Journal Of Economics, Technology, and Business (JETBIS)
Volume 3, Number 4 April 2024
p-ISSN 2964-903X; e-ISSN 2962-9330
Emia Rani Pepayosa
, Ratna Septiyanti
Universitas Lampung, Indonesia
Financial performance,
Pandemic, Early Warning
System, Risk-Based Capital
This study aims to provide empirical evidence regarding the
comparison of the value of the Early Warning System and Risk-Based
Capital in measuring the financial performance of insurance
companies before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Early
Warning System measurement indicator uses the claim expense ratio.
Sampling using purposive sampling method and obtained a sample of
18 insurance companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
(IDX) for the period 2017-2022. The type of data used is secondary
data in the form of financial reports collected through the company's
official website and the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The data
analysis method uses non-parametric statistics, namely the Wilcoxon
Sign Rank Test with the help of SPSS version 27. The results prove
that there is a significant increase in the value of the Early Warning
System during the pandemic compared to before the Covid-19
pandemic. The Risk-Based Capital value did not experience a
significant decrease during the pandemic compared to before the
Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, in this study, the Early Warning
System is considered more accurate than Risk-Based Capital because
it has a smaller standard error.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 or Covid-19 is a new disease that can cause respiratory distress
and pneumonia. This disease is caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2
(SARS-CoV-2) infection. The first Covid-19 case in Indonesia was detected on March 2, 2020,
and continues to increase every day, so Presidential Decree Number 11 of 2020 concerning the
Determination of a Covid-19 Public Health Emergency was made, where the government took
a policy to carry out lockdown and social distancing rules to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
(, 2022). The policy has had an impact on the economic downturn in Indonesia
and the sustainability of companies in various sectors including the industrial sector. The
financial industry sector is one of the sectors affected by Covid-19, including the insurance
sector. The performance of the insurance industry is influenced by many factors, one of which
is the economy and income. COVID-19 has caused economic growth and income to fall so that
the demand for insurance automatically falls and finally the insurance industry can experience
losses (Marpaung, 2020).
The Covid-19 pandemic may provide two different possibilities for the insurance
industry. First, insurance is a tertiary need that may not be chosen due to the economic crisis.
Second, with future uncertainties about health and the economy, insurance may be an option
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
Analysis Of The Financial Performance Of Insurance Companies
Before And During The Covid-19 Pandemic Based On Early
Warning System And Risk-Based Capital
to guarantee future uncertainties. This uncertainty will certainly affect the future of insurance
companies in terms of premium income (Pratiwi & Agustina, 2022). Based on statistics from
the Indonesian Life Insurance Association (AAJI), the first quarter of 2020 recorded a 4.9%
decline in premiums and at the end of the second semester of 2020, it is estimated that it will
experience negative growth as a result of the physical distancing policy which causes people
to work from home (Marpaung, 2020).
In addition to the decline in insurance premiums, insurance companies have experienced
an increase in their solvency level. In a pandemic condition where the economy is unstable, the
company's solvency level should have decreased due to the increase in the value of company
risks such as an increase in the value of claims, thus increasing the capital used to cover these
risks. The following is a graph that shows the movement of the solvency level based on the
Risk-Based Capital indicator:
Figure 1
Risk-Based Capital Data of Indonesian Insurance Companies
Source: OJK, processed by researchers (2023)
The graph above shows that the solvency level of the insurance industry has fluctuated.
before and during the pandemic. but experienced an increase at the beginning of the pandemic
in 2021 where the solvency level should have decreased. The Financial Services Authority sets
specific standards for assessing the performance of insurance companies, one of which is the
provision of the Solvency Level. Solvency level can be proxied by Risk-based capital (Ulfan
et al., 2018). According to Roncalli (2020) in Winata & Awaloedin (2023), states that the
research standards for financial risk in insurance companies are different from those of banking
or other similar financial institutions, namely using the Solvency Framework. Based on POJK
Regulation Number 5 of 2023 concerning the Second Amendment to POJK Number 71 /
POJK.05 / 2016, Risk-based capital is a solvency level limitation technique used to evaluate
the ability of insurance companies to fulfill all their business obligations (Winata & Awaloedin,
At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, thirteen insurance companies
came under the special supervision of the Financial Services Authority (OJK). This was done
as a result of several problems faced by the insurance companies, one of which was that the
companies were unable to fulfill their client obligations. Sourced from Katadata (2022),
Thirteen insurance companies including seven life insurance companies and six other general
1 1
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Asuransi Umun dan Reasuransi Asuransi Jiwa
Analysis Of The Financial Performance Of Insurance
Companies Before And During The Covid-19 Pandemic Based
On Early Warning System And Risk-Based Capital
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
insurance and reinsurance companies, are under the special supervision of the regulator. With
a letter KEP-71/D.05/2022, the Financial Services Authority has revoked the business license
of PT Asuransi Jiwa Adisarana Wanaartha due to problems paying claims and customer losses.
PT Asuransi Jiwa Adisarana Wanaartha was penalized for violating the minimum solvency
level, minimum investment adequacy ratio, and minimum equity. PT Asuransi Jiwa Kresna
Life also experienced defaults on two of its insurance products as well as alleged embezzlement
of customer insurance. PT Asuransi Jiwasraya also experienced 10 corruption cases that
harmed customers, and PT Asuransi Bumiputera also experienced cases of default (Katadata,
From the existing phenomenon, it is necessary to analyze the performance of financial
performance of insurance companies before and during the COVID-19 pandemic because these
problems make companies, policyholders, and investors suffer losses. Insurance companies
must measure and know the company's financial performance so that they can identify
problems and make the right decisions. PSAK No. 28 concerning Loss Insurance Accounting,
lists the Early Warning System method that can be used as a financial performance
measurement tool in the insurance industry. In this study, the Early Warning System is used as
a tool to detect the financial performance of insurance companies with measurement indicators
using the claim expense ratio. In the Early Warning System, the claim expense ratio is
considered capable of representing the profitability, liquidity, and premium stability of
insurance companies, so that it can signal potential financial problems (Nyoman Winata, 2021).
Previous research conducted by (Zahra et al., 2023) and (Hida & Baskoro, 2022) shows
that there is a significant difference in financial performance in the form of an increase in the
value of the Early Warning System of insurance companies before and during the Covid-19
pandemic. Based on research (Pratiwi & Agustina, 2022) shows that there is a significant
difference in financial performance in the form of an increase in the value of the Early Warning
System of insurance companies before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, based
on research conducted by (Prawesti, 2022); (Antoni, 2021); and (Irhamni & Karya, 2021)
shows the result that there is no significant difference in the financial performance of insurance
companies before and during the COVID-19 pandemic based on the Early Warning System.
Based on research (Pratiwi & Agustina, 2022) and (Hida & Baskoro, 2022) Comparative
analysis of financial performance using Risk-Based Capital shows a significant difference in
the form of an increase in value. While the research results (Winata & Awaloedin, 2023);
(Prawesti, 2022); (Antoni, 2021); and (Irhamni & Karya, 2021) shows the result that there is
no significant difference in the financial performance of insurance companies before and after
the COVID-19 pandemic based on Risk-Based Capital.
Based on the results of previous research, it can be concluded that there are differences
in research results from the measurement indicators of the Early Warning System and Risk-
Based Capital. Therefore, further research is needed. To obtain more comprehensive results.
The results of this study can be useful for insurance companies in managing their financial
health and for regulators in monitoring the solvency of the insurance industry. Researchers use
insurance companies listed on the Indonesian stock exchange because they are more vulnerable
to market movements and economic conditions and describe more clearly the information and
transparency of pandemic-related risks so that it can help assess the potential risks and stability
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
Analysis Of The Financial Performance Of Insurance Companies
Before And During The Covid-19 Pandemic Based On Early
Warning System And Risk-Based Capital
of the company more deeply. This research is a development of Zahra et al's research (2023),
researchers added Risk-Based Capital measurements to show whether differences in the
financial performance of insurance companies can be understood by evaluating their solvency
levels. Based on the number and vulnerability of insurance companies that experience claim
defaults, this study focuses on looking at the Early Warning System by using the claim expense
ratio to find out whether only by looking at this ratio can detect the company's financial
problems in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic or other economic instability. In addition, this
study also analyzes the accuracy of the Early Warning System and Risk-Based Capital in
assessing the financial performance of insurance companies.
In this study, the type of research method used is quantitative research. The quantitative
research method in this study uses comparative research. According to (Sugiyono, 2019),
Comparative research is research that compares the existence of one or more variables in two
or more different samples, and or at different times. The types of variables used are independent
variables in the form of Early Warning Systems and Risk-Based Capital. This study uses
secondary data, namely data in the form of numbers derived from the financial statements of
insurance companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period before the COVID-
19 pandemic, namely the 2017 and 2019 periods and the period during the COVID-19
pandemic, namely in the period 2020 to 2022. The financial statements are sourced from the
company's website and the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The type of data required is data that
meets the criteria for calculating the Early Warning System and Risk-Based Capital of
insurance companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the period 2017-2022.
Population and sampling technique
The population is an insurance company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)
for the period 2017-2022. The existing population is 18 companies. This study uses a sampling
technique using the purposive sampling method which is included in the nonprobability
sampling. The characteristics of the sample in this study include:
a. Insurance companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)
b. Insurance companies that publish audit financial reports during the 2017-2022 period.
Based on the characteristics of the existing research sample, 18 insurance companies
listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) were obtained as research samples.
The data analysis technique used is a nonparametric statistical method because it has a
small sample size or data that does not meet the assumption of normality. The data in this study
were processed using IBM SPSS Statistics 27 software. The data analysis used the Wilcoxon
signed ranks test which is used to evaluate certain treatments on two observations, between
before and after certain treatments.
Data collection techniques
In this study, the documentation method was used to collect data. This means that data is
collected by quoting, recording, or viewing directly from journals, media, documents, and
financial reports of insurance companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).
Operational Variables
Analysis Of The Financial Performance Of Insurance
Companies Before And During The Covid-19 Pandemic Based
On Early Warning System And Risk-Based Capital
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
a. Early Warning System
An Early Warning System is a system used to find out early the financial condition of
insurance companies. In this calculation, it can measure the financial performance and
health level of the company and its measurement using financial ratios. In this study, the
Early Warning System uses the claim expense ratio indicator. The Claims Expense Ratio is
a ratio that shows how capable a company is of generating profits by taking into account the
claims incurred by the company. The smaller this ratio, the better the company's financial
health. The claim expense ratio formula is based on PSAK No. 28:
𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑖𝑚𝑠 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑒 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 =
𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑖𝑚 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑒
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑜𝑛
𝑥 100%
In this study, the claim expense ratio is used as an indicator in measuring the Early
Warning System because the claim expense is one of the largest aspects of the insurance
company's operating costs so it provides an overview of the company in managing risk, a
sharp increase in claim expenses can be a potential sign of problems in the insurance
portfolio, and uncontrolled claim expenses can threaten the liquidity and solvency of
insurance companies.
b. Risk-based capital
Risk-based capital is the minimum amount of solvency level set, which is the number
of funds needed to cover the risk of losses that may arise as a result of changes in the
management of assets and liabilities. Based on POJK Regulation Number 5 of 2023
concerning the Second Amendment to POJK Number 71/Pojk.05/2016, to calculate risk-
based capital, the following formula is used:
𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘 𝐵𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 =
𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 𝐿𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘 𝐵𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙
𝑥 100%
Descriptive Statistical Analysis
Descriptive statistical analysis is used to determine the description of the variables that
will be sampled. The results of descriptive statistical calculations that have been processed
using SPSS Version 27 are as follows:
Table 1
Results of Descriptive Statistical Analysis of Early Warning System
Before the
Early Warning
During the
Early Warning
Source: SPSS output (2024)
Based on the results of descriptive analysis, describing the total data used in this study,
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
Analysis Of The Financial Performance Of Insurance Companies
Before And During The Covid-19 Pandemic Based On Early
Warning System And Risk-Based Capital
namely 54 before and 54 during the pandemic obtained from the financial statements of
insurance companies for the period 2017-2022. The Early Warning System value before and
during the pandemic has a standard deviation value lower than the mean value. This shows that
the variable is homogeneous, which means that the data contained in the variable has low
variation. The Early Warning System in this study uses the claim expense ratio indicator, so
that the smaller the Early Warning System value, the better the company's financial
performance, especially in terms of managing claims risk and potential profitability.
Early Warning System data before the pandemic, namely the lowest Early Warning
System value of 0.25 at PT Bintang Tbk 2017, the company earned an operating profit of
Rp17.85 Billion which is equivalent to 4.53% of total premium production. This is due to an
increase in underwriting results and an increase in premium production of Rp393.7 billion,
which is equivalent to 87.49% of the target. The largest Early Warning System value before
the pandemic was 2.22 at PT Harta Aman Pratama Tbk in 2019, the company experienced a
net loss of Rp115.5 Billion, one of the biggest contributors to the net loss was due to the
correction of bad debt write-offs worth Rp36 Billion and the company had a high claim
Early Warning System data during the pandemic, namely the lowest Early Warning
System value of 0.34 at MSIG Life Insurance in 2021. The company recorded a decrease in
profit of IDR257 billion compared to 2020. This was due to an increase of IDR200 billion in
claims from death claims and health claims due to Covid-19 and due to unrealized losses on
changes in “Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income”. The highest value of the Early
Warning System during the pandemic of 2.69 was in PT Harta Aman Pratama Tbk in 2022.
The company booked a net loss of Rp7.05 Billion. The largest expense for the net loss booked
came from an increase in health insurance claims due to the COVID-19 pandemic and as a
result of a decrease in underwriting results.
Table 2
Results of Descriptive Statistical Analysis of Risk-Based Capital
Before the
During the
Source: SPSS output (2024)
Based on the results of descriptive analysis, describing the total data used in this study,
namely 54 before and 54 during the pandemic obtained from the financial statements of
insurance companies for the period 2017-2022. The Risk-Based Capital value before and
during the pandemic has a standard deviation value lower than the mean value. This shows that
the variable is homogeneous, which means that the data contained in the variable has low
Risk Based Capital data before the pandemic, namely the lowest value of Risk Based
Analysis Of The Financial Performance Of Insurance
Companies Before And During The Covid-19 Pandemic Based
On Early Warning System And Risk-Based Capital
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
Capital of 128% at PT Harta Aman Pratama Tbk in 2019. Risk Based Capital in 2019 decreased
by 32% from the previous year. This occurred due to an increase in the number of liabilities by
18% resulting in a decrease in the level of solvency. The highest value of Risk-Based Capital
before the pandemic was 1,649% at the company PT Panin Financial in 2019. This value was
57% higher than the business plan. This was mainly due to lower Premium reserves of Rp600
Billion or 14.2%, which affected the calculation of Minimum Risk-Based Capital.
Risk-based capital data during the pandemic, namely the lowest value during the Covid-
19 pandemic was 139% at the company PT Bintang Tbk in 2020. In 2020 there was an increase
in Risk Based Capital compared to the previous year. The increase occurred because there was
an increase in allowable assets and liabilities. The highest Risk-Based Capital value during the
pandemic was 2,527% at PT MSIG Life Insurance in 2022. This value has increased 61%
compared to the previous year, the high Risk-Based Capital value occurs due to a high increase
in assets, a decrease in liabilities, and good risk management so that the risk value is low.
Data Normality Analysis
In this study, to detection of data normality, can be done with the Shapiro-Wilk test
because it has a sample size of less than 50. The results of the Shapiro-Wilk Test are as follows:
Table 3
Results of Data Normality Analysis
Early Warning System
Risk-Based Capital
Before the
During the
Before the
During the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)
Source: SPSS output (2024)
Based on the results obtained, the significance value is lower than 0.05 or it can be
interpreted that the residual value of the Early Warning System and Risk Based Capital before
and during the Covid-19 pandemic is not normally distributed. thus, the hypothesis test used is
the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test.
Uji Hipotesis
Berikut adalah hasil uji hipotesis Early Warning System dan Risk based Capital
mengunkan Wilcoxon Signes Ranks dengan menggunakan software SPSS Versi 27:
Table 4
Wilcoxon Signes Ranks Results
Asymp. Sig
H1: Early Warning System
Significant Improvement
H2: Risk-Based Capital
No Significant Decline
Source: SPSS output (2024)
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
Analysis Of The Financial Performance Of Insurance Companies
Before And During The Covid-19 Pandemic Based On Early
Warning System And Risk-Based Capital
The results of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test on the Early Warning System showed a
significant value of 0.004 or (0.004 < 0.05), meaning that there was a significant increase in
the value of the Early Warning System during the pandemic compared to before the Covid-19
pandemic. Therefore, the hypothesis is supported.
The results of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test on Risk-Based Capital show a significant
value of 0.395 or (0.395 > 0.05), meaning that there is no significant decrease in the value of
Risk-Based Capital during the pandemic compared to before the Covid-19 pandemic.
Therefore, the hypothesis is not supported.
Early Warning System Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic
The results of the Wilcoxon signed rank test show that there is a significant increase in
the value of the Early Warning System during the pandemic compared to before the Covid-19
pandemic or the financial performance of insurance companies has decreased significantly with
a significant value smaller than 0.05, namely 0.004. The results of this study are in line with
the research proposed by (Zahra et al., 2023) and (Pratiwi & Agustina, 2022) which states that
there is a significant difference in the form of an increase in the significant value of the Early
Warning System during a pandemic compared to before Covid-19.
The increase in the value of the Early Warning System during the pandemic is in line
with the background of the problem of this study, namely the number of insurance companies
that have received special supervision from the Financial Services Authority due to the
company's inability to fulfill its obligations to policyholders. This indicates that only by using
the claim expense ratio indicator as an Early Warning System, companies can detect potential
financial problems in facing the COVID-19 pandemic.
The increase in the value of the Early Warning System during the pandemic occurred due
to an increase in the burden of health claims and a decrease in people's purchasing power as
well as a result of the Financial Services Authority's policy regarding the determination of asset
quality in the form of financing and financing restructuring which caused a decrease in the
company's premium income.
Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 14/POJK.05/2020 concerning
countercyclical policies related to determining asset quality in the form of financing and
financing restructuring in insurance companies can have a direct impact on premium income
and claim expenses, depending on the effectiveness of performance measures and the financial
condition of debtors or policyholders. Financing restructuring can help debtors improve their
financial situation, thereby minimizing the risk of debtor bad debts, and can reduce claim
expenses and increase company premium income.
A significant increase in the value of the Early Warning System in insurance companies
listed on the Indonesian stock exchange from 90.11 to 105.74. Based on signal theory, it can
be considered a negative signal to the market and policyholders regarding the company's ability
to overcome problems. Judging from the average value of the Early Warning System with the
claim expense ratio indicator which is above the reasonable limit or is above 100%. This
reflects the company's poor ability to manage claim expenses through premium income and
risk management.
Analysis Of The Financial Performance Of Insurance
Companies Before And During The Covid-19 Pandemic Based
On Early Warning System And Risk-Based Capital
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
In addition to the many companies that experienced a decline in performance due to the
Covid-19 pandemic, some companies experienced an increase in performance such as PT
MSIG Life Insurance Tbk, Lippo General Insurance Tbk, Panin Financial Tbk, Panivest Tbk,
and others. This is due to an increase in premium income. Premium income can increase
because the company has a business continuity plan that focuses on digital technology
innovation in both product development and customer experience.
Risk-Based Capital Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Risk-Based Capital has increased, which has an average value before the pandemic of
493.07 and during the pandemic of 596.31. The results of the Wilcoxon signed rank test
hypothesis test obtained showed that there was no significant decrease in Risk-Based Capital
during the pandemic compared to before the Covid-19 pandemic in insurance companies listed
on the Indonesia stock exchange with a significant value greater than 0.05 or (0.395> 0.05).
The results of this study are in line with the research (Prawesti, 2022) which states that there is
no significant average difference in Risk-Based Capital value before and during the pandemic.
In the research (Hida & Baskoro, 2022) which states that the financial performance of insurance
companies based on Risk-Based Capital is in a healthy condition and has increased during the
Based on the results of data processing and descriptive statistical calculations, Risk-
Based Capital before COVID-19 has an average value of 493%. This shows that insurance
companies before the pandemic had a good and controlled financial performance. The average
value of Risk-Based Capital during a pandemic is 596%, which means an increase compared
to the period before the pandemic. This happened because the company experienced an increase
in assets allowed during the pandemic so that it could reduce the increase in risk related to the
pandemic. The increase in assets occurred due to the Financial Services Authority regulation
number 14/POJK.05/2020 concerning countercyclical policies regarding countercyclical
policies related to the calculation of the solvency level of insurance companies. Where the
valuation of assets allowed in the form of investments in the form of corporate bonds, sukuk,
government-issued securities, and government-issued sharia securities can be valued based on
amortized acquisition value. In addition, restrictions on assets allowed in the form of non-
investment in the form of premium bills or tabarru' contribution bills and direct closing fees
(for sharia insurance companies) which were previously based on the age of the bill 2 months
to 4 months and the value of assets arising from finance lease contracts is calculated as part of
the assets allowed in the form of non-investment, namely at most the value of liabilities arising
from finance lease contracts. This policy is valid until December 31, 2020, which causes the
increase in Risk-Based Capital value at the beginning of the pandemic year and in the following
year, it decreases again.
In this study, the value of Risk-Based Capital is influenced by an increase and/or decrease
in the value of allowable assets and the value of liabilities. This is in line with the findings
(Manggarini, 2023) which show that the components of the solvency level, namely the total
assets and total liabilities variables, are proven to have the greatest influence on the calculation
of the Risk-Based Capital ratio both partially and simultaneously.
In terms of permitted assets, investment management must have information disclosure
regarding investment results and market analysis carried out to minimize the impact of financial
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
Analysis Of The Financial Performance Of Insurance Companies
Before And During The Covid-19 Pandemic Based On Early
Warning System And Risk-Based Capital
risks that may occur. The company can maintain a good-based Capital value because the
company has a diversified investment portfolio that can help protect the value of assets and
maintain solvency; The company has effective risk management so that it can assess and
manage risks related to the pandemic; The company uses reinsurance so that it can limit the
potential for large losses due to increased claims, and The company is conservatism in the
valuation of assets and liabilities.
Based on signaling theory, the increase in Risk-Based Capital from 493.07 to 535.38
provides a positive signal that the company can adjust to changing conditions during the
pandemic. Companies can manage risks well or even take advantage of unstable market
conditions. Companies that experienced an increase in Risk-Based Capital value during the
pandemic included PT MSIG Life Insurance Tbk, PT Bina Dana Arta Tbk, PT Dayin Mitra
Tbk, and PT Ramayana Tbk. The increase in Risk-Based Capital value during the pandemic
shows that insurance companies can still survive and thrive during economic instability such
as the Covid-19 pandemic.
Comparison of Early Warning System and Risk-Based Capital in Assessing the Financial
Performance of Insurance Companies.
Comparative analysis between the Early Warning System and Risk-Based Capital in
assessing the financial performance of insurance companies is important because they have
different focuses in identifying and measuring financial risks so that they cannot fully replace
each other. The purpose of this analysis is to provide a better understanding of how well both
function in identifying and managing the financial risks of insurance companies.
In seeing the level of accuracy of the Early Warning System and Risk Based Capital, can
be seen based on the standard error value. Standard error is a measure of uncertainty in
statistical estimation that measures how close the sample average is to the population average.
The lower the standard error, the more accurate the estimate of the average population value.
Based on the company's performance from 2017 to 2022, the standard error value is obtained
as follows:
Table 5
Financial Performance During 2017-2022
Std. Error
Early Warning System
Risk-Based Capital
Source: SPSS Output (2024)
In terms of standard error, the Early Warning System has a much lower standard error of
4.18 compared to the Risk-Based Capital of 46.79. This shows that the Early Warning System's
average estimate is more stable and closer to the true value than Risk-Based Capital. Therefore,
it can be concluded that the Early Warning System has a better level of accuracy than Risk-
Based Capital because it has a lower standard error and a smaller mean difference.
This is in line with the research (Abdurahim & Setiawan, 2021) which shows that the
Early Warning System method has a smaller error than the Risk-Based Capital method. This
means that the Early Warning System method is more accurate than the Risk-Based Capital
Analysis Of The Financial Performance Of Insurance
Companies Before And During The Covid-19 Pandemic Based
On Early Warning System And Risk-Based Capital
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
method in measuring the company's financial performance. Although the Early Warning
System is considered more accurate than Risk-Based Capital in assessing the company's
financial performance. However, in decision making, it is important to consider these two
approaches together, to provide a more precise assessment of the financial performance of the
insurance company.
The conclusion that can be drawn from this research is that there has been a significant
increase in Early Warning Systems during the pandemic compared to before the COVID-19
pandemic in insurance companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This is due to an
increase in claim expenses and a decrease in premiums due to the impact of the Covid-19
pandemic. There has been no significant decrease in Risk-Based Capital during the COVID-
19 pandemic in insurance companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The Risk-Based
Capital value is in a good category because it is above the minimum value of insurance
company performance health indicators set by the financial services authority, An Early
Warning System is considered more accurate than Risk-Based Capital in assessing the financial
performance of insurance companies. However, in decision making, it is important to consider
these two approaches together, to provide a more precise assessment of the financial
performance of insurance companies.
Abdurahim, A., & Setiawan, R. (2021). Comparison of the Accuracy of the Risk-Based Capital
and Early Warning System Method in Assessing the Financial Performance of Sharia Life
Insurance. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sustainable Innovation
2020-Accounting and Management (ICoSIAMS 2020), 201, 191198.
Antoni, S. (2021). Analisis Komparatif Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Asuransi Syariah
Menggunakan Rasio Early Warning System Sebelum dan Selama Pandemi Covid-19
(Studi Pada Perusahaan Asuransi Jiwa Syariah di Indonesia). Jurnal Akuntansi
Unihas:Jaz, 4(2), 243252.
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