagram SukkhaCitta House
Analysis of Disclosure of six-form sustainable fashion on SukkhaCitta
Table 3 shows the suitability of SukkhaCitta's six-form sustainable fashion disclosure based on
the four categories to be measured and taken into account.
a. Based on the biodegradable category which has 4 sub-categories, namely the sub-category of natural
origin, the sub-category of biologically decomposable, the sub-category of environmentally friendly,
and the sub-category of reducing the need for new materials.
b. Based on the new luxury category which has 4 sub-categories, namely the produced in small
scales sub-category, custom made sub-category, durable sub-category, and repairable sub-
c. Based on the ethically made category which has 3 sub-categories, namely the free from
human exploitation sub-category, the protecting human rights sub-category, and the
ethically sourced and produced sub-category.
d. Based on the officially certified category which has 3 sub-categories, namely the guarantee
of production/consumption safety sub-category, the zero hazardous sub-categories, and the
approved/pretested quality sub-category.
Table 3
Results of quantitative calculation of six-form sustainable fashion on SukkhaCitta
Quantitative calculation table of six-form sustainable fashion at SukkhaCitta
a. of natural origin
b. biologically
c. environmental
d. Reduces the need for
new materials use
New Luxury
a. Produced in small
b. Custom made
c. Durable
d. Repairable
Ethically made
a. free from human
b. protecting human
c. Ethically sourced and
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
Analysis Of The Form Of Sustainable Fashion And The Quality
Of Disclosure Of Economic, Social And Environmental Aspects
On The Website In 2022: A Case Study Of Sukkhacitta.Com
a. Guarantee of
b. zero hazardous
c. Approved/pretested
Source: Data processed by the author (2024)
Quantitative Class Interval = 1.0 0.6 = 1.33
a) Low-quality level: 0.6 0.73
b) Medium quality level: 0.74 0.87
c) High-quality level: 0.88 1.00
Based on the scoring results of the calculation with the quantitative method above which
is taken based on the six-form sustainable fashion at SukkhaCitta, the results show that the
fashion products produced by SukkhaCitta are proven to have the highest biodegradable
score with a score of 0.90, this is reinforced by SukkhaCitta's statement obtained from the website, "Natural fibers with synthetic processes will mess up their
biodegradability. This is why we only work with raw cotton and lyocell. One thing to watch
out for is cotton that has been chemically treated- be wary of garments that are "easy to
iron", "wrinkle-reducing", "water-repellent", etc. These synthetic additives usually use
formaldehyde, which will never break down. Natural dyes and mordants (versus synthetics)
have prevented 1.2 million liters of toxic wastewater from being discharged into rivers.
Similarly, synthetic dyes are usually made with petroleum (fossil fuel) that coats the fabric,
making it difficult to break down. However, the natural dyes used by SukkhaCitta are 100%
plant-derived and processed with natural chemicals, not synthetics. Long story short,
SukkhaCitta clothes are biodegradable.
The Ethically made score is reinforced by SukkhaCitta's own statement taken from the website, "Most of your clothes are made by women working from home.
Hidden between layers of complex outsourcing, most are invisible. In the absence of a legal
framework to protect their rights, they are the most vulnerable to greenwashing and
exploitative practices."
The scoring results in the Officially Certified category with an average score of 1.00,
are reinforced by evidence that SukkhaCitta has successfully achieved a B Corp certificate
and joined the UNEP organization where the organization campaigns on greenwashing and
zero waste.
Analysis Of The Form Of Sustainable Fashion And The Quality
Of Disclosure Of Economic, Social And Environmental Aspects
On The Website In 2022: A Case Study Of Sukkhacitta.Com
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
Table 4
Results of qualitative calculation of six-form sustainable fashion on SukkhaCitta
Qualitative calculation table of six-form sustainable fashion at SukkhaCitta
a. of natural origin
b. biologically
c. environmental
d. Reduces the need for
new materials use
New Luxury
a. Produced in small
b. Custom made
c. Durable
d. Repairable
Ethically made
a. free from human
b. protecting human
c. Ethically sourced and
a. Guarantee of
b. zero hazardous
c. Approved/pretested
Source: Data processed by the author (2024)
Qualitative Class Interval = 0.63 0.34 = 0.096
Description :
a) Low-quality level: 0.34- 0.44
b) Medium quality level: 0.45 0.55
c) High-quality level: 0.56 - 0.63
Based on the results of the calculation of the quality of the six-form sustainable fashion
disclosure based on qualitative methods, the first rank of the highest average quality score
is in the officially certified category, with an average score of 0.63. Then the second rank is
achieved by the Ethically made category with an average score of 0.54. The biodegradable
category is ranked third with an average score of 0.50, and the new luxury category is ranked
lowest with an average score of 0.34. Based on the scoring table above, we can summarize
it in the table below:
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
Analysis Of The Form Of Sustainable Fashion And The Quality
Of Disclosure Of Economic, Social And Environmental Aspects
On The Website In 2022: A Case Study Of Sukkhacitta.Com
Table 5
Contingencies table
Ethically made
New luxury
Source: Data processed by the author (2024)
Based on the results in Table 5 above, we can find out that SukkhaCitta provides the
highest officially certified disclosure in the calculation of quantitative and qualitative methods.
The disclosures made by SukkhaCitta in this category are complete and SukkhaCitta can
provide an explanation of the risks and opportunities related to the six-form sustainable fashion
that SukkhaCitta has identified in the short, medium, and long term well. Then in the New
Luxury category, SukkhaCitta gets a score with a low category in the calculation of quantitative
and qualitative methods, SukkhaCitta cannot provide an explanation related to the New Luxury
In addition to these two categories, there are Biodegradable and Ethically made
categories that have high scores in the quantitative method calculation while in the qualitative
method calculation, these two categories fall into the medium category.
Analysis of Disclosure of Economic, Social, and Environmental Aspects
In its disclosure, there are 3 main aspects that need to be considered, namely economic
aspects, environmental aspects, and social aspects. These three aspects illustrate how the
company is accountable to stakeholders in order to gain trust. In addition, the disclosure of the
six forms of sustainable fashion can be used as evidence that SukkhaCitta is within the limits
in accordance with existing guidelines. The disclosure of this information is expected to
provide concrete evidence that the production process carried out by SukkhaCitta is not only
profit-oriented but also pays attention to social and environmental issues.
After gaining the trust of stakeholders, stakeholders will not hesitate to use the services
or products produced by the company. This is very much needed for the continuity of the
company's business. By holding the trust of stakeholders, the company can have the potential
to increase its productivity and sales with investment decisions or cooperation from
stakeholders. The increase in productivity and sales will affect the company's net income level,
which means that the company's performance is increasing.
The economic aspects listed can ensure the potential for competitive capital resources
with a low level of risk to stakeholders. By disclosing economic performance, clarity regarding
the economic impact of stakeholders on the company's organizational activities will be more
transparent so as to foster stakeholder confidence in their investment. Disclosure of relevant
and accurate environmental aspects is very important because this is demanded by stakeholders
so that they know the performance of companies that care about the environment. Thus,
stakeholders can find out the performance of companies that care about the environment and
can provide a positive response by providing funding for the company. which will be used to
increase production and sales so as to increase company profitability. The better the company's
Analysis Of The Form Of Sustainable Fashion And The Quality
Of Disclosure Of Economic, Social And Environmental Aspects
On The Website In 2022: A Case Study Of Sukkhacitta.Com
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
environmental performance, the better its financial performance will be due to revenue
generation and cost efficiency which will drive the company's profitability.
Disclosure of social aspects can affect stakeholders' perceptions of how the company
treats the surrounding human resources. The social dimension is the company's disclosure of
the impact of operations on society, such as human rights, product responsibility, and labor
responsibility. Implementing and reporting social responsibility to stakeholders can not only
increase the company's average share price but can also improve employee welfare and loyalty,
and reduce employee turnover rates so that it can result in increased company productivity.
The real economic, social, and environmental impacts carried out by SukkhaCitta include:
a. Economic Aspects
Women-focused economic opportunities can increase women's competitiveness, which can
lead to better social outcomes. A proactive women-centered approach is needed in economic
development, as it can be used as an opportunity to reduce gender disparities in Indonesian society.
b. Social Aspects
SukkhaCitta has played a role in improving the livelihoods of more than 1,482 people
who are instrumental in making SukkhaCitta products, from farmers to craftswomen.
SukkhaCitta has also increased 60% of local craftswomen's income and 100% of
regenerative farming farmers' income.
SukkhaCitta creates social impact by investing in the training and capacity building of
rural craftswomen for at least one year and ensuring that they earn a living wage.
c. Environmental Aspects
SukkhaCitta has made a real impact on the environment by regenerating 20 hectares of
land through regenerative farming, avoiding the use of more than 10,000 plastics for
packaging and replacing them with fabric scraps. SukkhaCitta also plays a role in preventing
the pollution of more than 1.2 million liters of water by using natural dyes and preventing
more than 1.3 tons of textile waste from being wasted TPA.
In addition, SukkhaCitta also actively preserves Indonesian culture, through knowing
batik as a process of producing motifs through dripping and painting with canting or
stamping and wax. However, the reality is that today batik with the printing process is
increasingly emerging and shifting the essence of the tradition of batik itself. Therefore,
Denica established an artisan empowerment program called "Jawara Desa."
Corporate Governance Analysis
In order to implement sustainable fashion in Indonesia, SukkhaCitta formed an organization
called Rumah Sukkhacitta, where the vision and mission of SukkhaCitta, are present to hear the
problems of the craftsmen and help, because the bargaining power and voice returns to them. From
there, SukkhaCitta learned more humanizing values. SukkhaCitta releases its products based on the
learning progress of the women at Rumah SukkhaCitta, so the product will be launched if they learn
new motifs, new colors, and new techniques. The decision to launch follows the progress of the women
at Rumah Sukkhacitta, instead of asking them periodically.
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
Analysis Of The Form Of Sustainable Fashion And The Quality
Of Disclosure Of Economic, Social And Environmental Aspects
On The Website In 2022: A Case Study Of Sukkhacitta.Com
Picture 2
Workers and artisans of SukkhaCitta House
Source: Instagram SukkhaCitta House
Through the SukhaCitta website, there is data that 80% of the groups that have been
displaced by the climate crisis are women. 80% of SukkhaCitta's beneficiaries are women. The
direct impact of climate change can be felt by women, hence the creation of the "farm-to-closet"
ecosystem created for the welfare of mothers. The focus is not to produce clothes alone, but a
new ecosystem. Not only about how the clothes are made, but the women who make them will
get a living wage. SukkhaCitta does not only provide access to education. So besides getting
training, SukkhaCitta also provides access to a sustainable market.
At Rumah SukkhaCitta, we apply time-motion study, which is effective for the
craftswomen where they have to know how long it takes to make the cloth. So, they can
understand that the fabric can be paid for a million instead of 100 thousand. That's how we
could earn BCorp and Nest Seal, because it can change the industry from a price taker to a
woman who knows what their rights are, what the value of their goods are. So that ensures that
the value that consumers pay will provide a living wage all the way to the farm.
SukkhaCitta has a tagline "The Most Meaningful Clothes" SukkhaCitta is different from
other brands, SukkhaCitta is not here to sell more clothes to consumers. But SukkhaCitta exists
to tell people a story about how and why clothes are made, to empower people with all the
information, to help people choose mindfully and in line with people's values. For people to
think before they buy, and for us to invest in meaning, not stuff.
SukkhaCitta, held the KAPAS exhibition from April 15 to May 15, 2022 at Ashta District
8 shopping center, Jakarta. SukkhaCitta, invites the public to be more aware of environmental
issues in the fashion industry and together trace the origin of the clothes we wear through an
exhibition titled KAPAS. The KAPAS exhibition tells the story of SukkhaCitta's journey to
replant cotton in Indonesia, as an effort to reduce the use of imported cotton for clothing
materials that can leave a high carbon footprint. Collaborating with artisans and small farmers,
SukkhaCitta grows its own raw materials in an environmentally friendly way to be turned into
yarn that is processed into fabric and then produced into clothing. SukkhaCitta's cotton
replanting program uses the traditional environmentally-friendly Tumpang Sari method.
Tumpang Sari is a way of farming that restores our connection with nature, a method that has
been passed down from generation to generation by Indonesian smallholder farmers.
Analysis Of The Form Of Sustainable Fashion And The Quality
Of Disclosure Of Economic, Social And Environmental Aspects
On The Website In 2022: A Case Study Of Sukkhacitta.Com
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
SukkhaCitta sees that the problem of environmental issues is a major problem, which
must be continuously voiced to the public. Therefore, as a first step to be the answer to this
environmental issue, SukkhaCitta grows its own raw materials in an environmentally friendly
way to then be made into yarn which is processed into fabric and then produced into clothing.
In SukkhaCitta's journey to manage and improve the environment, SukkhaCitta received
support from Bank DBS Indonesia, which also has the same mission as a purpose-driven bank.
In addition, in 2018, the DBS Foundation Social Enterprise (SE) Grant program was very
helpful for SukkhaCitta in realizing their vision and mission to prosper the craftswomen to get
a decent life. SukkhaCitta received a grant from DBS Bank Indonesia through DBS Foundation
under the DBS Foundation Social Enterprise (SE) Grant program. The funds are used to
provide training to more local artisans, as well as increase production capacity. In addition to
the grant, DBS Foundation also provided mentorship to SukkhaCitta to help them overcome
various business challenges.
This research provides an in-depth insight into the dynamics of sustainable fashion in
Indonesia. Various aspects of sustainability in the fashion industry at the SukkhaCitta brand
have been explored, and several important findings can be identified, The disclosure of
sustainable fashion forms practiced by SukkhaCitta is quite high, but there are still several sub-
categories of disclosure of the six-forms of sustainable fashion that still need to be improved.
And in the process of disclosing SukkhaCitta's six-form sustainable fashion, facts were found
in the form of some evidence from some information obtained from studies, surveys, and
experiments, that in practice, SukkhaCitta uses environmentally friendly materials and
emphasizes production ethics by ensuring fair working conditions, respected workers' rights,
and using environmentally friendly production methods. Interestingly, it was found that when
purchasing SukkhaCitta products, 56% of the proceeds will go directly to building villages
through the SukkhaCitta House Foundation.
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